Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Relieve COUGHS quicker by "MoistThroat" Method Get your throat's moisture glands back to work and "soothe'your cough away THE usual cause { of a cough is the drying or clogging of moisture glands in your throat and windpipe. When this happens, heavy phlegm collects, irritates. Then you cough. The quick and safe way to relief is by letting Pertussin stimulate those glands to pour out their natural moisture. Sticky phlegm loosens, is easily raised. You have relief! Get after that cough today— with Pertussin. Over 1,000,000 prescriptions for Pertussin were filled in one year. This estimate is based on a Prescription Ingredient Survey issued by American Pharmaceutical Assn. PERTUSSIN \ "MOIST-THROAT" METHOD OF COUGH RELIEF FREE TRIAL BOTTLE Seeck& Kade, Inc.. 440 Washington St., N. Y. C. I want a Free trial bottle of Pertussin — quick! S-l 4 RINGS GIVEN for selling' 12 Boxes Mentho Nova Salve at 25c each and returning $3.00. Used for 36 years, for coughs, colds, cuts, burns, sores, catarrh, etc. Order today. We trust you. A hundred other premiums lor boys-girls. A Postcard will do. MENTHO NOVA CO. Dept. 86 ..Greenville, Pa. TUNE IN TRUE STORY COURT OF HUMAN RELATIONS Unless you are already a listener-in on the True Story Court of Human Relations, sponsored by True Story Magazine, you are missing one of che most absorbingly interesting broadcasts on the air. Each Friday night the True Story Court of Human Relations brings to its listeners a radio drama filled with thrills; drama, suspense. Broadcast over the NBC Red Network, a turn of the dial will bring into your home this wealth of wholesome, highly enjoyable entertainment. Tune in on Friday night without fail. City Station Local Time New York WEAF 9:30 PM EST Boston WEEI 9:30 PM EST Hartford WTIC 9:30 PM EST Providence WJAR 9:30 PM EST Worcester WTAG 9:30 PM EST Portland, Me. WC5H 9:30 PM EST Philadelphia KYW 9:30 PM EST Baltimore WFBR 9:30 PM EST Washington WRC 9:30 PM EST Schenectady IA/GY 9:30 PM EST Buffalo WBEN 9:30 PM EST Pittsburgh WCAE 9:30 PM EST Cleveland WTAM 8:30 PM EST Detroit WWJ 8:30 PM EST Chicago WMAQ 8:30 PM CST St. Louis KSD 8:30 PM CST Des Moines WHO 8:30 PM CST Omaha WOW 8:30 PM CST Kansas City WDAF 8:30 PM EST Denver KOA 9:30 PM MST Salt Lake City KDYL 9:30 PM MST San Francisco KPO 8:30 PM PST Los Angeles KFI 8:30 PM PST Portland, Ore. KGW 8:30 PM PST Seattle KOMO 8:30 PM PST Spokane KHQ SUNDAY 8:30 PM PST Cincinnati WLW 6:30 PM EST Take Your Stations . . . Choice of These Every Friday Night RAD 10 M IRROR What Smith Ballew Endured for Love (Continued from page 47) a job selling real estate." Smith glanced over at Justine and the memory of this started them both laughing. "He sold exactly one lot in a whole year," she said. "But I got flOO a month drawing account," he boasted. The company started checking up one day and Smith was fired. His next job was with a pyint company in Fort Worth. Here the devoted young husband did much better. However, when they wanted him to go on the read he refused to leave Justine. Then came the worst of all. "1 sold auto polish to garages," he confessed. Smith should have worn old clothes but his natural desire to put on a good appearance proved his undoing. After two of his best suits were ruined by car grease, he decided that auto polish was not his line. Things were starting to boom just then and a group of Texas cattle and oil barons decided to build a magnificent club in Fort Worth. Some relatives of Smith's from the prominent Texas branch of that family were interested in the project. They prevailed on him to organize an orchestra as a feature of the club. It took little persuasion. By that time Justine was so sick of being broke that she didn't care any more, either. THE band was a success from the start. Smith depended on his banjo and his personality to put him over. That was before he knew he could sing. In fact, that discovery didn't come until some years later and then quite by accident. It was only at Justine's insistence that he tried singing at all. "I always knew Sykes could sing," she remarked. "Of course, up to that time, none of the bands had singers. Ted Weems was the first. Even then, his vocal work was all of a comedy nature. No one dared sing a 'sweet' song. "I kept after Sykes and he finally agreed. The number was 'Hard Boiled Hannah' and when he got up to sing, he forgot the words! It took months after that to get him to try again." Smith Ballew had to fight not only family prejudice and hardship in carving a career. His greatest battle was to overcome his own timidity. It was only his wife's confidence that carried him through. Her faith in him was so great that he caught the spirit and shook off his false fears. Once launched as a full-fledged orchestra leader, he went on a tour that lasted ten months. Yet the contract which had seemed so generous yielded him little by the time expenses were paid. When it was over he was just as broke as when he started. Then he got a hunch to try Chicago. Leaving Justine with a sorority sister in Springfield, he and his drummer set out for the Windy City. There the drummer promptly went on a spree with their joint stake, consisting of $20. Lady luck had not deserted the lank Texan, however, for he landed with Ben Pollock's band at the Black Hawk cafe with a salary of $125 per week. His five dollar advance was spent on ham and egg sandwiches. It was in this spot that Smith made his radio debut, over station WGN. Although he never had a lesson, his natural directions Make this clever colorful decorative plant at home of buttons and "V. B." Dennison Crepe. Also make bags, belts, baskets, trays; do the new picture craft. Instructions for 77 novelties are in the handsome 24-page book, "New Dennison-craft Ideas." Send only 10c (coin or stamps) to Dennison, Dept. Y145, Framingham, Mass. V.B." 'AAWVl&OrV MEN WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED! Yon and that girl of your dreams have the precious hope of facing life together! The obstacle is money — more money. Listen: Thousands of men — men who faced the same problem that now troubles you — have learned the secret. They're making themselves more valuable on their present jobs, preparing themselves for the bigger opportunities ahead! They're doing it by devoting a portion of their spare time to study — by mastering International Correspondence Schools courses that are modern and practical in their training. Many of today's business leaders started this very way. You can do the same thing — and realize that hope you hold so dear. It takes work and sacrifice — what worthwhile thing doesn't? The coupon will bring you good news — mail it today! 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