Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MI RROR STOP USING TOOTHPASTES -USE [FORHAN'S CLEANS TEETH Simply cleaning your teeth may keep them white — for a while! But when neglected gums become soft and spongy all the half-way measures in the world won't preserve your teeth. Don't take that chance, start using Forhan's. It gives you double protection — whitens teeth and safeguards gums at the same time. SAVES GUMS Forhan's was created by an eminent dental surgeon to provide double protection; with it you clean teeth and massage gums just as dentists advise. It costs no more than most ordinary toothpastes, but ends ordinary half-way care! Begin using Forhan's today. Also in Canada. l£* ORIGINAL, \MtieGUMsl <""/ TEETH AN ALLURING LASTING PERFUME Opens the door to romance Your opportunity to enjoy a perfume of exquisite aroma . and of exceptional lasting quality, equalling more expensive French importations. As a special introductory offer, we will send you a large cellophane wrapped bottle of this perfume in lovely gift box, for only $1. It solves your Xmas Gift problems. GENE SPECIALTIES CO., Dept. A 440 Chestnut St. Springfield, Mass. NEW WICKLESS TURNS NIGHT AIR INTO BRIGHT HOME LIGHT A wonderful scientific light development ! Revolutionizes home lighting ! Gives you 20 times light of old wick lamp at fraction of cost. Actually 300 candlepower of brilliant, soft, white light— yet burns 96% FREE AIR, only 4% cheap kerosene (coal oil)! LIGHTS WHOLE HOUSE FOR FEW PENNIES! Your home all brightly lighted for hours f or only a few cents! No chimneys to smoke, clean or break. No wicks tobuyortrim! 30-DAY TRIAL In Your Home! Built in beantifal modern art lamp models. Get descriptive folder— have yoor choice sent on 30-day no-risk trial. Enjoy this wonderful, new lierht right In your home for a whole month. Send at once for details 1 AKRON LAMP & MFG. COMPANY 122 Lamp Bldg. AKRON, OHIO LAMP AGENTS! Fast, steady moneymaker. Be first to have it in your territory. Write today. ,enables him to throw his vocal chords into low gear at will. He's been playing old men in school plays since he was five years old, and his booming bass voice was startling his elders out of a year's growth when he was three. It has started him on a career as a radio comedian, and opened other doors that would have stopped a professional gate-crasher. Once Columbia Pictures asked Mrs. Clements for some young singers to work in a movie short. She obliged. Someone at the studio phoned her later and said, "You know those singers you sent us? One of them can't sing." Mrs. Clements was sure there was some mistake. All four were very good singers. "Did you say four? There are five here!" the man said, "Say, who is this Froggy Froes?" Mrs. Clements admitted that she hadn't sent him. "Too late now," the executive laughed, "He's already in the picture!" Also on the Pageant of Youth you'll hear Billy Pape, a seventeen-year old hill billy born on Staten Island, who didn't know he could yodel or play a guitar until some people from Montana moved next door five years ago; Margaret MacLaren and Cy Bofird, probably the youngest romantic team on the air, Dotty Matthews, who is Pinky Mitchell's foil; and that rarity of radio — a mixed quartet. I learned about mike hogs from the children's director, Horace Feyhl. I knew about camera hogs, but had never heard of such a thing as hogging the microphone. The director hadn't either until engineers began getting violent headaches in the control room. The broadcasts were repeatedly running a minute and a half longer than rehearsal time and crowding the orchestra's last number off the air. They couldn't figure it out until someone in the control room accidentally opened up a live mike and heard, "They get away with it — why can't we?" THE individual numbers had been timed only in rehearsal, before. But the next Sunday, someone slyly clocked the acts on the air and discovered that every last one of the kids had been stretching his number at least fifteen seconds without any of the adults getting wise to their undercover rivalry and jealousies. Even the orchestra had unconsciously slowed down with them. Some pretty fireworks broke loose, and numbers were slashed mercilessly until the kids learned to behave. Now when they see that "overtime" glint in Feyhl's eyes, they start cackling guiltily: "Cut-cut-cut a chorus!" Children are easy to work with, Feyhl says. They strive hard to please, they get a kick out of being accepted in an adult world, winning approval from adult audiences. You hear them fretting over whether the grown-ups will "get" this or that bit of juvenile humor in their scripts. They can always be relied on to pick up their cues about 50 per cent better than adults. They don't blow up in their lines, and some of them are remarkable at ad Jibbing. Most of the Children's Hour stars are too young to read, and memorize all their lines and songs. It's harder to train the mothers than the children on this type of program, say those who know. A kid may think he's good, but his mother shouts it from the rooftops. One mother who was trying to run the whole works had to be disciplined by having her exceptionally clever child temporarily given the air without a microphone. But that mother is as good as gold now (silence is golden). She has never needed another "spanking." Do Ljoul Want a. _ WATCHotDIAMOND? Thousands have found It easy to own America's finest diamond rings, watches, silverware or jewelry by the Santa Fe Plan,. Bulova, Hamilton, or Elgin watches — ■brilliant blue-white diamonds — silverware from worldfamous companies, and the great Santa Fe Specials — offered to you at startling cash prices on confidential liberal credit terms. A FEW CENTS A DAY IS THE SANTA FE WAY That watch or diamond you've always wanted, longed for — you needn't wait any longer for it. The Santa Fe will trust you — let you wear thewatch or diamond you wantwhile you pay only a few cents a day. Turn Pin Money Into Diamonds DON'T PAY EXTRA FOR CREDIT No honest person should pay extra to have someone trust him. The Santa Fe trusts you the way you want to be trusted — straight from the shoulder without any extra I charges, extra fees, or taxes. Tou pay only the low advertised cash price in small monthly payments. Send for 1937 Catalog Nowl rnrr to Adults — Send for this beautiful book rilLX today. Sent ABSOLUTELY FREE to adults. Send your name and address, and the beautiful catalog will come to you by return mail. Do it now while you think of it. SANTA FE WATCH COMPANY Dept. C-97. Thomas Bldg.. Topeko, Kansas I ushrooms in your cellar or shed. Exclusive new process. Bigger, better, quicker crops. More money for you ! Enormous newdemand. Write for Free Book. American Mushroom I ndustries.Dept .740Toronto,Ont. ""i-f FREE CIGARETTE EARN UP TO $95 WEEKLY introducing NEW WAY TO SMOKE, furnish you Free Cigarettes. Ask any n have a Free Smoke. Hand him LIGHTED Cigarette from beautiful pocket-size "Magic Case". Just touch button. Prestol Out comes LIGHTED Cigarette automatically. No batteries or electricity. Get Magic Case for 15 days' trial at our risk. State favorite brand cigarettes. MAGIC CASE MFBS-, Dept. W-4661 4234 Cozens Ave. St. Louis, Mo. BauaA Ujuku/ -wGRAY HAIR AND LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER NOW, 'without any risk, you can tint those streaks or patches of gray or faded hair to lustrous shades of blonde, brown or black. A small brush and BROWNATONE does it. Proveit, by applying thetint to a lock of your own hair. Used and approved — for over twenty-five years by thousands of women. BROWNATONE is safe. Guaranteed harmless for tinting gray hair. Active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Is economical and lasting — will not wash out. Simply retouch as the new gray appears. BROWNATONE imparts rich, beautiful color with amazing speed. Just brush or comb it in. Shades: "Blonde to Medium Brown" and "Dark Brown to Black" cover every need. BROWNATONE Is only 50c— at all drug and toilet counters — always on a money-back guarantee. 78