Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Sensational 3331 nTui PortaUg VERY LATEST FEATHERWEIGHT MODEL Now Only lOe a day ON EASY TERMS Send No Money— Free Trial Here at last— is the perfect family portable—the most revolutionary achievement in typewriters. Think of it— a fully complete, FEATHERWEIGHT, streamline model with standard 4-row keyboard, standard paper roller and every essential feature, weighing less than six (6) lbs. Priced at a great saving. Positively a mechanical jewel. Not a toy or incomplete model. The only Real Portable -mechanically perfect and complete in every respect, yet so light a child can carry it with ease. Fits into small brief case or table drawer— only 2 3/8 in. high. Guaranteed to last years. Only by actually seeing and trying this amazing portable can yoa appreciate !ts superiority. Use Special Coupon below without risk. SPECIAL OFFER— ACT AT ONCE! Send for 10-day trial — without obligation to buy — while special introductory low price holds good. See and try for yourself. If you decide to keep it pay only $37.50 cash or 10c a day on easy term plan of $3.00 a month until $39.75 (term price! is paid. FREE Typing Course I INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER CO. Dept.P1103,| ' Franklin and Monroe Sts.. Chicago I Please send the DeLuxc FEATHERWEIGHT Portable F. O. B. 1 . Chicago on 10 days Free Trial. If I decide to keep it I will pay . 1 $37.50 cash or $3.00 a month until $39.75 [term price] is paid. Or, I I if I am not perfectly satisfied I can return it within the 10-day i trial period. Name— . Age— I Town I I I 1 I For quick shipment give references and occupation I • INVENTORS • Small ideas may have large commercial possibilities. Write us for FREE book, "Patent Guide for the Inventor" and "Record of Invention" form. Delays are dangerous in patent matters. Free information on how to proceed. CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN & HYMAN BERMAN l-R Adams Building, Washington, D. C. No Joke To Be Deaf —Every deaf person knows that— Mr. Way made himself hear his watch tick af tec being deaf for twenty-6ve years, with his Artificial Ear Drums. He wore them day and night. They stopped his head noises. They are invisible and comfortable, no wires ' or batteries. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Write for TRUE STORY. Also booklet on Deafness. Artificial Ear Drum I THE WAY COMPANY 719 Hofmann Bids. Detroit, Michigan -^. -^sz=a. -_ ■" jgr^ Send No CJIVen "^^SgSss^^* Money! I AniBC'O />IDIC'SEND NAME AND ADDRESS! LAUIH9 OttelKLS Latest Shape HIGH GRADE 7 Jewel Movement WRIST WATCH with metal bracelet and beautifully designed chrome plated case. Or big cash commission. YOURS for SIMPLY GIVING AWAY FREE big colored pictures with well knownWHITECLOVERINESALVE used for burns, chaps, sores, etc., easily sold to friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and remitting per catalog. SPECIALChoice of 40 other gifts for returning only $3. Our 40th year. Be First, Write today for 12 boxes of White Cloverine Salve, Wilson Chem. Co., Inc., Dept. 6S-H, Tyrone, Pa. OLD BOOKS MAGAZINES • LETTERS * NEWSPAPER WAN* wil«,000.00l^t! Old books (as late as 1927) now gathering dust in your attic, trunks, or basement, may be worth a fortune to you. A single book in your home may bring $IO-$50-$IOO or more in cash! We will pay hundreds and thousands of dollars for certain school books, travel books, story books, poetry, etc. One book may bring you as much as $5,000.00 cash. We want thousands of old books to sell to collectors and libraries. Investigate! Any book you now have may be valuable 1 SEND FOR PRICE LIST NOW Send 10c stamps or coin at once for new list describing many old books that bring high cash prices. You may have what we want! Act now. AMERICAN BOOK MART, Dept. 680 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Mexican Menus from Tim and Irene (Continued from page 10) the day before and use the left over meat for my loaf." Tamale Loaf 1 can corn 1 can tomatoes 1 large onion 2 cups soup stock 2 cups chopped cold meat 1 cup cornmeal 1 cup ripe olives 1 can button mushrooms 1 tablespoon chili powder Salt to taste Mince the onion and sautee in four tablespoons olive oil. Add the soup stock, bring to a boil, then add the other ingredients and simmer for fifteen minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and stir in four well beaten eggs. Transfer to well-greased loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven for forty-five to fifty minutes. Serve with tomato sauce. (Serves twenty.) "You see, with this menu," Irene explained, "practically all of my preparations can be made in the morning. After the chili has been set to simmer and the tamale loaf poured into the pan ready for baking, 1 wash the salad greens and put them into the refrigerator to crisp and make my French dressing. Then in the evening, while the tamale loaf is baking and the French bread warming in the oven with it, I make the salad and coffee. If I have to go out during the day, I first make sure that the chili isn't getting dry, and let it simmer while I'm gone." l^OT all the Ryans' parties are built i-^l around Mexican food. Italian dishes are equally popular, spaghetti with meat sauce being the winner. The sauce is made in the morning, reheated at night while the spaghetti is being cooked. Meat Sauce for Spaghetti 1 small bunch celery, or outer leaves from large bunch 1 large green pepper 2 large onions 1 large clove garlic 2 lbs. lean beef ground with Y\ lb. bacon 1 large can tomatoes 1 can tomato paste Yz lb. fresh mushrooms Chop celery, green pepper and onion fine, and mince the garlic. Sautee celery in four tablespoons olive oil for about five minutes; add the green pepper and sautee for five minutes more, then add the onion and garlic and sautee all together until tender. Add the ground beef and bacon and cook together for half an hour. Dice the mushrooms (they do not need to be peeled) and brown in butter, then add to the cooking mixture with the tomatoes, tomato paste and salt and pepper to taste, and simmer for an hour and a half. The spaghetti should be cooked until tender, but not soft and mushy. For an accompanying salad, serve chicory or the licorice-tasting finocchio with French dressing, and instead of French bread use the round Italian loaves. Irene has some other grand recipes which we haven't space to give here, but which I'll be glad to send you if you will write me — Spanish rice, noodle ring and delicious ice box cookies which can be mixed in advance and baked as required. Just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Mrs. Margaret Simpson, Radio Mirror, 122 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y ., with your request. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go THE liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c at all drug stores. © 1935. c. m. co. LEARN TO PLAY PIANO BY EAR* NOTE READING-NO SCALE PLAYING H you can whistle, iing, or hum a luno — You have TALENT. Let a popular Radio Pianist train your hands to play Piano by Ear. TEN LESSON METHOD sent postpaid for $1.00. or pay U. S. Postman $1.00 plus postage. Nothing more to buy. Satisfaction assured — or your money refunded. Piano Accordion bass charts inctudod Free. Order nowl , Dept. M-15 D^L RIO, TEXAS GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMATIC COMPOUND has brought quick relief to thousands who had suffered for years Asthmatic paroxysms are quickly soothed and relieved by the pleasant smoke vapor of Dr. Guild's Green Mountain Asthmatic Compound. Standard remedy at all druggists. Powder, 25f< and $1. Cigarettes, 50( for 24. Write for FREE package of cigarettes and powder. The J. H. Guild Co., Dept. EE21. Rupert, Vt. $1194.00 of insurance at age 21; $813.00 at 35. Other ages in proportion in this Old Line Legal ReserveCompany that sells without agents and gives the saving to its policy holders. Postal has paid out$43, 000,000. in 31 successful years. It has millions in assets and reserves. Just write a card today with your name, address and exact date of birth and you will get full details and rates for your age by return mail. Insur Iance is vital! Act promptly while rates are low. Postal Life Insurance Company Dept.RD-153, 511 Fifth Ave.,NewYork SALARY TO START $90 to $175 MONTHLY MEN.. WOMEN A?e Ratine ( ) Railway Mail Clerk < ) POSTMASTER , )P. O. Laborer ( )R. F.D. Carrier ( ) Special Agent ( j Customs Inspector ( ) City Mail Carrier ( ) P.O. Clerk ( ) Stock Clerk ( ) Spec. Investigator ( ) Typist INSTRUCTION SERUICE, Dept. 31 5-A, St. Louis, Mo. Send me FREE particulars "How to Qualify for <,.,',-f,-nm(:.,( i'<. -in, ,n.V m.nke.l "X", S'il , ,11.". ! o <_-.■. tiona. opportunities, etc. ALL SENT * K,h.&, ( ) Elevator Conductor ( ) Auditor < ) Stenographer ( )U. S. Border Patrol ( ) Telephone Opr. < ) Watchman ( ) Meat Inspector { ( Secret Service Opr. ( ) File Clerk 106