Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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TAKE THE SYRUP THAT CLINGS TO THE COUGH ZONE Your child's cough should be treated right where the cough is lodged ... in the cough zone. Smith Brothers Cough Syrup is a thick, heavy syrup. It clings to the cough zone. There it does three things: (1) soothes, (2) throws a protective film over the danger area, (3) helps to loosen phlegm . . . Smith Brothers Cough Syrup is safe. 35^ and 60tf. "IT CONTAINS VITAMIN A" This vitamin raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. SMITH BROS. COUGH SYRUP ^■NOW ON SALE IN CANADAMH ^/Pocket RaJio Operates Without Tubes, Batteries or Electric Connections Amazing midget radio fita in pocket or purse. NEW MODEL weighs only 2 ozs. as shown in ACTUAL photo! Smaller i cigarette package! Separates and receives all stations with beautiful clear tone. Range to 50 mileB— MUCH GREATER under good condition;, — no static or noise! Nothing to wear outj~on]y °"^ moving part— will last for years. NO CRYSTALS to adjust Has NEW TYPE sensitive rectifier and hi-emciency design— ENTIRELY NEW! Not to be ccnfueed with cheap imitations. Tunes broadcast band and FOLIC fc and AIRPLANE calls! NOT A TOY. but an unusual practical radio— a sensation everywhere — a delight to anyone everyway. Comes in several beautiful colors (state yours) ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE ready to listen with midget phone and instructions to use in hotels, offices, autos, trains, camps, at home, in bed, on bicycles, on sea or wherever you may be. TAKES ONLY A SECOND TO CONNECT— no messy hookups. THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED OWNERS— manv report wonderful service in ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! THESE ARE FACTS! Carry one with you always and be assured of many hours of entertoinro' AT NO COST! Can be used by ANYONE— even a child! Send only $1.00 — pay postman balance or send $2.99 (M. O. Cash, Check) WE PAY POSTAGE. GUARANTEED, A most unusual value. Foreign orders 75c extra. Ideal Xmas gift. TINYTONE RADIO CO. Dept. G-12 Kearney, Nebr. RADIO M IRROR What's New on Radio Row (Continued from page 9) a Coney Island resort, known as the College Inn, these present-day celebrities functioned as follows: Eddie Cantor was one of the comics . . . Al Shayne was one of the singers . . . Jimmy Durante was the piano player . . . Ted Lewis was leader of the orchestra . . . Henry Busse was a cornetist . . . and Paul Whiteman was a waiter! The term "Nemo programs," used to identify broadcasts that originate outside the studios, has a curious story. In the early days of radio, when announcers and engineers first went to nightclubs to project their music programs on the air, the proprietors of those resorts were very appreciative of the resultant publicity. So appreciative, indeed, that they lavished entertainment upon the mikemen, wining and dining them until all hours. The result was that the broadcasters used to report to their studios the next morning bleary-eyed with hangovers. Somebody dubbed them "Little Nemos" after the comic strip character and the expression has persisted to this day. Babe Ruth, once terrorized by the mike, has developed into a broadcaster almost as nonchalant as Ted Husing himself. It was a revelation to see him in action on Kate Smith's new program. He did his stuff in his shirt sleeves, contentedly puffing a pipe between speeches. Not so long ago the Big Bambino was stricken dumb by the microphone and on one occasion a studio attachee had to read his lines when he became inarticulate through fear. The radio stations of the country spent 159,000,000 for talent last year. Advertising sponsors contributed $50,000,000 of this huge amount and the stations the balance. These contrasting figures reveal the wide gulf separating commercial and sustaining artists. The moral is, if you want to reap a reward in radio, hitch your wagon to a sponsor. For sustaining artists are just that — they carry on for a mere sustenance, hoping and praying an advertiser will some day hear them on the air and sign them to a contract providing a real salary. It may — and then again, it may not — be some consolation to listeners annoyed by audiences at broadcasts to know that they hear a comedian's gag before the studio spectators do. It is all because sound propelled by electrical impulses moves faster than sound travels in the air. Thus a dialist in Los Angeles hears what is said in a Radio City studio 3,000 miles away before the audience assembled there does. Reduced to figures, he hears just six one-hundredths of a second sooner, sound in the studio traveling at the rate of 1,000 feet per second while sound on the wires which carry the broadcast from station to station speeds at the rate of 75,000 miles per second. MUCH as they relish the attention, there are times when radio artists find autograph-hunters pests. On such occasions they resort to devices and disguises to evade their studio tormentors. A favorite strategem is to have a page standing by to summon them to the telephone the minute the broadcast ends. Jack Benny some times hastily dons a disreputable slouch hat and loses himself in the crowd. Rudy Vallee favors colored glasses as do Walter O'Keefe and Virginia Verrill. Fred Waring grabs an autograph album and pencil or pen and makes believe he is a handwriting-seeker himself. Alexander Gray slaps on a chauffeur's cap and Rosa Ponselle covers her head and TATTOO YOUR WPS The New Tattoo gives you the moist, shimmering, smooth, soft, eternally youthful lips of the glamorous South Seas maiden! Stolen from the bewitching little South Seas maiden was the idea of permanent, pasteless, transparent lip color; lasting, \oya\ stain for lips instead of temporary, "pasty," fickle coating! Now this same enchantress has revealed her way of keeping lips soft, smooth, luscious and moistly shimmering too. We offer it to you as the New Tattoo ... an entirely new kind of "permanent" lipstick . . . the only lipstick that can imbue your lips with the irresistible witchery of transparent, pasteless, South Sea color . . . the only lipstick containing the magic ingredient that will make your lips sparkle like the moon-path o'er an iridescent tropical sea ... at the same time making your lips youthfully smooth, wrinkle-free . . . (^-w*sy^^K caressingly soft. Tattoo your 1JSBSSS£ lips... with the New Tattoo! Send Coupon for Trial Lipstick So that you can instantly see and feel the astonishing difference, send coupon and 10c for a generous size of the New Tattoo. Five exciting shades . . . the most stunning colors ever put into lipstick! Send for several to match different moods or costumes. TATTOO Tattoo, 11 E. Austin Ave., Dept. 59, Chicago. Send me trial size New Tattoo, postpaid. 10c enclosed for each shade desired, as checked. □ Coral (Orangish) □ Exotic (Fiery) □ Natural (Blood Color) D Pastel (Changeable) D Hawaiian (Brilliant) Name_ Streets City State 79