Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR WONDERING WHAT TO GIVE AUNT MILLIE FOR CHRISTMAS WHEN DELIVERY MAN ENTERS, TRACKINCr UP RUG TRIES OUT BISSELL CASUALLY-AMAZ.ED AS IT WHISKS OP DIRT LIKE MAGIC FROM BOTH HIGH AND LOW NAP RUGS 5. GETS IDEA1. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE BISSELL FOR QUICK CLEAN-UPS AND SAVE VACUUM FOR GENERAL CLEANING. SO... BISSELL The really better sweeper Grand Rapids, Mich. STARTS TO GET VACUUM CLEAWER. BUT OPENS PACKAGE FIRST. ITS A BISSELLHAPPY BIRTHDAY, FROM JIM* READS ABOUT BI5SELLS EXCLUSIVE DOUBLE ACTION HI-LO BRUSH CONTROL, AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTING SWEEPER TO AMY ROG NAP Solves gift problem/ phones friend: "I'm giving Aunt Millie a Bissell, Ann — she can use it for quick clean-ups and save her vacuum cleaner for periodic cleaning. It has the Hi-Lo brush control that automatically and fully adjusts brush to any rug nap. And cleans so easily!" Models from $3.95 to $7.50 Wv-WL NO DRUGS -NO EXERCISES An amazing patented device and method called ROLLETTE developed in Rochester, Minnesota now makes it possible for you to rid yourself of unsightly pounds of fat and improve your figure. With it you can take off fat quickly without dangerous drugs or exercise. No strenuous dieting needed. You eat plentifully of tasty foods as outlined in method. Leaves the flesh firm and gives a natural healthy glow to the skin. It makes you feel vigorous. FREE TRIAL OFFER! We absolutely guarantee that if within five days the Rollette method does not convince you it will take off your ugly fat the trial will cost you nothing. Send name, address for free trial offer. ROLLETTE COMPANY 11 E.Huron St., Oept, 801, Chicago 66 ,upst,«s^ ^U trial b^'^ Indelible cove. *e color » taropl, to k,ou.5»St«nd ' Giorifcrvou. rEIU--!?na3x°",^ps or closed «"" J NAME• | aDDBESS began to take an interest in his music again. Sundays he sang in the choir of the Third Presbyterian Church. Nights he studied with his vocal teacher or practiced at home. Before long he became one of a male quartet singing on the Pittsburgh radio stations; he didn't get any salary for it, he did it because he enjoyed it more than he'd ever enjoyed any work before. Frequently he'd stay at his office from five in the morning until eight at night, then go to choir rehearsal or the radio station or his teacher's studio. To his business associates a hard-working musical evening represented a peculiar kind of relaxation after an exhausting day; often they joked with him about it. But for the uncontrollable turn of events — and a woman's love and courage — Reed Kennedy might be today a Pittsburgh business man with singing for his hobby. Three years ago he sold his mines, invested every cent he owned and much that he'd borrowed in a factory that was to manufacture gasoline pumps. It had seemed a sound idea, this new business venture, and for a while it boomed beyond the company's greatest hopes; Reed's pumps were stationed outside every filling station. He made a fortune almost overnight, he had his home remodelled and his factory enlarged. Things were going wonderfully. Until the big oil companies found that the world had ■ too many pumps, that many of them were not selling enough gas to pay for themselves. So they took them down and stored them away, enough pumps to last for the next ten years. And nobody in the world wanted to buy any gasoline-dispensing equipment at all. AFTER he had sold his home, his cars, his stocks, his factory and patents — everything — Reed had not only lost ailthat he owned but he was badly in debt. At thirty-one, with a wife and four sons to support, he was faced with a circumstance he had never tasted before. He had to start life over again with absolutely nothing to start on. Standing on the brink of beginning a new career from scratch, Reed Kennedy suddenly realized he hated business with a deadly, sweltering hatred. He wanted, and he had always wanted, to be a singer. But it was too late to begin now, to subject the welfare of his wife and children to the lean struggle and vicissitudes of a newly started musical career. It might be years before he could make a decent living with his voice. He was about to accept a travelling position with a manufacturing concern when Lois persuaded him otherwise. "Listen, Reed," she pleaded with him, "we've always had everything and now it's gone and we've got to begin again. Let's begin this time in something you really love. It'll take longer and we'll all have to work and do without things but it'll be good for us, even the boys. I'm not afraid." "I'll give myself a year," he finally agreed, "and if I haven't accomplished something by the end of that time I'll quit. I won't make it hard for you any longer than a year." So they sold everything they could bear to part with, put a minimum of furniture on a van, and took the bus for New York. Reed had only a small amount of cash. He had tried to borrow money from several of his wealthy friends but they couldn't see security for their loans in the delicate prospect of a successful singing career. They refused, all of them. That was the reason the Kennedys took the tiny farmhouse at Mt. Kisco, planted a kitchen garden, and rented a cow. At first they had an old Ford that car