Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR m*\i Honeymoon ' ALL-VEGETABLE CORRECTIVE Makes Them Feel So Alive FOLKS just can't believe what an amazing difference there is in the way they feel after using a natural, all-vegetabie laxative that really cleanses their system the way nature intended. But all around you people, millions of them, know how Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) rids them of draggy headaches, colds, upset stomach, when caused by sluggish bowels. See for yourself. Know what it means to use a purely vegetable laxative. See how gently and naturally it works, leaving you feeling refreshed and alive. Get a box of NRs— 25 tablets only 25 cents at any drugstore. FREE KD TO-NIGHT ^XTOMORROW ALRIGHT Beautiful Six-color 1937 Calendar -Thermometer. Also samples of NR and Turns. Send stamp for packing and i postage to A. H. Lewis Co., Desk 83S-16 St. Louis, Mo. nil/PN LADIES ! 34 pC. COLORED GLASS DINNER SET "■■»«or big cash commission. Send name and address. Beautiful Cherry Blossom design. CHOICE of green or pink glass: 6 plates, 6 tumblers, 6 caps, 6 eaocers, 6 nappies, 1 each, sugar, cream, vegetable and platter. This is only one of nearly a hundred articles featured in our catalog, which we GIVE for selling our famous WHITE CLOVSRINE SALVE for cuts, bums, sores, chaps, etc. to friends at 25c a bos with a beautifully colored Art Picture FREE and rernittingas per new premium plan book. 39th year. WE ARE PAIR AND SQUARE. Start now by sending for one dozen boxes. SEND NO MONEY — We trust you. BE FIRST. WILSON CHEM. CO., Inc. Dept. 6S-A Tyrone, Pa. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8x10 inches or smaller if desired. Same price for full length or bust form, groups, land* scapes, pet animals, etc.. or enlargements of any part of group picture. Safe return of original photo guaranteed. 47 3 for $1.00 SEND NOMONEY^'rS (any size) and within a week you will receive your beautiful enlargement, guaranteed fade less. Pay postman 47c plus postage — or send 49c with order and we pay postage. Big 16x20Inch enlargement sent C. O. D. 7ou plus poetage or send 80c and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. Specify size wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS \04 S. Jefferson St, Dept. 1546-P CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Operates without tubes or batteries Amazing: pocket I radio fits in pocket . or purse. Smaller than a cigarette package! Separates and .receives stations with ' beautifuly clear tone. NO CRYSTALS to adjust r bother with — only one 'ing part — no upkeep. Can -»--■ -"-■■■ "'"" be used by ANYONE ANYWHERE. Directions given for use in hotels, offices, autos, at home while cycling, boating or on trains. Thousands of satisfied owners— many report amazing reception and distance. Takes only a second to connect and tune in. THESE ARE FACTS. Choice of colors: Brown, Black, White, Green, Blue. ABSOLUTELY complete with midget phone, ready to listen. Send only $ 1 .00— pay postman balance or send S2.99 (Cash, M.O., Check) and we will send postpaid. Ideal Gift. GUARANTEED. Order now! State color wanted. Tinytone Radio Co.. Dept. G-1X, Kearney, Neb. NEW KIND OF IRON Super -Speed Amazes Housewives— Pays Agents up to I $15 to $25 astounded by th epeed, efficiency and economy the new Diam Self-Heatin?lron. Better than gaa . or electricity — at M the cost. No wires, no hose, no attachments to bother with. Quick, reKulated, uniform heat. Cuts ironine time in half. Irons bier washing: for only lc. BornB 96% air-only kerosene [coal oil]. Handsome, rustproof, OriKU egnila ashing ICUal Oilj. *..-:.; MIUM finish insures lifelong: service. No. wonder agents like Morris and Wynne have made op to $15 and $25 in one day. HftMP TDIfll Write today for full particulars, 30-day trial nuiflu I nlHL offer, and proof of big money opportunity. AKRON LAMP & MFG. CO., 371 Iron St., Akron, Ohio Learn Homemaking from the Stars (Continued from page 44) thin, narrow, black frame. Or, reversing the process, paste your picture in the middle of your board and then cover the remaining area with suitable material and bind the sides with ordinary black strip frame binding, the same sort of thing your mother called "Passe Partout" when she was a girl, only with a 1936 Hollywood wrinkle. Notice in particular the novel and charming treatment of the fireplace. Nothing could be more appropriate for fireplace decoration than mugs and old cooking utensils. Remember that originally fireplaces were kitchens as well as heating sources. Pewter and copper, either in the original or in faithful reproduction, can be obtained at antique shops and auction sales right here in America, although Dick's came all the way from France. Do you remember the old shaving mug and wonder what has happened to it? Well, you will probably find it proudly displayed on a shelf over Dick Powell's bar. If you can't round up enough shaving mugs for the bar, certainly you can still find some of the quaint old coffee cups — huge affairs they were with "Father" prominently displayed in gilt. Remember them? They're grand and much prized by decorators for home-made bars. And as for the grand array of glassware so necessary for use as well as decorative purposes— sh! don't tell a soul, but out of the ten different styles of glass used in Dick Powell's bar, at least six can be found in lovely reproduction at the old reliable five and ten. Incidentally, if you have a bar — or are going to get one by hook or crook— here is an idea from the Powell refresherie that will appeal to you — and most assuredly to your friends. You've noticed, of course, how grilled sandwiches or even lowly hamburgers make a hit with brass rail patrons? Dick has had installed at the rear of his bar an electric grill on which those delicacies may be quickly and tastefully prepared and served red hot. Without going to anywhere near the expense of installing such a costly affair, you can buy for a proverbial song one of those apartment kitchenette electric stoves, cover the base attractively according to your taste, attach it to a baseboard plug and, as the French say — voila! Baritone Ray Heatherton's heard over CBS on Chesterfield's dance program. TMQS "' ••■".., s m I SAVED $20 by Sending My OLD Rugs, Clothing P^to the OLSON FACTORy Learn how you, too, can have finer rugs and save Half. Mail Coupon or lc Postal for big color book of America's Finest Low Priced Rugs. Describes how we shred, sterilize and reclaim the good materials, merge, bleach, respin, redye and reweave into luxurious New two-sided rugs. ANY SPECIAL SIZE YOU WANT Just phone the Railway Express to call at your door for your material, ^ or ship Freight — our expense. Satis "^^^pt^faction guaranteed, 62nd year. Praise ^ *% from editors, women everywhere. ^^T* \ J •% You risk nothing. Beware agents. \*£2& OLSON RUG CO. ! "^^^ CHICAGO NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO . Mail to 2800 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago, Dept. K-50 ■ Yes, mail FREE, your 66 page, money-saving ■ Book in colors, "Beautiful New Rugs from Old." ■ Name.. Address _ © 1936 Town „ Stale orc FREE Simulated Diamond m gg importedISt To introduce our Beau ' ' ^* tiful Blue-White Rainbow Flash Stones, we will send a 1 Kt. Imported Simulated Diamond, Mounted in Lovely RING as Illustrated, for this ad. and 15c expense. Address: National Jewelry Co., Dept. 3-E Wheeling, W. Va. (2 for 25c Mention your Birth Date, and we will include FREE a White "Luck" Elephant— Imported from the ORIENT. jyptfWE* Price Now Only 10k AFTER 10 Day FREE Trial No Money Down Positively the greatest bargain ever offered. A genuine full sized $100 office model Underwood No. 5 for only §44.90 (cash) or on easy terms. Has up to date improvements including standard 4 row keyboard, backspacer, automatic ribbon reverse, shiftlock key, 2 color ribbon, etc. The perfect all purpose typewriter. Completely rebuilt and FULLY GUARANTEED. Lowest Terms — 10c a Day Fully GUARANTEED Learn Touch Typewriting gompleto (Home Study) ourae of the Famous Van Sant Speed Typewriting System — fully illustrated — easily learned, given during this offer. Money-Back Guarantee Send coupon for 10 day Trial — if. you decide to keep it pay only S3. 00 a month until S49.90 (term price) is paid. Limited offer — act at once. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 231 West Monroe St., Chicago, III., Dept. 1103 Send Underwood No. 5 (F. O. B. Chicago) at once for 10-days' trial. If I am not perfectly satisfied I can return it express collect. If I keep it I will pay $3.00 a month until I have paid $49.90 (term price) in full. Name... Address. .Age. 105