Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR SM HEATING COMFORT FOR ONLY USE NEW RADIANT ANYWHERE IN HOUSE... CLEAN, QUICK HEAT AT A FINGER TOUCH! Nothing like it! Amazing, new Radiant heater gives many hours of sunlike, healthy heat from few pints of cheap liquid fuel. Finger-touch heat regulation. Instant operation. Heats every corner of a big room even in zero weather ! REPLACES STOVES...COST LESS TO USE! Why fuss with dirty stoves, coal or wood, tangling cord or tube beaters when this beautiful Radiant gives you more heats for less money,! needs no bulky fuel, % leaves no dirt or ashes, is portable, and can be used anywhere. 30-DAY HOME TRIAL IF YOU ACT NOW! On our special introductory offer, you can get the new Radiant for 30 days, to know why thousands of owners praise its remarkable heatin? efficiency and economy. The special low price amazes all I Write. TODAY for foil details! AfiFNTQI A great money-maker, fall or spare time, with "^"■^ ■ ^ ■ everything supplied. But you must write at once I AKRON LAMP & MFG. CO., 771 HIGH ST., AKRON, 0. BURNS 96% AIR ONLY 4% FUEL! :'<s'°. Also BARGAIN extra5™G1VEN 2 BUNDLES + .PST6 5 YARDS EXTRA "Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Voiles, | Chambrays, Shirtings, Crepes, etc. clean goods direct from us at a big g. Latest assorted Colors. Newest ^patterns for dresses. Our finest quality. (SEND NO MONEY ^Tre™"! ^delivery charge, 20 yard bundle $1.29 ' postage paid, money with order. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. /EASTERN TEXTILE COMPANY LDept. V-40, Greenfield, Mass. Me* GRAY HAIR REMEDY iSi MADEATHOME VOU can now make at home a ■*■ better gray hair remedy than you can buy, by following: this simple recipe : To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, I a small box of Barbo Compound and one-fourth ounce of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it yourself at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. Barbo imparts color to streaked, faded, or gray hair, makes it soft and glossy and takes years off your looks. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. HAPPY RELIEF FROM PAINFUL BACKACHE Caused by Tired Kidneys Many of those gnawing, nagging, painful backaches people blame on colds or strains are often caused by tired kidneys — and may be relieved when treated in the right way. The kidneys are one of Nature's chief ways of taking acids and wastes out of the blood. A healthy person should pass about 3 pints a day and so get rid of more than 3 pounds of waste matter. If the 15 miles of kidney tubes and niters don't work well, this waste stays in the body and may become poisonous. It may start nagging backaches, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Don't let it lay you up. Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills — used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help to flush out the 15 miles of kidney tubes. Get Doan's Pills. he wouldn't let it go out. 1 think you'd better record it again,' he said, 'and leave me out. Just the orchestra and a piano solo.' So that's what we did, and that's why the record of 'Waltz in Swing Time' hasn't any Astaire taps in it." Johnny leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head. "That's the way he is, though," he went on. "He's so conscientious that he won't be satisfied with anything less than the best he can do. You'd expect camera crews and other people on the job to get exasperated at him when he rehearses for hours to get a step just right, but they don't because at the right minute he always wise-cracks or clowns in a way that proves he knows how he's holding thingsup, and is laughing at himself for doing it. FRED'S whole-hearted about everything he does. A lot has been written about how seriously he takes himself, and it's true, he does; but he isn't solemn about it. When he's workjng, he works hard, and when he plays, he plays hard. He doesn't go out much, to premieres and night clubs, because he hates crowds, but at a party there isn't anybody who can clown more, or have a better time than Fred. "He's the friend of everybody on the set or in the studio. You'll find him talking to a script boy as often as to a celebrity, because he likes almost everybody who knows how to talk intelligently. He hasn't any patience at all with inability, but he'll listen with interest to anyone who knows what he's talking about. "Fred's own standards of work are high, as that business of the records proved, but his method of getting high standards from others never hurts. For instance, I'm sure he respects my work, but he knows that for practical reasons I'm apt to try to 'get by' sometimes with something that isn't quite as good as it could be, but which no one but a musician would notice. So he mimics me. He'll sit down at a piano and play for a minute, then hit a sour note — not a very obvious or important one — and then squint his eyes around to see if anybody noticed, ready to try to laugh it off, just as I do when 1 make a slight mistake. Then he'll cover his mouth with his hand and laugh as if he'd put me in a very embarrassing spot. But he's such a natural comedian that the criticism doesn't hurt. "He's consistent in everything he does, in his work and in his private life. Every dance step has to follow naturally on the one before it — he won't do a flashy routine just to show off, but if the little story each of his dances tells needs a flashy routine, he'll work his head off — and his feet too — to supply one. He's — " and once again there was no mistaking the deepness of the admiration in Johnny's voice — "he's one if the finest gentlemen I know." And that would be a good place to end this story, except that so far 1 haven't explained why with all his talents, Fred can't be master of ceremonies on his own program. Johnny wouldn't have dreamed of telling me this; it's a backstage radio inside-story. Fred can't ballyhoo. If he admires someone's work, he can praise it enthusiastically — but if it should happen that the show scheduled a guest star Fred personally didn't think was so colossal, his introduction of that star might not be as enthusiastic as it should. Not through any malice on Fred's part, but just because he couldn't conscientiously praise the star to the listening audience. He'd try — but you, listening in, would know something was wrong. And so, if any formal masterof-ceremonying is done, someone besides Fred will do it. Sounds idealistic, doesn't it? As a matter of fact, it is — and it's true besides. 0*4 MIDWEST gum Ho* PUSH BUTTOn TUniHG //xELECTR IK SAVER TUBES 5 UlflVE BARDS.. 1,9^2200 mETERS 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL! \ A EVERYWHERE, radio enthusiasts are praising this amazingly beautiful, bigger, better, more powerful, super selective 16-tube 5-band radio. Outperforms $200 sets on point for point comparison. Before you decide, write for FREE 40-page 1937 catalog. Learn how you can save 50% by buying direct from the factory. Why pay more? 74 ADVANCED FEATURES Scores of marvelous features explain Midwest super performance and assure thrilling world-wide all-wave performance. You can switch instantly from American programs ... to Canadian, police, amateur, commercial, airplane and ship broadcasts ... to world's finest foreign programs. Powerful Triple-Twin tubes (two tubes in one!) — give 20-tube results. Exclusive Electri/c-Saver cuts radio wattage consumption 50%. .. results in Midwest radios using no more current than ordinary 7-tube sets.. .enables them to operate on volume as low as 80 volts. Push Button Finger Tip Tuning is made possible with the Midwest automatic push button tuning system . . . doubling your radio enjoyment. SAVEUP CQG7 DIRECT FROM TO %J\J70 FACTO R Y No middlemen's profits to pay — you buy at wholesale price direct from factory — saving 30% to 50%. As little as 10c a day ■pays for your Midwest . . . and you can try it out in your own home on 30 days Feeb trial. You are triply protected withrff? Foreign Reception Guarantee, / One -Year Warranty and Money > Back Guarantee. |\}MAiL COUPON TODAYS ' 1/iee 30 ■ DAY TRIAL OFFER * it 40-PAGE F0UR-C0L0R7^ CATALOG MIDWEST RADIO CORPORATION Dept. E-Sl. 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