Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR Did Gray H Rob Them of $95 aWeek? air Now Comb Away Gray ThisEasy Way GRAY hair is risky. It screams :"Yon are getting old!" To end gray hair handicaps all you now have to do is comb it once a day for several days with a few drops of Kolor-Bak sprinkled on your comb, and afterwards regularly once or twice a ■week to keep your hair looking nice. Kolor-Bak is a solution for artificially coloring gray hair that imparts color and charm and abolishes gray hair worries. Grayness disappears within a week or two and users report the change is so gradual and so perfect that their friends forget they ever had a gray hair and no one knew they did a thing to it.. Make This Trial Test "Will you test Kolor-Bak without risking a single cent? Then, go to your drug or department store today and get a bottle of Kolor-Bak. Test it under our guarantee that it must make you look 10 years younger and far more attractive or we will pay back your money. J PDCr Buy a bottle of KOLOR-BAK I ■ •*■•■■ today and send top flap of car I I ton to United Remedies, Dept. 4412, I I 544 So. Wells Street, Chicago— and | I receive FREE AND POSTPAID a 60c I ■ box of KUBAK Shampoo. I MS Splendid experienci education ' oklet opportunities. Prepare in 3. Easy plan. No previous needed, common school sufficient. Send for free 'Opportunities in Photogra phy", partic American School of Photography Dept. 1389 3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, III. Joke To Be Deaf —Every deaf person knows that— Mr. Way made himself bear hie watch tick after being deaf for twenty-five years, with hiB Artificial Ear Drams. He wore them, day and night. ■ -sThey stopped his head *■— noises. They are invisible | and comfortable, no wires or batteries. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Write for TRUE STORY. Also booklet on Deafness. Artificial Ear Drum THE WAY COMPANY 719 Hofmann Bldg. Detroit, Michigan Simulated Diamond ^m mbb IMP0RTEDl5t To introduce our Beau ■ ^^ tiful Blue-White Rainbow Flash Stones, we will send a 1 Kt. Imported Simulated Diamond, Mounted in Lovely RING as Illustrated, for this ad. and 15c expense. Address : National Jewelry Co., Dept. 5-E Wheeling, W. Va. (2 for 25c) Mention your Birth Date, and we will include FREE a White "Luck" Elephant— Imported from the Orient. CLEANS C10THES NewWay...Sells OnSight NEW DRY-CLEANING CLOTHES BRUSH. Revolutionary Invention. Banishes old-style clothes brushes forever. Never anything like itl Secret chemical plus unique vacuum action. Keeps clothing spic-and-span. Also cleans hats, crapes, window shades, upholstered furniture, etc. Saves cleaning bills. Low priced AGENTS WANTED. Hustlers making phenomenal profits. SAMPLE OFFER Samples Bent at oar ofuiirLc urrcrt risk to Bnt JMZBOn m each locality who writes. No obligstioni,^t. fetoHe. Be first. Send in your name TOD A Yl KRISTEE MFG. CO. 442 Bar St., Akron, O. FREE SALARY TO START $90 to $175 MONTHLY MEN WOMEN1 LlARC) ) Railway Mail Clerk ( ) POSTMASTER ) P.O. Laborer )R. F.D. Carrier ) Special Agent ) Customs Inspector ) City Mail Carrier ) P.O. Clerk ) Stock Clerk ) Spec. Investigator ) Typist ( ) Elevator Conductor ) Auditor ) Stenographer ) U. S. Border Patrol ) Telephone Opr. ) Watchman ) Meat Inspector ) Secret Service Opr. ) File Clerk INSTRUCTION SERVICE, Depl.315-A, SI. Louis, Mo. Send me FREE particulars "How to Qualify for Government Positions" marked "X". Salaries, locations, opportunities, etc. ALL SEND FREE. Nelson, Ozzie — Lexington Hotel, N. Y. Noble, Ray — Rainbow Room, Rockefeller Center, N. Y. Osborne, Will— New Yorker Hotel, N. Y. Let us know what questions you want answered, using the coupon" below for your own convenience ' and " ours— and we'll do our best to tell you what you want to know. Ken Alden, Facing the Music, RADIO MIRROR, 122 East 42nd Street, New York City. I want to know more about: Orchestral Anatomy Theme Song Section Following the Leaders Or Name Address ■ Jerry Cooper's Mother Love Drama {Continued from page 33) Broadcasting System sealed his fate. He was on his way at last to success. Back home in the secrecy of her bedroom, his mother wept bitterly when he signed that contract. "I couldn't help it," she confessed, halfashamed of her confession when I saw her in Jerry's dressing-room backstage of the Paramount Theater in New York. It was between shows and Jerry stood, leaning against the dressing table. "I knew that I had lost my boy — to New York. I knew he would never come back home now. Of course, I was glad because it made him happy, but still I couldn't help feeling lost. Jerry had meant so much to me." In the meantime something happened to Jerry. He fell in love. Now to fall in love is in itself a perfectly natural phenomenon for a young, handsome man. But to fall in love with a face on a billboard is quite another story. And yet that's just what happened to Jerry. Girls had never played the part in his youth that they do in the average boy's. He'd been too busy, had too many responsibilities. Walking along Broadway he saw a picture of a girl on a theatrical billboard. She was tall, black-haired, blueeyed — everything that was lovely and desirable in Jerry's eyes. For weeks he thought of nothing but the girl on the billboard. One day, almost magically, she came to life. He saw her for a fleeting moment step out of the doors of the hotel where he lived. Before he could recover from his wide-eyed astonishment, she was gone. Jerry wondered for a long time whether he had really seen her at all, or whether he had been dreaming. And then at last he met her. He was playing an engagement at the Hollywood restaurant in New York. Almost as if by Divine providence she was engaged to dance there. YOU'VE GOT TO KEEP TO YOURSELF! A RE YOU a victim of Piles? Then you know what 1 *■ suffering is. Piles will do more to make you miserable and pull you down physically and mentally than almost any other ailment. Real relief for the pain of Piles is to be had today in Pazo Ointment. Pazo does more than "kid" Piles. It actually placates them. It gives almost instant relief from the pain and itching. Pazo is unusually effective because it is threefold in effect. First, it is soothing, which relieves pain and soreness. Second, it is lubricating, which softens hard parts and makes passage easy. Third, it is astringent, which tends to reduce swollen parts and check bleeding. PROVE IT! Pazo comes in tubes fitted with special Pile Pipe, which makes it possible to apply high up in the rectum. It also now comes in suppository form. Those who prefer suppositories will find Pazo Suppositories the most satisfactory. All drug stores sell both Pazo-inTubes and Pazo Suppositories, but a free trial tube will be sent on request. Just mail coupon and enclose 10c (coin or stamps) to help cover cost of packing and postage. Grove Laboratories, Inc. Dept. 71-MC, St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: Please send trial tube Pazo. I enclose 10c to help cover packing and mailing. NAME ADDRESS.. CITY. STATE This offer is good only in U. S. and Canada. Canadian residents may write H. R. Madill & Co., 64 Wellington Street, West, Toronto, Ont. MOTHER OF THREE EARNS $32-$35 A WEEK • "Thanks to Chicago School of Nursing, I have been able to support my three children and keep my home together," writes Mrs. A. E., Waterbury, Conn. And Mrs. E. is only one of thousands of men and women who have found that C.S.N, training opens the way to a well-paid dignified profession! C.S.N.-trained practical nurses all over the country are earning as much as $25 to $35 a week in private practice, in hospitals and sanitariums. Others, like Miss C. H., own nursing-homes. This easy-to-understand course, successful for 37 years and endorsed by physicians — enables men and women 18 to 60 to prepare themselves at home and in their spare time, for any type of practical nursing. Best of all, it is possible to earn while learning — Mrs. F. McE. took her first case before completing the 7 th lesson and earned $400 in three months! High school not necessary. Complete nurse's equipment included. Easy tuition payments. Decide now to send for "Splendid Opportunities in Nursing," which shows you how you can win success as a nurse! CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 1912, 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago, III. Please send booklet and 32 sample lesson pages. Name City Stats 4ge 87