Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR $x*nnyBabyf HIS OLIVE OIL POWDER KEEPS HIM HAPPY! YOUR baby will delight in the extra comfort you can give him, Mother, with Z. B.T. Baby Powder. For his delicate skin will respond to the olive oil in Z. B. T. which makes it cling longer and resist moisture better. Its superior smoothness (what the doctors call "slip") prevents chafing in the creases. Free from zinc in any form, Z.B.T. is approved by Good Housekeeping and your baby. Large 25<f and 50tf sizes. FREETRaEoAoT»>CsRINGS 4.a SAFE,^4ol^ easiest to clean. Ask^ Make Beauty Cream at Home JB Using my secret formula, you can make finest all-purpose complexion cream at home for a fraction of its cost in stores. Send coupon for details — no obligation. CAROL RANDOLPH SALON, Suite M, 1203 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C. Name. . . Address . City .State. NO DRUGS -NO EXERCISES An amazing patented device and method called ROLLETTE developed in Rochester, Minnesota now makes it possible for you to rid yourself of unsightly pounds of fat and improve your figure. With it you can take off fat quickly without dangerous drugs or exercise. No strenuous dieting needed . You eat plentifully of tasty foods as outlined in method. Leaves the flesh firm and gives a natural healthy glow to the skin. It makes you feel vigorous. FREE TRIAL OFFER! We absolutely guarantee that if within five days the Rollette method does not convince you it will take off your ugly fat the trial will cost you nothing. Send name, address for free trial offer. ROLLETTE COMPANY 11 E.Huron St., Dept. 701, Chicago 104 picture in care of Amateur Theater, Street, New York What Do You Want to Know? (Continued from page 56) hobby, amateur dramatics. He's unmarried. Ross W., Dallas, Texas — For a picture of Dolly Dawn, you'll have to write and ask her. Address Dolly in care of the Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madison Avenue, New York. Dolly is nineteen years old and comes from New Jersey. She has black hair and black eyes. M. E. B., Middletown, New York — George Burns' original name was George Birnbaum. It isn't likely that Glen Gray will play for the Camel Caravan this fall. Right now we do not know of his definite plans, but if you'll watch Radio Mirror's Facing the Music department, you'll learn of his whereabouts. Betty F., Fairpot, N. Y. — Major Bowes is a widower and has no children. Write and ask him for his the Major Bowes Broadway and 53rd City. H. M. Z., Kerrmoor, Pa. — Sorry, but you'll have to write to your local station for information on Charles W. Hamp. He's not listed on any of the networks. Constance Q., New York, N. Y. — Right now, Loretta Lee is not married, but she may be by the time you read this. Loretta was born in New Orleans on June 14, 1914. Her father is a judge. She's five feet-two inches tall, weighs 110 pounds, has red hair and blue eyes. Becky W., Philadelphia, Pa.— Only a short time ago we spoke about Walter Cassel. However, since you have only recently joined Radio Mirror's ranks, the Oracle will once again do the honors. Walter has been heard on the Show Boat broadcasts over the NBC network. He has his own sustaining spot on WJZ and I understand that he's now negotiating for a commercial to start in the near future. Walter is a Westerner — from Omaha, Nebraska, to be exact. He's married and has two lovely children. Rose P., Sharon, Pa. — You can address Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians at 1697 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Ann B., West Norwood, N. J. — Yes, Lanny Ross is married — just about a year. His wife is Olive White who still manages his professional life. Lanny has only one brother. Address him in care of the National Broadcasting Company, Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Ray Heatherton and Jimmy Farrell fans, attention! If you want to become members of the clubs of these two radio stars, get in touch with Bessie Shreiar, 45 Barclay Street, Worcester, Mass. Miss Lillian B., Rochester, New York — We do not disclose the personal addresses of the radio stars but if you address Jackie Heller in care of the National Broadcasting Company, 222 North Bank Drive, Chicago, 111., he will be sure to receive your letter. P. Joan C, Phila., Pa. — If you've re%d the beginning of this column, you then know all about Al Bowlly. Grace Moore is in her thirties and we're sorry we can't reveal her radio and opera salaries — but it's plenty. Mary Ann D., Van Dyke, Michigan — Write to the National Broadcasting Company, Rockefeller Plaza, New York, and tell them just what stars' photographs of Show Boat you want. I'm almost sure they will take care of you. Genia M., Chester, Pa. — See Becky W's answer on Walter Cassel. POSSESSES APPEARANCE OF A ADDS 3 INCHES TO CHEST MEASUREMENT-OR COSTS NOTHING! No matter how flat your chest may be , you can now transform, its appearance into feminine, full curvesome lines! EVERY GIRL, can now do it . . . easily, instantly t No Drugs,Creams or Exercises > Merelyslip myFormettes in position under your regular brassiere and look into your mirror. You'll be thrilled to see the lovely, womanly curves and smart lines your dresses acquire. FORMETTES are scientifically designed to give perfect naturalness and comfort. Made of a special substance that feels and looks just like realjlesh. So natural your closest girl friends will not detect them. If you want to Try Formettes for ONE WEEK without obligation, note the transformation — see what a wonderful difference youthful, alluring chest curves make in your whole appearance. CFlin MA MOMPV Just your name and address and dCnU I1U mUntl wewill mail you a set of FORMETTES C. O. D. for only $1.87, plus a few cents postage. Try them for one full week, then if not satisfied your money will be cheerfully refunded. Send today to Dorothy Page, FORMETTES CO., HE. Huron St., Dept. 200, Chicago Splendid opportunities. Prepare in Bpare time. Eaay plan. No previous experience needed, common Bchool education sufficient. Send for free booklet ' 'Opportunities in Photography", particulars and requirements. American School of Photography Dept. 1388 3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, III. CATARRH and SINUS CHART— FREE Guaranteed Relief or No Pay. Stop hawking — stuffed-up nose — bad breath— Sinus irritation — phlegm-filled throat. Send Post Card or tetter for New Treatment Chart and Money-Back Offer. 40,000 Druggists sell Hall's Catarrh Medicine. 63rd year in business. Write today! F. J. CHENEY & CO., Dept. 2311, TOLEDO, O. Ift* STOPPED IN ONE MINUTE Are you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema rashes, athlete's foot, eruptions, or other skin afflictions? For quick and happy relief, use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. 40 years world-wide success. Its gentle oils soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and stainless — dries fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at any drug store, proves it— or money back. P.D.D. PAsAcJuL&ZZj&vt, Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids Tour body cleans out Acids and poisonous wastes in your blood thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kidney tubes or niters, but beware of cheap, drastic, irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Backache, Circles Under Eyes, Dizziness, Rheumatic Pains, Acidity, Burning, Smarting or Itching, don't take chances. 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Write today to <i-i B. MAX MEHL, 356 Meh! Bldg., FORT WORTH, TEXAS (Largest Rare Coin Establishment in U. S.)