Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRR'M What Do You Want to Say? (Continued from page 15) brotherhood. For this moment we thank radio. Belle M. Drake, Newfoundland. New Jersey. $1.00 PRIZE ONE CRITIC REPLIES TO ANOTHER One Radio Mirror critic disapproves of new characters being introduced in Today's Children. 1 have followed this interesting program for many months and I think it is one of the best on the air. The name, itself, explains the reason for new characters. Aren't the children of today constantly forming new friendships? I think the new characters are necessary to make this story so interesting. When I am compelled to miss a broadcast, it is not difficult to "pick up the threads," as Mr. Rohan often relates any important event of the preceeding day. Long may we greet Today's Children. Mrs. E. L. Wilcox, Elmira, New York HONORABLE MENTION "In the name of good sportsmanship, stop complaining about advertising. If the sponsors can't advertise, why should they spend the money for radio time?" — Mrs. F. C. O'Neil, San Francisco. Calif. "Why must some advertiser spoil an otherwise good program by continual repetition, day after day, of the same advertising continuity? When a listener hears the same words so often, they lose their punch and instead of arousing interest in the product, they produce exactly the opposite effect." — Norah Couch .man. Vancouver Island, Canada. "Whatever changes may occur in programs from time to time, I hope we may be able to tune in the Community Sings at the usual time." — Mary E. Ralston, Washington, Pa. "We agree with Marie C. Basile of Long Island City that Show Boat is heading for disaster. Sopranos have come and gone from Show Boat, but Muriel Wilson is the only one who has been missed enough to have letters sent to the sponsor requesting her return." — Muriel Wilson Fans. Brooklyn, New York. "I beg to differ with Marie C. Basile's views about Show Boat. 'Tis very true that the cast suffered a great loss when Muriel Wilson and Conrad Thibault left the crew. However, I don't think anyone can accuse me of being unfair to Muriel Wilson when I say that I think Winifred Cecil stepped very gracefully into her place; nor do I think Conrad Thibault will think me unjust because 1 would like to see Ross Graham make good." — Miss M. L. Van Toor, Lansdale, Pa. "Why can't we have Henry Burr on a program where we can enjoy him? On the Barn Dance he sings one skimpy little chorus and leaves us like a kid that's had one lick off an ice cream cone." — Mrs. Thos. Whalen, Mahanoy City. Pa. "Let's have the return of Myrt and Marge in the fall. Not only should they return to the airwaves, but also be given some time between 6:30 and 9:30 p. m." — Lillianne M. Dolphin, Sag Harbor, New York. "The very nature of Edward MacHugh's work seems to me to permit the use of but very little advertising, commercially speaking. If they must have a long spiel, then I say put on another program in addition to the Gospel Singer." — R. Kuprian, Brooklyn, New York. See if the Shade of Face Powder You Have Been Using is the Right One for You! By ^C^CyOZ^L You think you can describe your complexion by calling it "fair," "dark," "pink and white" or "olive." You think you know just what shade of face powder goes with your particular skin. But I want to give you the surprise of your life ! I want to show you — at my expense — that you probably belong to the vast army of women who habitually use the wrong shade of face powder — a shade that never permits them to look their loveliest or their youngest! The reason women make this mistake is that they choose face powder shades according to old-fashioned notions of "type." But you aren't a type. You're you — an individual! No two skins are alike. Even the same skin alters with the years, the seasons, the state of health. Doesn't this check with your own experience ? There's Just ONE WAY to Tell! The only way to find the most becoming, flattering shade of face powder for your skin no w — is to try on all five basic shades. Any other way doesn't give your complexion the ghost of a chance to show which shade it demands. I don't expect you to buy 5 big boxes of powder for this test, when one box will be all you'll need afterward. Just send me your name and address, and by return mail I'll dispatch all 5 shades of my Lady Esther Face Powder, free of charge. When the five shades arrive, do this: First, look at them all and, just for fun, guess which shade you think is most flattering to you. Keep that shade in mind. Then try on every one of the five shades. Give yourself plenty of time. Be sure to remove each shade completely before you try the next. But the important thing is to try all five, before you make up your mind which is most becoming. Then compare the one you select by actual test, with the one you guessed at — you'll get the surprise of your life to find your guess was undoubtedly wrong. Prepare for a Surprise! Do you know what is quite apt to happen? A complete reversal of everything you thought you knew about yourself and your face powder shade. Why, thousands of women have told me that the shade they guessed in advance as the winner — didn't win at all! Often the winner has turned out to be the very shade they thought couldn't possibly suit them! This shade added life and vivacity not only to the skin but to their whole personality — and made them look years younger! Write today for all 5 shades of Lady Esther Face Powder. Then make the test I suggest and see for yourself how right or wrong you have been in your selection of face powder shade. Mail coupon now! FREE (You can paste this on a penny postcard.) (28) Lady Esther, 2034 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. Please send me by return mail a liberal supply of all 6ve shades of Lady Esther Face Powder; also a 7days* supply of your Lady Esther Four-Purpose Face Cream. Name City_ State (If you live in Canada, write Lady Esther, Ltd., Toronto, Ont.) 69