Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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ILLUSTRATOR: FRANZ FELIX THE BROADCASTS OF THIS EMOTIONAL SERIAL. READ THEM HERE when it came to turning out a supernaturally delicious strawberry shortcake, but her memory was, if possible, a little worse than the professor's. Bambi wasn't surprised, therefore, when a few minutes after the professor had left Ardelia came into the room worrying about something he had warned her the night before not to let him forget. What it was, she couldn't remember. "All ah kin remember is — he says to me, 'Ardelia, don' you go Iettin' me forget, on account of it's mos' important' . . ." she broke off, her black face worried and downcast. "Serves him right for not telling me," Bambi said. A sound at the door made her turn around. "Why, what in the world — !" "Dat's him!" Ardelia said excitedly. "Dat's what de professor said for me to remine him 'bout!" It was Jarvis Trent — clothes rumpled, leaves in his hair, mild brown eyes blinking drowsily. (Continued on page 91) FICTIONIZED BY NORTON RUSSELL FROM EDITH MEISERS RADIO ADAPTATION OF THE NOVEL CAST OF CHARACTERS Bambi Helen Hayes Jarvis Trent James Meighan Professor Parlchurst Wilmer Walter Ardelia Laura Bowman 35