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Thousands gain
10 to 25 lbs.
this special
NOW there's no need for thousands of men and women to be ' 'skinny' ' and friendless, even if they never could gain an ounce before. Here's a new, easy treatment for them that puts on pounds of naturally attractive flesh — in iust a few weeks I
Doctors now Know that the real reason why many find it hard to gain weight is they do not get enough digestion-strengthening Vitamin B and blood-building iron in their daily food. Now with this new discovery which combines these two vital elements in little concentrated tablets, hosts of people have put on pounds of firm flesh — the women, normal curves — in a very short time.
Not only are thousands quickly gaining normal, good lookinig pounds, but also naturally clear skin, freedom from indigestion and constipation, glorious new pep.
This amazing new product, Ironized Yeast, is made from special cultured ale yeast imported from Europe, the richest known source of Vitamin B. By a new process this yeast is concentrated 7 times — made 7 times more powerful. Then it is combined with 3 kinds of iron, pasteurized whole yeast and other valuable ingredients in pleasant little tablets.
If you, too, need Vitamin B and iron to build you up, get these new Ironized Yeast tablets from your druggist at once. Day after day, as you take them, watch skinny limbs and flat chest round out to normal attractiveness, skin clear to natural beauty — you're a new
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No matter how skinny and rundown you may be from lack of enough Vitamin B and iron, try these new Ironized Yeast tablets just a short time. See if they don't build you up in a few short weeks as they have thousands of others. If you are not delighted with results of very first package, your money instantly refunded.
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To start thousands building up their health right away, we make this FREE offer. Purchase a package of Ironized Yeast tablets at once, cut out the seal on the box and mail it to us with a clipping of this paragraph. We will send you a fascinating new book on health, "New Facts About Your Body." Remember, results with the very first package — or money refunded. At all druggists. Ironized Yeast Co., Inc., Dept. ,zlz, Atlanta, Ga.
"And it meant time," I interrupted. "Time for fun that you'd never had, for parties and love and even marriage, if you wanted it."
He laughed. "I've given two parties since I took that house in Beverly Hills. Listen to my schedule for a year, and you'll understand how much time I have for running around." His voice clipped, unemotional, matter of fact, he recited dates and contracts and hours that comprise, collectively, the pursuits of his waking hours.
Pictures take up half of his time (a little more, now that he is preparing to sign a new contract) and concert tours the rest, with radio broadcasts sandwiched into the general madhouse of appointments and obligations. When he's in Hollywood he rises at six o'clock, has breakfast at six-thirty, and gets to the studio a little after seven; an hour with make-up and wardrobe departments, a half-hour for interviews and official business, and he works on the set until the lunch call. If he's lucky he finds time, between more interviews and more official business, to eat something — and then he goes back to the sound stage again. If it's a broadcast night, he stops work at three, dashes home without changing, rehearses for an hour with his accompanist, speeds to the NBC studios, and sings for the hour that is released in the East.
He gets an hour for dinner before the western broadcast is due, and after that he goes home, studies script for the next day, and falls into bed — fairly exhausted and perfectly aware that the next day will be a repetition of this one.
ON the concert tours his time is even less his own. When he's not rehearsing with orchestra conductors and actually singing, he's receiving committees and accepting keys to cities, giving interviews, speaking before women's clubs, attending dinners given by people who could hurt him professionally if he refused; and during the day he must answer, in his own hand, from fifty to sixty letters.
"It's going to be even worse on the tour this fall," he told me, "because — for the first time, as I understand it — the radio is going to follow me around the country wherever I go, broadcasting between appearances. Which means an entire troupe will have to come along; the program manager, the soprano, an announcer, the conductor, and of course my own personal representative, who'll travel ahead and arrange the bookings and see about facilities. We'll go up North and then to the middle-West and Chicago, and through the East to New York."
He hesitated, and smiled. "What was it you said — 'time for fun, and love and marriage?' "
"Well, it can't go on like that forev.er, anyway," I protested.
"You're right. I don't intend it shall. I'm not going to stay in pictures the rest of my life, or clutter all my days with a program like the one I've just given you. But — you understand. I've got to get together enough money so that I can afford to do as I like. When I've done that I'll quit and go to Europe — sing the music of the masters in the places where they were written and eventually I'll come back to America and interpret American music to the American people. I can live as I like then, do as 1 like.
"Then I'll have time to think about the things you talk about."
I made no comment. The choice, the philosophy, the convictions are his, bound by his private idealism and founded on a life that has left him no other conclusion.
If marriage comes, if some love beats down his fears he will be the happiest man in Hollywood.
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Beautiful Six-color 1937 Calendar-Thermometer. Alao samples of Turns and NR. Send stamp for packing and i postage to A. H. Lewis Co.,Dept. 23T-72, St. Louis, Mo.
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To Flush out Acids and Other Poisonous Waste
Doctors say your kidneys contain 15 Miles of tiny tubes or filters which help to purify the blood and keep you healthy. Most people pass about 3 pints a day or about 3 pounds of waste.
Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning shows there may be something wrong with your kidneys or bladder.
An excess of acids or poisons in your blood, when due to functional kidney disorders, may be the beginning of nagging backache, rheumatic pains, lumbago, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness.
Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 Miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills.