Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR If prtL Showers Talc This is the most famous, best-loved talcum powder in the world. Its quality is superb. Its fragrance is eternally new and forever right— the fresh perfume of flowers after a rain. Supremely fine — yet the cost is low — 284 for the standard size at fine stores everywhere. and looking out across the Hudson to the misty Palisades, it seemed to me to have a fresh humanity that only youth could give it. "People are always taking it for granted that living here and knowing the boys was either terribly interesting or terribly depressing," she said. "But 1 never thought of it that way. It was just natural for me to be there and talk to the boys. I mean — Daddy thinks of them all as his family, and I'm part of his family too. Every family has its nice people, and its people who aren't so nice. They're all just people, interested in the same things other people are. But they've got to have a chance!" _ Her blue eyes flared momentarily in irritation. "Daddy's criticized because he lets them play baseball and listen to the radio and read books and see movies. But they work, too — and if they're going to have a chance to learn how to lead normal, balanced lives, they've got to have their entertainment as well as their work. Other people have their radios and books and movies . . . and I think good movies have an awful lot to do with influencing people's characters," she added firmly. I think that perhaps one sentence in that philosophy of Cherie's represents the greatest benefit her strange childhood bestowed on her. "They're all just people, interested in the same things other people are." It hits at the root of the grave mental error most law-abiding citizens make when they think of what must be called, for lack of a better phrase, "the criminal class." WHEN they think of a prison," Warden Lawes said to me, "the majority of people do one of two things — they sentimentalize the men, and feel too sorry for them; or they jump to the conclusion that every last one of them is a depraved character." In other words, they forget that convicts are also people, with the same instincts, desires, even thoughts, as themselves. Cherie, because she has grown up among them, will never make that mistake. "I firmly believe that a childhood such as Cherie's has been is the best possible training for life," the Warden told me firmly. "She has learned tolerance and a broader understanding, for one thing. She has learned to accept the less pleasant things in life without being shocked. And she has, for a girl of her age, a wonderfully fine ability to judge character. When she tells me, 'Daddy, I don't think I like that fellow very much,' I've found that her judgment is practically always sound. "She has absorbed some of the prisoner's code of ethics, of course— and it's not such a bad code, either. For instance, she hates a squealer. Talking to so many of the boys, she has often learned about things in the prison of which I knew nothing— but she's never told me. She has never even started to tell me. If she had, I'd have stopped her, and told her never to do it again." As the warden talked, I sensed underneath the matter-of-fact words, a deep pride in what his unorthodox system of child training has accomplished for his own daughter. In a way, it has been another justification of the beliefs according to which he has done his job for the past seventeen years; one more answer to critics who charge that he runs his prison with too loose a rein. Those critics are far less numerous now than they were a dozen years ago, but some of them still exist. "If you want to make a dangerous man your friend," he said once, "ask him to do you a favor." By entrusting Cherie to the care of "the boys," he was asking them to do him a favor. And Cherie today is proof that his trust was not misplaced. Thousands of Weak, Sickly, Nervous, SKINNY Folks Once Discouraged Say Kelpamalt Brought These Amazing Results Quickly! If you are weak, skinny, and run down — if you go around always tired, nervous, irritable, easily upset, the chances are your blood is thin, pale and watery and lacks the nourishment needed to build up your strength, endurance and the solid pounds of new flesh you need to feel right. Science has at last got right down to one of the real causes of these conditions and explains a new, quick way to correct them. Food and medicines can't help you much. The average person usually eats enough of the right kind of food to sustain the body. The real trouble is assimilation, the body's process of converting digested food into firm flesh, pep and energy. Tiny hidden glands control this body building process — glands which require a regular ration of NATTJKAL IODINE (not the ordinary toxic chemical iodine, but the iodine that is found in tiny quantities in spinach, lettuce, etc.). The simplest and quickest way to get this precious needed substance is Seedol Kelpamalt, the astonishing new mineral concentrate from the sea. blood and build up a source of enduring strength. Seedol Kelpamalt, too, contains twelve other precious, vitally needed body minerals ■without which good digestion is impossible. Try Seedol Kelpamalt for a single week. Notice how much better you feel, how well you sleep, how your appetite improves, color comes back into your cheeks. And if it doesn't add 5 lbs. of good solid flesh the first week, if it doesn't relieve ordinary stomach distress, and give you calm nerves the trial is free. Your own doctor will approve this way. 100 Jumbo size Seedol Kelpamalt Tablets — four to five times the size of ordinary tablets — cost but a few cents a day to use. Get Seedol Kelpamalt today. Seedol Kelpamalt is sold at all good drug stores. If your dealer has not yet received his supply, send SI. 00 for special introductory size bottle of 65 tablets to the address below. Accept ThisStartling No Risk Offer! Your Money Back It Kelpamalt Does Not 1. Improve Appetite. 2. Add at least 5 lbs. of Good Solid Flesh. 3. Strengthen Nerves. 4. Banish Ordinary Stomach Distress. 5. Make You Sleep Sounder. 6. Give you New Strength, Energy and Endurance. 7. Clear Up Skin. Kelp SEEDOL amalLX^ Manufacturer's Note:— Inferior products, sold as kelp and malt preparations — in imitation of the genuine Seedol Kelpamalt are being offered as substitutes. The Kelpamalt Company will reward for information covering any case where an imitation product has been represented as the original Seedol Kelpamalt. Don't be fooled. Demand genuine Seedol Kelpamalt Tablets. They are easily assimilated, do not upset stomach nor injure teeth. Results guaranteed or money back. SPECIAL FREE OFFER Write today for fascinating instructive 50-page book on How to Add Weight Quickly, Build Strength, Energy, Weight, Strong Nerves and Rich Red Blood. Mineral contents of Food and their effects on the human body. New facts about NATURAL IODINE. Standard weight and measurement charts. Daily menus for weight building. Absolutely free. No obligation, Kelpamalt Co., Dept. 1032, 27-33 West 30th St., New York City. 74