Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR FEMININE HYGIENE GREASELESS BUT IT IS TRUE • Zonitors, snowywhite antiseptic, greaseless, are not only easier to use than ordinary preparations but are completely removable with water. For that reason alone thousands of women now prefer them to messy, greasy suppositories. Soothing— harmless to tissue. Entirely ready for use, requiring no mixing or clumsy apparatus. Odorless — and ideal for deodorizing. You'll find them superior for this purpose, too! # More and more women are ending the nuisance of greasy suppositories, thanks to the exclusive new greaseless Zonitors for modern feminine hygiene. There is positively nothing else like Zonitors for daintiness, easy application and easy removal, yet they maintain the long, effective antiseptic contact physicians recommend. Zonitors make use of the world famous Zonite antiseptic principle favored in medical circles because of its antiseptic power and freedom from "burn" danger to delicate tissues. Full instructions in package. All U.S. and Canadian druggists. Mail coupon for informative free booklet. Each in individual glass FOR MININE HYGIENE Snowy White • Greaseless Zonitors, 3429 Chrysler Bldg., N.Y.C. Send, inplain envelope, free booklet, A New Technique in Feminine Hygiene. Name Address . A ZONITE PRODUCT • INVENTORS • Small ideas may have large commercial possibilities. Write us for FREE book, "Patent Guide for the Inventor" and •'Record of Invention" form. Delays are dangerous in patent matters. Free information on how to proceed. CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN & HYMAN BERMAN 1-S Adams Building, Washington, D. C. RELIEF FROM PSORIASIS with |D€RmOIL Dermoil is being used by thousands of men and women throughout the country to secure relief from the effects of this ugly, ^^^^^^ stubborn, embarrassing scaly Generous trial size skin disease often mistaken for 25c stamps or coin ^zema-. . Apply « , externally. Nonstaimng. Grateful users report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and their skin became clear again after years of suffering with scaly patches. Dermoil is backed by a positive agreement to give chronic sufferers definite benefit in two weeks time or money is refunded. Beautifully illustrated book on psoriasis and Dermoil FREE. Trial bottle and amazing PROOF OF RESULTS 25c. Prove it yourself no matter ho* long you have suffered or what you have tried. Don't delay Write TODAY for your trial. LAKE LABORATORIES Boit 6 Northwestern Station Depl. M-16, Detroit. Michigan Mcke THE ONE TEST Coast-to-Coast Highlights {Continued from page 1 1 ) Mehra, incidentally, is official interpreter of Punjabi and Hindustani for the Los Angeles Courts and the U. S. Immigration Office of that city. COMPASS MERRY-GO-ROUND Detroit, Chicago, Toledo and New York: If you are, like this department, a follower of the Lone Ranger program of Western song and campfire talk, be assured that you will be able to hear it for another full year over WXYZ, WGN, WSPD or WOR . . . Cincinnati: Perhaps you don't realize it, but the Joe Dunlevy you hear three times a week on WLW's Top 'o the Morning and in songs and chatter on weekday afternoons over WSAI, was for years the vaudeville partner of Harry Frankel, better known as Singin' Sam . . . Chicago: Art Topp, WBBM sound man, asserts that he experimented for some time before discovering the proper way to produce the effect of a golf club swishing through the air and hitting a ball . . . Turns out the best was a golf club swishing through the air and hitting a ball. Chicago: Reports have it that Samuel Insull is losing control of the Affiliated Broadcasting Company chain . . . Other reports state that he is now completely out of the organization . . . Hollywood: In the chorus of Paul Taylor heard during the Reunion of States programs on KNX, is the daughter of one of the country's greatest operetta composers . . . She is Lucille Friml, child of Rudloph Friml. Chicago: Styles in apparel have changed since the gay nineties, when father and the boys used to gather at the fire house or the barber shop for a little bit of close harmony. But styles in songs haven't changed and Harold Rick and Ralph Snyder, whose picture graces the first page of this department, with Priscilla Holbrook in the "knock 'em dead" habiliments of father's "hey-hey" day, proving it in a new program entitled "Songs That Will Never Grow Old." To Miss Holbrook's accompaniment on the piano, they're singing familiar old songs that will strike a responsive chord in every listener's heart. The program is said to be the first use of radio on a national scale for the promotion of electric cookery. It is a special recording for radio produced by the Edison General Electric Appliance Company, of Chicago. Hollywood: A seven and a half pound boy was presented to the Arthur McDonalds September 21. The father, Art McDonald, is sales manager for station KEHE, at Los Angeles. Cigars and candy were freely passed out to all who visited the station by the happy father. Charlotte, N. C: Reginald Allen, WBT announcer, is still limping and using a cane — the result of the infected foot that he acquired back in the summer from a golf blister on the heel . . . Martha Dulin, hostess and member of the program staff, has started work on the dramatic series she will handle during the fall and winter. She is a widely-known Little Theatre star. New Home Factory Makes New Kind of Potato Chips — Donufs —Salted Nuts Stop looking for something difficult. Turn potatoes into cash. I show you just how with my newly perfected outfit. Start anywhere. Very little cash needed. Exclusive location. Profits pour in. | No experience needed. I furnish the plans. Begin anywhere — village, small town, city or suburb. A big opportunity is waiting. Business permanent. MAKE UP TO 300% PROFIT ON RAW MATERIALS Raw materials are plentiful and cheap. Highly perfected outfit and confidential plans make operation simple, with startling profits certain. WE HELP FINANCE YOU and locate you. Send no money, just name, for book of facts and free opportunity. Complete 16unit Outfit includes new type vitreous white enamel ROUND Cooking Vat, Direct to fat high speed Slicer, centrif u-gal Grease Extractor, Thermometer — Positively everythi n g necessary to start — all at new low price. LONG-EAKINS COMPANY 1285-S High St. Springfield. Ohio AMAZING INVENTION EEEJEHIEE Oept.18. .NEWEST FAD! IJust mail your I favorite photo or f sn a pshot, we ' transfer it onto this beautiful g. Lasts a lifetime. Send strip •ing size. Pay postman plus few If you send 75c we pay postnds were sold for $3. Agents make big money simply showing ring. Photo Ring Shop, 1416 Eastern Ave. Cin'ti, 0. Send No Money 75c (Hand -tinted 25c extra) postage. Be a. Hotel Hostess Enjoy Your Work! Good positions in hotels for women as Hostess, Housekeeper, Manager, etc. Train at home in leisure time. One Lewis Student writes: "Hostess-Manager of Country Club, open all year. Salary $135 monthly and full maintenance for my two children and self." Write for Free Book. LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOLS, Sla. MW-8901, Washington, D.C • • • • • • • • Beauty Secrets Revealed Sylvia of Hollywood has put all her beauty secrets between the covers of a book. In No More Alibis you will find all of the treatments and methods which have made her a power in Hollywood. You will find out how to reduce fat from the hips, abdomen, breasts, arms, legs and ankles. You will learn how to acquire a firm lovely face, beautiful hands and feet and myriads of other Hollywood beauty secrets. Only $1.00 postpaid. Macfadden Book Co., Inc. Dept. 12 1926 Broadway New York, N. Y. SKIN BLEMISHES CONCEALED.' NOW! Make skin blemishes invisible in a few seconds time ! Amazing "HIDEIT" perfectly conceals Pimples, Birthmarks, Liver Spots, Freckles. Bruises. Scars, Dark Circles Under Eyes, Discolorations, etc. Won't rub off. Lasts until removed with cream. Waterproof. Harmless. Gives skin marvelously smooth, clear look! §1 at Dept. and Drug Stores. / Or, send 10c for generous trial. / Hid. mimiiiHii </?//* ''CLARK-MILLNER CO., 666 St.Ciair,Dept.l4N, Chicago / " I encloselOc for trial-size"Hide-It"in shade checked: □ Light p Medium □ Brunette D Sun Tan Name Town . Address State 82