Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR BORN TO BE A BUT Hp MOST BAD BREATH COMES FROM JV DECAYING FOOD PARTICLES IN HIDDEN M CREVICES BETWEEN IMPROPERLY CLEANED I TEETH. I ADVISE COLGATE DENTAL CREAM [ BECAUSE ITS SPECIAL PENETRATING FOAM E& REMOVES THESE ODOR-BREEDING DEPOSITS. 3 MONTHS LATER NOBAD BREATH BEHIND SUE'S SPARKLING SMILE! Most Bad Breath Begins with the Teeth! VVTHY let bad breath interfere with ** romance — with happiness? It's so easy to be safe when you realize that by far the most common cause cf bad breath is . . . improperly cleaned teeth! Authorities say decaying food and acid deposits, in hidden crevices between the teeth, are the source of most unpleasant mouth odors— of dull, dingy teeth— and of much tooth decay. Use Colgate Dental Cream. Its special penetrating foam removes these odorbreeding deposits that ordinary cleaning methods fail to reach. And at the same time, Colgate's soft, safe polishing agent cleans and brightens the enamel — makes your teeth sparkle. Be safe — be sure! Brush your teeth . . . your gums . . . your tongue . . . with Colgate Dental Cream at least twice daily and have cleaner, brighter teeth and a sweeter, purer breath. Get a tube today! COLGATE tenor voice pleased Pollock. Ted Fio Rito heard one of the broadcasts and called him long distance with an offer of $185 per week. "They really wanted Sykes for his singing," Justine interrupted. "But he didn't know that." Three months with Fio Rito at the Sinton in Cincinnati and the Ballew bank account began to climb. The kid was doing all right. He had proven to the skeptics that he could make enough to support a wife. But all the time the dark clouds were gathering. By this time, Smith was managing the Fio Rito band. They had gone over so well in the midwest that Ted was determined to storm New York. So to Manhattan they traveled, confident that they would land a good spot on Broadway. Instead, the only engagement that came along was one week of vaudeville in Brooklyn. After several more weeks of waiting around, the band broke up and Smith was again out of a job. . It seemed funny then. Justine and he made the Broadway rounds having a great time. Then, one night when they were too tired to go out they started figuring up. The bankroll was exactly $30. Nothing to do but move to a cheaper room, up on Riverside Drive. Justine still shivers when she thinks how cold it was that winter. "For weeks we lived on bread and canned beans," she admitted. "You don't need butter that way because you can dip your bread in the bean juice. WE had a nice landlady who let us use her kitchen when we had something to cook, and who let the rent run. I remember so well that Christmas eve," Justine continued. "Candy has always been my weakness so Sykes, determined that I should have some sort of gift, presented me with a five cent chocolate bar!" Christmas came and went. Still there was no sign of work. Smith had but recently recovered from an attack of pneumonia and was still far from strong. His condition was made worse by the fact that he had only a light topcoat to protect his tall frame from the cruel, biting winds which swept the city. This, plus the lack of nourishment, started to tell on him and he developed neuralgia. Justine was going about in worn-out slippers which exposed the soles of her feet to the icy pavements. As a result, sinus developed which in turn caused an ear abscess. She became delirious. Smith, in desperation, consulted an acquaintance who arranged to have the sick girl sent to the charity ward of a big hospital. They could have written home for money but that would have meant admitting defeat. With sublime confidence, they felt it would all work out, somehow. Smith, in desperation, went out and literally demanded a club job which netted him $22. On top of this, Justine's mother sent her five dollars as a birthday gift. When Smith went to get his wife out of the hospital, he was presented with a bill for $26, which left him with one lone dollar. "So we took a cab heme," he said. "Felt we might as well be all the way broke." Next day came an offer to go to Boston with George Olsen in "Good News." Smith accepted but after three weeks the company wanted to cut salaries, so he quit. Besides, he was worried about Justine, back in New York, who was still far from well. When the rent was paid up and groceries bought, he still had a few dollars left plus a one hundred dollar bill which he planned to hold as a nest egg. Friends arrived from Texas and they decided to. celebrate down in Greenwich Village. 108