Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR *AnotKer strong mouth odor only ZONITE KILLS FOR GOOD! Now you can enjoy all the healthful, delicious onions you want without a bit of worry. Rinse the mouth and gargle thoroughly with a teaspoonful of Zonite in a half tumbler of water to kill onion breath and other strong mouth odors FOR GOOD! Zonite doesn't just mask bad breath like ordinary mouth-washes. Zonite actually destroys scientifically (oxidizes) the odorcausing materials, whether from odorous oils or from putrefying food particles. Zonite TASTES like the real antiseptic it is. But its taste and odor vanish in a few minutes, leaving the mouth delightfully refreshed. Harmless to tissues. Get a bottle today and prove these remarkable results yourself. At all U. S. and Canadian druggists. The TASTE tells you Zonite gets real results *The only well-known antiseptic actually destroying odor c ZONITE fS 5 TIMES MORE GERMICIDAL, BY TEST, THAN ANY OTHER NON-POISONOUS ANTISEPTIC! Faster Healing for CutsBruises 'Burns NO PAIN -NO BURN-NO STAIN ZONITE PRODUCTS CORP.. NEW YORK CITY r Your Kodak Picture ENLARGED FREE 8x10 Inch ENLARGEMENT of any SNAPSHOT Tour favorite snapshots of children, parents and loved ones are more enjoyable when enlarged to 8x10 inch size — suitable for framing. These beautiful, permanent enlargements bring out the details and features you love just as you remember them when the snapshots were taken. Just to get acquainted, we will enlarge any kodak picture, print or negative to 8x10 inches — FREE — if you enclose 25c to help cover our cost of packing, postage and clerical work. The enlargement itself is free. It will also be beautifully hand tinted in natural colors if you want it. We will acknowledge receiving your snapshot immediately. Your original will be returned with your free enlargement. Pick out your snapshot and send it today. GEPPERT STUDIOS dsB„, shoulders with a shawl. Fred Allen's camouflage is the simplest and Al Jolson's the most complicated. Fred, famous for his "dead-pan" expression, merely affects a broad grin and nobody recognizes him; Jolson applies a false beard, hunches his shoulders and shuffles his way through the throng. * * * POSTSCRIPTS Experimental television stations continue to make progress but the best authorities insist television in the parlor is still two or three years away . . . New York City is waging war on radios in barrooms. Realty interests are making the fight, claiming loudspeakers in saloons annoy the neighborhood. Frank Munn can't read a note of music — but boy how he can sing! . . . Don Bestor wears glasses just for a gag. He doesn't need them any more than he does spats for his vision is perfect . . . Fred Allen has a word of encouragement for crooners. "Don't be discouraged because there's a similarity between your art and hog-calling," he says. "Remember they both bring home the bacon." Barbara Luddy, chosen for the coveted post as Don Ameche's leading lady in The First Nighter, is the little miss you used to admire so in Fox comedies . . . Janice Gilbert, of The O'Neills cast, is the thirteen-year old daughter of Ed Wolf, producer of radio acts. There is another Ed Wolfe on the radio roster; he is in the NBC production department . . . Mr. Openshaw has been elected Vice President of the Halson Radio Manufacturing Corp. of New York. . . . Today in the United States alone there are about 23,000,000 "radio families" and they are increasing at the rate of over 1,500,000 a year. In 1895 there was only one family in the entire world interested in the wireless. It was the Marconi family of Bologna, Italy. Guglielmo Marconi, his brother, and the gardener for the estate, were the only three fans of that time. What Do You Want to Know? {Continued from page 50) Helen K., New York, N. Y. — Annette Hanshaw is in retirement at present, but there's no telling, it may not be permanent. You might try and get a letter to her in care of the National Broadcasting Company, Rockefeller Plaza, New York. Gertrude Niesen fans, attention! Just to let you know that Mildred Kruger, 566 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, New York, recently celebrated her first year as president of the Gertrude Niesen fan club. Miss Meriam C. W., Centerdale, R. I. — Cab Calloway is scheduled to appear at the new Cotton Club this fall, which has moved down from Harlem to Broadway and 48th Street. John J. R., Minersville, Pa. — Write for a picture of Jeannine Macy to station WOR, 1440 Broadway, New York City. For Jerry Cooper, Judy Starr and Loretta Lee, address them in care of the Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madison Avenue, New York. Jean Harlow, Baltimore, Md. — Several years ago Frances Langford entertained at Southern College campus parties by singing song favorites in a clear high soprano. But during one semester an inflamed throat sent her to the hospital, where her ailing tonsils were removed. For several weeks she did not use her voice, but when she finally did, lo and behold! she was a contralto. BIGGER CORNS COME BACK BIGGER, MORE PAINFUL unless removed Root* and All • Thousands are praising this new, scientific Blue-Jay method that ends a corn forever. BlueJay, the tiny medicated plaster, stops the pain instantly — then in 3 short days the entire corn lifts out Root and AIL Blue-Jay is easy to use. Held snugly in place by Wet -Pruf adhesive. Can't stick to stockings. 25( for a package of 6. Get Blue-Jay today. *A plug of dead cells root-like in form and position. It left may serve as focal point for renewed development. Yjk^'fffe At home — In spare time. Many overcome fcC*^"^. "stage-fright," gain self-confidence and in51 _*»l3rf* crease earning power, this easy way. Write VflJ}J*v ior free booklet. How to Work Won im_ ..^jaTrSMjC ders Willi Words and requirements. North American Institute Dept. 1389 '3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois PLAY A SAW! Produce wonderful music in 5 days . .,. quickly play popular and classical numbers. No notes to read, no dreary practice — Buccess guaranteed. Sinca 1924 thousands of my students have mazed friends, starred in shows and broadcasting orchestras. Without obligation, write for 5 DAY TRIAL OFFER now. MUSSEHL & WESTPHAL 106 W. Water St., Fort Atkinson, Wis. DON'T RISK BROKEN BONES £00T5Ufefc IN BATHTUB FALLS! ■ ^K^""^^ Use FOOTSURE IN tub or under mmmmi* £.._ ..... shower! Prevents slipping — falling. HATH TUB MAT Safeguards whole family 1 Patented double-lock vacuum cups make it NON-SKID! Highest quality rubber— lasts for years. UTILITY, STANDARD & DELUXE models— $1.00 — $1.50 — $2.50. Leading de . partment and other stores, or write us. Refuse inferior imitations. Illustrated circular FREE. Footsure Co., T-2, 1220 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. mm. Also BARGAIN ,EXTRA5'«.GIVEN ' Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Voiles, J Chambrays, Shirtings, Crepes, etc New clean goods direct from us at a big X saving. Latest assorted Colors. Newest | patterns for dresses. Our finest quality. SEND NO MONEY IZTLT^t j delivery charge, 20 yard bundle $1.29 / postage paid, money with order. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. /EASTERN TEXTILE COMPANY I Dept. X-40, Greenfield. Mass. 23ES J he Best Remedy is Made at Home rOU can now make at home ■ a better gray hair remedy than you can buy, by following this simple recipe : To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, a small box of Barbo \ 'I Compound and one fourth '' ounce of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it yourself at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. Barbo imparts color to streaked, faded or gray hair, makes it soft and glossy and takes years off your looks. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. Do not be handicapped by gray hair when it is so easy to get rid of it in your own home. 80