Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR What Do You Do with Your Little Finger? —when you pick up a glass or cup? . . . You know from •watching others that charm and poise can be destroyed instantly by the misuse of hands. And by the same token, the correct use of your hands can become a tremendous social and business asset. Great actresses accomplish much of their poise by proper hand action. The makers of Frostilla— the famous skin lotion that keeps hands, face and body smooth and lovely— asked Margery Wilson, the international authority on chatm and poise, to tell • how to hold a cigarette • how to pick up cards • how to shake hands • and how to make hands behave to the best advantage on all occasions Margery Wilson gives the authoritative answers to these and other questions in an illustrated booklet on How to Use Your Hands Correctly. Although this booklet is priced at 50c, we have arranged to present it without charge to Frostilla users in the United States and Canada until May 30th, 1937. Just mail coupon with the front of a 35O0c or $1.00 Frostilla Fragrant Lotion box (or two fronts from 10c sizes) and your copy will be sent FREE. "FROSTILLA" 409 Gray Street, Elmira, N.Y. Here is the box front— send me my copy of Margery Wilson's book on hands. Name. Address.. City.. ..State.. LIGHTEN YOUR HAIR WITHOUT PEROXIDE to ANY Shade you desire SAFELY in 5 to 15 minutes Careful, fastidious women avoid the use of peroxide because peroxide makes hair brittle. Lechler's Instantaneous Hair Lightener requires NO peroxide. Used as a paste it not streak. Eliminates "straw" look. Beneficial to permanent waves and bleached hair. Lightens blonde hair grown dark. This is the only preparation that also lightene the scalp. No more dark roots. Used over 20 yearB by famous beauties, atase and screen stars and children. Harmless. Guar anteed. Mailed complete with brush for application FREE 36 page booklet "The Art of Lightening Hair Without Peroxide" Free with your first order . LECHLER LABORATORIES, Inc. 560 Broadway (Dept. A) New York, N. Y. 1 YOU, TOO, CAN EARN $30 A WEEK Nancy E 's story could have been yours! Left with two little children to support . . . not much money to depend upon . . . unable to leave the children to work in shop or office — even if she could have been sure of getting a job I Yet, today Mrs. E — is making $30 a week as a C. S. N. graduate and plans to establish a rest home for convalescents I Those magic letters "C. S. N." are responsible for her suctess. They stand for: CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING This school for 3 7 years has been training men and women, 18 to 60, at home and in their spare time, for the dignified, well-paid profession of nursing. The course is endorsed by physicians. Complete nurse's equipment is included. Lessons clear and concise. Easy Tuition Payments. Be one of the hundreds of men and women earning $25 to $35 a week as trained practical nurses. High school education not required. Best of all, you can earn while learning! Mrs. A. B. R. earned three times the cost of the course while studying. Doctors say C. S. N. graduates make their best practical nurses. Send coupon today and learn how you can become self-supporting as a nurse. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 1811, 100 E. Ohio Street, Chicago, III. Please send free booklet and 32 sample lesson pages. JVame_ City That Irresistible Mr. Astaire {Continued from page 33) of phonograph records — the music from "Top Hat," "Follow the Fleet," and the new "Swing Time." This summer, before the last picture was finished, he was commuting between New York and Hollywood, arranging the scores for the recordings and trying to take some of the routine work in connection with the coming Packard program off Fred's shoulders. It was just after the recordings and the picture had both been completed that I talked to him at his office in New York. Fred had just sailed for a brief European vacation, and Johnny was supposed to be vacationing too. "It's enough vacation just not to have to think about a piano or a piece of music that has to be arranged," he grinned when I apologized for keeping him in his office on a broiling hot day. Moreover, as I very soon realized, it's fun for him to talk about Fred. I CAN show you best what sort of person Fred is by telling you about the job we just finished," he began. "We've made two sets of records before, but we never had the hectic time we did last week. On the RKO lot they were rushing to finish 'Swing Time' by the end of the week, so Fred could get away, and we had to fit in the time at the recording studio when we could. We got half the records finished, but the other half had to be done all at once, in one night, so the master recording could be ready in time for Fred to okay it before he left. "Fred couldn't get away from the lot until eight, and he was dead tired, but he dug right in and started to rehearse. We got the easiest records out of the way, and came to the last and toughest, the 'Waltz in Swing Time.' There was one tricky section Fred couldn't get right. He tried and tried, getting madder at himself all the time. I kept telling him, 'Fred, I can fix that in five minutes, just by changing the arrangement!' but he wouldn't let me. He was just mad enough at himself to be stubborn about it. "Well, finally he thought he had it right, and we got the waltz down on wax and dragged ourselves home. The master records were ready Saturday, the last day of shooting on the set, and after I'd okayed them I took them around for Fred to hear. Ordinarily he wouldn't have wanted to play the records there in the studio, where everybody could hear them, but there wasn't much time, so that's what we did— stopped shooting and put on the records, with the whole studio crew standing by to listen. "The first ones were swell— perfectbetter even than we'd hoped for. Everybody broke into spontaneous applause after the 'Bojangles of Harlem' number, and Fred was awfully pleased. Then we came to the swing waltz. Nobody clapped when it was finished. Fred picked up the record and looked at my initials on it. " 'Did you okay this?' he asked me, as if he thought there must be some mistake. "I began to feel a little bit ashamed of myself. I knew the record wasn't good for Astaire, but I'd okayed it because — well, after all, we'd turned out four swell Astaire records, and even if this wasn't quite as good as the rest, it would have been a good piece of work if anybody else had done it. Fred didn't have time to have another try at it. And I'll admit I was willing to compromise with my conscience in order to give the phonograph company another record to sell. "Not Fred, though. It wasn't good, and Announcing a Series of Radio Discussions of National Questions by BERNARR MACFADDEN HUMANITARIAN— PUBLICIST PHILANTHROPIST Until further notice, Bernarr Macfadden, humanitarian, publicist and philanthropist, will discuss a topic of national interest every Tuesday evening at 10 o'clock E.D.T. in a fifteen minute broadcast over the stations of the Mutual Broadcasting Company. Arranged by and conducted under the auspices of Liberty Weekly, this series of discussions will have a strong appeal to every person who is interested in national affairs. You are cordially invited to tune in on this interesting and informative feature. Every Tuesday at 10 P. M. E.D.T. Stations WLW WOR WGN CKLW LEARN SAXOPHONE [AN EASY WAY Save months of hard work and costly lessons! Learn to play with a "professional style". A new method of self instruction brings you the "secrets" of a celebrated radio soloist. Every lesson shows you "tricks" your teacher would use. For further information write to: MICKEY GILLETTE SAXOPHONE SCHOOL 26 O'FarreN St. San Francisco, Calif. »;,» FREE CIGARETTE EARN UP TO $95 WEEKLY introducing NEW WAY TO SMOKE. We furnish you Free Cigarettes. Ask any man to have a Free Smoke. Hand him LIGHTED Cigarette from beautiful pocket-size "Magic Case". Just touch button. Presto! Out comes LIGHTED Cigarette automatically. No batteries or electricity. Get Magic Case for 15 days' trial at our risk. State favorite brand cigarettes. MAGIC CASE MFRS.. Dept. S-4661 4234 Cozens Ave. St. Louis, Mo. START EARNING IN b DAYS "Made S16.50 and have finished only 3 lessons" . says Mrs. Ellen V. Bailey of Pennsylvania. Decorate giftwares. We supply everything and teach you how. Easy, fascinating work — full or spare time. A big income possible every month. No selling experience needed. 50,000 members of Fireside Craft Guild make money right at home. Write todav for new membership plan. It ib FREE. Send no money FIRESIDE INDUSTRIES, Dept. 34-S, Adrian, Mich. don't WORRY Why put up with years of needless discomfort and worry? Try a Brooks Automatic Air Cushion. This marvelous appliance permits the opening to close, yet holds reducible rupture securely, comfortably — day and night. Thousands report amazing results. Light, neat-fitting. No hard pads, metal girdle or parts to chafe or gouge. Patented in U. S. and 13 foreign countries. Try one 10 DAYS WITHOUT A PENNY'S RISK. You'll be delighted. Free Book on Rupture and convincing facts mailed postpaid in plain envelope. Address Brooks Company, 182H State St., Marshall, Mich. ABOUT RUPTURE] 102