Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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yZfM^ A MODERN MATRON gj& „„ RND A DENTIST BATTLE OVER A CARRO SAYS MODERN MATRON (But the civilized way to build firm gums is IPANA and MASSAGE) "T"fr IDICTJLOUS," said a prominent •^>. matron. "No girl with a spark of intelligence or breeding would behave so badly. She'd be outlawed — every door ■"losed to her!" That's the social side of the °*jate. But just for a moment listen to a modern dentist . . . "Ridiculous?— not a bit of it. That's a very sensible picture. I'd be delighted to post it in my office as an object lesson for my patients. If more people chewed as vigorously, if modern teeth and gums were on better terms with coarse, rough, natural foods we'd hear a lot less about tender, rundown gums— we'd hear a whole lot less about 'pink tooth brush,' too." "Pink Tooth Brush" is serious When you see "pink tooth brush"— see your dentist. It can mean serious trouble. But usually it simply means that modern soft foods haven't given your gums enough work— that they need the healthful stimulation of Ipana Tooth Paste and massage. Ipana plus massage is a part of modern dental practice because Ipana is especially designed to benefit the gums as well as clean the teeth. Get a tube of Ipana today and begin this modern health routine. Massage your gums every time you brush your teeth. Circulation quickens. Ifour gums feel healthier. And your teeth grow whiter, show more sparkle. Help your dentist to keep you from being a "dental cripple." Don't let your tooth brush show "pink." Don't let yourself in for the really serious gum troubles. Firm gums and shining white teeth are vitally important to you. Switch to Ipana Tooth Paste and massage — and switch today!