Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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If every GRAY HAIR ACHED like a tooth no one would delay using FARR'S FOR GRAY HAIR If neglected hair doesn't distress you, it pains your friends. FARR'S, used with perfect confidence, leaves your hair soft, lustrous, natural and youthful in appearance. Easy as a manicure in hygienic privacy of home; odorless, greaseless; will not rub off nor interfere with curling. $1.35. Sold everywhere. . FREE SAMPLE , I BROOKLINE CHEMICAL CO. M.F. 6 | | 79 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass. a Send in plain wrapping. ,i ■ Name ■ ■ Street ■ ■ City State , ! GIVE ORIGINAL HAIR COLOR DARK -EYES DARKENS LASHES 4 TO 5 WEEKS IN ONE APPLICATION. Does Not Harden or Break Lashes. Indelible — never runs or fades. $1 at Drug, Department Stores. Send 25c for Trial Size. «'DARKVEYES"VDept.Vl-NV4iy6rfeVnVstrrCh]cagoriVl. GIVEN Send No Money MICKEY MOUSE WRIST WATCH orChoiceof CASH COMMISSION! Boys! Girls! Mickey'sonthedialand band in colors! Chrome finish case and bracelet — Unbreakable crystal. American make. WHAT A WATCH! SIMPLY GIVE AWAY FREE beautiful art pictures with our famous WHITE CLOVERINE SALVE which you sell at 25c a box (giving picture FREE) and remit per premium catalog. Other premiums given. 42nd season. Write for order of Salve and pictures! WILSON CHEM. CO., INC., Dept. 65-J. TYRONE, PA. . GUARANTEED TO IVearTUifhout Holes or New -Hose FREE/ AGENTS! °$o $32 in a week Amazing free Replacement Guarantee on fine silk hosiery, chiffons, service weights. Reduces hosiery costs up to 600/c A sensation. If holes, snags, runs appear in from ll/2 to 8 months hosiery replaced free. 100 styles, colors for men, women, children. R. Poirier reports $127 earned in five days. Agents send postal quick for sell, ing outfit, giving hose size. WILKNIT HOSIERY COMPANY 8-P Midway, Greenfield. Ohio RADIO M I RROR There she was in flesh and blood — only a thousand times more breathtakingly beautiful than he had ever dreamed she would really be. They fell in love. It was as simple as that. Jerry wrote home and told his mother. He wanted to be married. For the first time in their lives Jerry and his mother find themselves on opposite sides of an emotional conflict that holds tragic possibilities. "It isn't that I don't want to see my boy married and settled in his own home," she told me, her blue eyes dark with worry. I would be a very unnatural mother if I didn't want that. Today he thinks his happiness lies with Joan. If I could only be sure he would always think so I would give him my blessing without hesitation. But you know marriage is so deadly serious— lots more so than Jerry realizes." Her eyes clouded again with remembered pain. "It can bring you so much happiness or so much unhappiness. My own life has taught me that. It isn't enough to be attracted by beauty and charm." "What's the matter with Joan?" Jerry broke in heatedly as he daubed make-up on his handsome face. "Isn't she good enough for me?" Jul RS. COOPER'S eyes wrinkled with the ■"■ Irish humor which can bubble up even through trouble and heartache. "Of course, no one could be good enough for you, Jerry. Seriously," she said turning again to me, "Joan is a lovely girl. Too lovely, in fact," she sighed. "It isn't Joan personally. It's the wide difference between Jerry's background and hers. Joan has been born and bred in New York. She is beautiful. She is used to luxury, the best things of life. She could never be happy staying home, keeping house, stepping out of the limelight and adulation of everybody to have children. And one never knows what life is going to bring you later on. What troubles the future holds in store. Supposing Jerry shouldn't always make a great deal of money?" "But I shall," Jerry broke in. "I've just started. I'm going places and I'm not going to stop until I get to the very top and then I mean to stay there," he added grimly. "I sincerely hope so," Mrs. Cooper replied fervently. "But one never knows," turning to me, "I want Jerry to choose a wife who will be content to stay at home, who will find her happiness in caring for him and his children. I think that essentially Jerry belongs to the south. He isn't a Broadway boy even if he works there. Just now all I ask is that Jerry wait a while. I always believed that if you trusted in Providence, somehow things always come out all right." And Jerry answered slowly, measuring his words, "I love Joan. Joan loves me. We want to marry. I don't want to wait until I'm older. I want a home and children now." And yet, it is hard for Jerry to disregard his mother's urging. They always have been so close, their devotion so unselfish. Now, for the first time, Jerry's own happiness and that of his mother seem to lie in opposite directions. Jerry is at one of life's most important cross-roads. Which way must he turn? Must someone's heart be broken — or is there some happy solution? Must Jerry's mother, who for so many years lavished upon him a mother's love, suffer a broken heart when she sees his love turn toward another? Must it be Joan? Or must the sufferer be Jerry himself? There is an old saying that Love will find a way. For Jerry's sake and his mother's and Joan's, let us hope that it will. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go THE liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c at all drug stores. © "35. c m. co. CURLS The straightest hair can be made naturally curly with CURI^O-WAVE. FD ¥7 17 Booklet and sample; send *^ *-' *-f 10c to cover mailing. Waves hair like magic. Pint Package including French wave net, send 25c. Beauty shop 1 gallon package send $1. CURL-OWA VE CO., Room 6Z3, 201 N. Wells St., Chicago KILL THE HAIRROOT >S^ Remove the hair permanently, safely, privately at home, following simple directions. The Mahler Method positively prevents the hair from growing again. The delightful relief will bring happiness, freedom of mind and gTeater success. Backed by 35 years of successful use all over the world. Send 6c tn stamps TODAY jj for Illustrated Booklet, "How to Remove y^ Superfluous Hair Forever". J~* D.J. Mahler Co., Dept. S8P, I erflu0li5 % , Providence. R. I, LEARN TO PLAY PIANO BY EAR NOTE READING-NO SCALE PLAYING If you can whistle, sing, or hum a tune — You have TALENT. Let a popular Radio Pianist train your hands to play Piano by Ear. TEN LESSON METHOD sent postpaid for $1.00, or pay U. S. Postman 51. 00 plus postage. Nothing more to buy. Satisfaction assured — or your money refunded. Piano Accordion bass charts included Free. Order now! MAJOR KORD gff ^Was Skin Itch Kills Romance Many shattered romances may be traced directly to ugly skin blemishes. Why tolerate itchy pimples, eczema, angry red blotches or other irritations resulting from external causes when you can get quick relief from soothing Peterson's Ointment. 35c at all druggists. Money refunded if one application does not delight you. Wonderful^ too, for tired itchy feet and cracks between toes. Write for FREE SAMPLE to Peterson Ointment Co., Dept. JF-5 , Buffalo, N.Y. Hollywood Hints on How to be Beautiful THE radiant, glamorous beauty of the screen stars can now be yours. For the very same methods which the famous stars of the screen and stage use to acquire and maintain their beauty are now revealed by Sylvia of Hollywood in her new book, No More Albis. Send for your copy of this book today. $1.00 postpaid. Macfadden Book Co., Inc. Dept. 12, 1926 Broadway, New York, N. Y.