Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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involved in any public scandal. Add to births: A boy to the Ford Bonds, christened Reynolds Ford Bond. They also have a daughter, Alice Marylyn Bond ... To Vet Boswell, in private life Mrs. John Paul Jones, wife of a South American oil man, a daughter . . . Add to marriages: Vivian Fridell, star of Backstage Wife, to Gerrit James de Gelleke, Jr., of Milwaukee . . . Add to Reno divorces: Queena Mario, opera star, from Wilfred Pelletier, the maesro. The Benny Goodmans are reported adrift . . . Johnny Green and Ginger Rogers are romancing . . . Ditto Sheila Brent and Frank Cody, NBC sports announcer . . . Dorothy Russell, not the daughter of the famous Lillian but Horace Heidt's vocalist, is altar-bound . . . Ella Logan's "niece," a 4-year old miss who sang on Paul Whiteman's children's program under the name Annabelle Short, is really her daughter. * * * SONGBIRD Virginia Rea and her musician-husband, Edgar Sittig, built a handsome home for themselves in the wilds of the Pocono Mountains. The house is of stone, found on their own premises. But for the bath room, completed at a cost of $5000, they imported black marble and installed goldplated plumbing fixtures, making it the smallest room in the building, and the most expensive. And Mr. Sittig when he married the gorgeous Virginia said "I do" to the preacher man in a ready-made suit which cost him $19! * * * THE MONITOR MAN SAYS While NBC celebrates its tenth birthday, Billy Jones and Ernie Hare, the Happiness Boys, back in the picture again as songleaders on the Gillette Community Sing program, are observing their fifteenth anniversary as broadcasters. They were the first team to go on the air and the first radio artists to be paid for their work. Of course it wasn't much (in those days the boys collected $50 a week) but it was something and a grand distinction. Lowell Thomas's life is a continuous round of luncheons and banquets — and gosh, how he dreads 'em! It is all because Sonoco's News Voice of the Air is such a splendid after-dinner speaker and his sponsor requires his presence at such affairs for their advertising and good-will values. A lover of the wide, open spaces, Mr. Thomas loathes cities and crowds. But forced by circumstances to remain in congested centers, he seeks solace in his library stocked with over five thousand volumes of adventure stories and gets a lot of satisfaction writing books about personalities who do things in the world — but not in the cities. It is hard to believe now, but twenty years ago in {Continued on page 79) octors judgment guide you in your choice or a laxative *V7"OUR doctor is a guardian of health. ■*■ He knows that many things that seem unimportant to you may be vital to your well-being. For instance, doctors expect a laxative to measure up to certain definite standards before giving it their approval. If your doctor would write down his requirements for a laxative, these are the points he would consider important : WHAT DOCTORS LOOK FOR IN A LAXATIVE It should be dependable. It should be mild and gentle. It should be thorough. Its merit'should be proven by the test of time. It should not form a habit. It should not over-act. It should not cause stomach pains. It should not nauseate, or upset digestion. EX-LAX CHECKS ON EVERY POINT Ex-Lax meets the doctor's demands. Meets them so completely that many doctors use Ex-Lax for themselves and for their own families. For over 30 years mothers have been giving Ex-Lax to their children with perfect confidence. Today, Ex-Lax numbers its users in the millions. They have made When Nature forgets — remember EXLAX THE ORIGINAL CHOCOLATED LAXATIVE it the largest-selling laxative in the whole, wide world. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU Try Ex-Lax. Prove to yourself how fine a laxative it is. Ex-Lax is not disturbing or upsetting. Ex-Lax does not over-act. It does not "force" or cause, stomach pains. Ex-Lax is mild and gentle. Ex-Lax is thoroughly effective. Ex-Lax is particularly kind to the delicate systems of children. They need this type of laxative as much as you do— or even more. THE TASTE IS DELIGHTFUL Try Ex-Lax for a pleasant change from nasty, bitter medicines. Ex-Lax tastes just like delicious chocolate. Children like it, of course, and take it without resistance. . . . All drug stores have Ex-Lax in 10c and 25c sizes. If you prefer to try Ex-Lax at our expense, mail the coupon below. GUARD AGAINST COLDSt ...Remember these common-sense rules for fighting colds: get lots of sleep, eat sensibly, dress warmly, keep out of drafts, keep your feet dry, and keep regular — with Ex-Lax, the Chocolated Laxative. -TRY EX-LAX AT OUR EXPENSE! (Paste this on a penny postcard) Ex-Lax, Inc.. P. O. Box 170 "1-126 Times-Plaza Station, Brooklyn. N. T. X want to try Ex-Lax. Please send free sample. Name Address City Age (If you live in Canada, write Ex-Lax, Ltd.. Montreal)