Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR I HE ultraviolet rays of this wonderful lamp are equivalent to the rays of the Mountain Sun in midsummer. So all through the year in the privacy of your home — you can enjoy the beneficial rays of ultraviolet — rays which prevent and cure rickets, assure sound teeth, sturdy bodies; build body resistance, stimulate appetite, induce restful sleep, give you a glowing skin, and altogether keep you feeling and looking well. These are some of the reasons why the Dionne Quintuplets get their sun baths under an Hanovia Alpine Lamp. The New Hanovia Alpine Sun Lamp for the Home is priced at $115.00 F.O.B. Newark, N. J. See it in department stores, medical and electrical supply houses, also our showrooms — 155 West 51th Street, New York and 1718 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, For descriptive booklet write to Dept. RM-2. HANOVIA CHEMICAL & MANUFACTURING CO. NEWARK, N. J MEN you can look 10 to 15 years younger. 5 Minutes a Day Keeps Wrinkle* Away and erases age lines. This new sensational home methodScM* on Trial— You Risk Nothing. Lifts sagging muscles, nils up hollows. No Cosmetics, Men, Women, all ages write for thrilling book and Facial Analysis Chart — -both sent FREE in plain wrapper. PAULINE PALMER, 1246 Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. STOP Your Rupture Worries! Why worry and suffer any longer? Learn about our perfected invention for all forms of reducible rupture in men, women and children. Support fitted with automatic air cushion assists Nature in a natural strengthening of the weakened muscles. Thousands made happy. Weighs but a few ounces, is inconspicuous and sanitary. No stiff springs or hard pads. No salves or plasters. Durable, cheap. Sent on trial to prove it. Beware of imitations. Never sold in stores or byagents. Write today for full information and Free Book on Rupture. All correspondence confidential. BROOKS COMPANY, 182-J State St., Marshall, Mich. 84 C. E. Brooks, Inventor Peel pears, peaches and apricots and arrange with plums attractively in a compote dish, using the cherries and grapes to complete the design. Now make a syrup by boiling together two cups of sugar and one cup of water. Pour, while hot, over the fruit, coating it thoroughly and being careful not to disarrange it. The dish should then be covered, and not used until the following day, and should be chilled in the refrigerator for several hours before serving. There isn't room to give other recipes here, but if you want those for herring canape, rissolee potatoes and cheese cake, or for lemon or pumpkin pie, I will be glad to send them to you. There is also a vegetable leaflet which will give you ideas for new ways to prepare and serve the vegetables which are mentioned here. Just send a stamped self-addressed envelope with your request to Mrs. Margaret Simpson, Radio Mirror, 122 East 42nd St., New York City. PRIZE WINNERS Radio Mirror-Jessica Dragonette Theme Song Contest $250 IN PRIZES FIRST PRIZE— $100.00 Miss Margery Armitage, New York City, New York SECOND PRIZE— $50.00 Miss Pearl V. Dartt, Seattle, Washington TWO THIRD PRIZES OF $10.00 EACH Georgia Marshall Cragin, Joplin, Missouri Kathryne Stovall, Oklahoma City, Okla. SIX FOURTH PRIZES OF $5.00 EACH Dorothy Leighton, Portland, Maine G. L. Wind, Staten Island, New York Frances Marian Browne, Holyoke, Mass. Ruth M. Wendel, Williamsport, Pa. Marie Brennan, St. Louis, Mo. Marie V. Carpenter, Brooklyn, New York TWENTY-FIVE FIFTH PRIZES OF $2.00 EACH Roscoe Gilmore Stott, Cincinnati, Ohio ; William J. Stepien, Chicago, 111. ; Edna Brown, Falls City, Nebraska ; Mae G. Merrell, Denver, Colorado; Thelma M. Parker, Bethel, Ohio ; Saimi Fassett, Berkeley, Calif. ; Fleta Bruer Gonsa, Finlay, Ohio ; Laura M. Gradick, Jacksonville, Fla. ; Helen R. Sneidman, Espy, Pa. ; Mrs. J. M. Dunsworth, Emporia, Kansas ; Dorothy Serck, Rock Rapids, Iowa ; James H. Speer, Lima, Ohio ; Harriet Gale Cull, Jacksonville, Florida; Virginia Follin, South Euclid, Ohio; H. Andrea Sather, Duluth, Minnesota; Mabel Davis, Gansevoort, New York ; Grace C. Wynne, Dallas, Texas ; Sybil M. Gregory, Vancouver Island, Canada ; Nell Haas, Denver, Colorado ; George Simpson, Kansas City, Mo. ; Adelaide Barr Doolittle, Ocean Grove, New Jersey ; Miss B. Ross, Chicago, 111. ; Mrs. Arlen Luvano, Springville, Calif. ; June Hersey, Culver City, Calif. ; Mrs. Muriel Bishop, Atlanta, Ga. Crooked Spines-^ Made Straight GREATLY BENEFITED OB ENTIRELY CUBED An Elderly Lady, all bent over, was straightened wonderfully. A Grateful Father tvrites his daughter had a bad curvature, yet was completely straightened. A Man helpless, unable to stand or walk, was riding horseback and playing tennis within a year. A Little Child, paralyzed, was playing about the house in 3 weeks. A Doctor, confined to a wheel chair for 8 years, was walking In 3 months' time. Thousands of sufferers have found relief, benefit °'™™J*™T. the PHILO BURT METHOD. Over fifty-nine thou sand cases in the past 30 years. 30 DAYS' TRIAL We will prove its value in your Philo Burt Appliance is light in weight and comfortable to wear — entirely different from the old, torturing, plaster-casts, leather and celluloid jackets or steel braces. Every afflicted person with a weakened, injured, diseased or deformed spine owes it to himself to investigate. Doctors recommend it. and the price within reach of all. Send for Information If you will describe your case it will aid us in giving you definite information at once. PHILO BURT COMPANY 136-12 Odd Fellows Temple Jamestown, New York own case. The Song Composers! We arrange piano copy, record your song in Radio manner. Thrill your friends with your song professionally recorded. Piano copy and record at special combination price. Poems also set to music. Write for information. MUS-O-MATIC Recordings, 4 East 53rd St., New York, N. Y. This Beautiful Lifelike PHOTO RING NO MONI 59i NEWEST SENSA SEND TION! Send any NO MONEYI snapshot or photo and we'll reproduce it in this beautiful onyxlike ring. Indestructible! (Hand-tinted Waterproofl 25c extra) Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay postman plus a few cents postage. If you send 59c we pay postage. PHOTO MOVETTE RING CO., Dept. M., 626 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ^Scratching // RELIEVE ITCHING In Ons Minute Even the most stubborn itching of eczema, blotches, pimples, athlete's foot, rashes and other skin eruptions, quickly yields to Dr. Dennis* cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle, oils soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and stainless— dries fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it — or money back. Ask for P. P. D. PRESCRIPTION. LIGHTEN YOUR HAIR WITHOUT PEROXIDE to ANY Shade you desire SAFELY in 5 to 15 minutes Careful, fastidious women avoid the use of peroxide because peroxide makes hair brittle. Lechler's Instantaneous Hair Lightener requires NO peroxide. Used as a paste it can streak. Eliminates "Btraw" look. Beneficial to perma * nent waves and bleached hair. Lightens blonde hair J1 1 dark. This is the only preparation that also lighte the scalp. No more dark roots. Used over 20 years by famo beauties, Btace and screen stars and children. Harmless. Gui anteed. Mailed complete with brush for application r*r> JTJT ^6 Pa&e booklet "The Art of Lightening Hair r i\ CLC. Without Peroxide1' Free with your first order. LECHLER LABORATORIES. Inc. 560 Broadway (Dept. A) New York, N. Y. MIDGET POCKET RADIO DIRECT FROM POCKET RADIO! No dangling earphones to bother with. All one unit— just like the big sets, but weighs only 4 ozs. Carry like a watch, fits pocket easily. Take it anywhere you go— listen to your favorite stations, music, sports, and all radio entertainment. No batteries, tubes, /or electrical connections required. ANYONE CAN USE IT-ANYWHERE i Very selective— amazing volume, beautiful reIception and distance. Costs nothing to operate "and should last indefinitely. Nothing to "wear out— tuning control is only moving part. No crystals to adjust. Comes complete with easy nstructions for use in camps, auto, office, boats, .loine, bicycles, hotel, picnics, bed, oranywhere. I No difficult hookups— cornea complete and all :lv connect and tune in. Guaranteed. i NO MONEY! Order now. State color wanted (Silver, Brown, Black, White, Blue). Pay postman only $2.99 plus few cents postage. Little Giant Radio Co.* 3959 Lincoln Ave., Dept. 102, Chicago