Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RAD 10 MIRROR There ore many flattering ways tot arrange your hair with Hollywood Rapid Dry Curlers. Will you have fight little curls that fit close to your head . . or soft loose ones to form a halo? Will you have many curls ...or just a few? Whatever style of curl you select can be yours easily, quickly, right at home, .with the patents' "Curler used by the Stars." 3 for 10c AT 5c AND 10c STORES NOTION COUNTERS WILL YOU WEAR THIS SUIT and Make up to $12 in a Day! Let me send you this fine all-wool tailored suit FREE OF COST. Just follow my easy plan and show the suit to your friends. Make up to S12 in a day easily. No experience — no canvassing necessary. Send for Samples— FREE of COST Write today for FREE details. ACTUAL SAMPLES and "sure-fire" money getting plans. Send no money. H. J. Collin, Progress Tailoring Co., Dept. M-349, 500 S. Throop St., Chicago, 111. NEURITIS To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago in 9 minutes, get the Doctor's Prescription NURITO. Absolutely safe. No opiates, no narcotics. Does the work quickly — must relieve your pain in nine minutes or money back at Druggist's. Don't suffer. Use guaranteed NURITO today. Here's a Queer Way . to Leant Music/ NO teacher — no monotonous exercises or confusing details. Just a simple, easy, homestudy method. Takes only a few minutes — averages only a few cents — a day. No "grind" or hard work. Every step is clear as crystal — simple as A-B-C throughout. You'll be surprised at your own rapid progress. From the start you are learning real tunes by note. Quickly learn to play "jazz" or classical selections —right at home in your spare time. Free Book and Demonstration Lesson Don't be a wallflower. Send for Free Booklet and Free Demonstration Lesson. These explain our wonderful home study method fully and show you how easily and quickly you can learn to play at little expense. Mention your favorite instruments. Instruments supplied when needed, cash or credit. Write NOW. U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 30612 Brunswick Bldg.. New York City Pick Your Course Piano Guitar Violin Saxophone Organ Mandolin Cornet Ukulele Trombone Harp Piccolo Clarinet Flute 'Cello Hawaiian Steel Guitar Trumpet Piano Accordion Give Beauty for Christmas {Continued from page 13) bottom of our opening page, left, is the zipper club kit of perhaps the most famous of all lines of manicure preparations. Made of genuine leather, in a choice of black, brown or royal blue, this presentation looks at least twice the purchase price. The same is true of the even less expensive (but still genuine leather) traveling kit without zipper fastenings presented by the same company. The set illustrated contains nail polish, cuticle remover, polish remover, cuticle oil, a cunning composition finger-rest and cottonfeeder to speed your manicure, nail-white pencil, emery boards, orange stick and file. Next to this set is another excellent example of a fine leather case for a minimum of money. The sturdy frame, bound in alligator finish leather, black or brown, holds generous jars of some of the finest creams on the market, a full size box of face powder and a bottle of skin tonic. The kit can be had in special combinations for either oily (and normal) or dry skin. It's handsome enough to carry as a piece of fine luggage and small enough to be tucked without difficulty into the corner of a suitcase. Its really fascinating feature, though, is the handsome mirror in the lid, which can be raised or lowered easel-fashion. THE truly elegant set in the lower right ■ hand corner of that page is one of those which I've compared with the finest art of the expensive jewelers. Here, in one dignified satin-lined case, are grouped a full-sized cigarette case, double compact and lipstick in matching red, black or white enamel with contrasting edgings and medallions. An interesting point is that the compact and lipstick can be purchased in a separate ensemble, for the nonsmoker, or the cigarette case in a gift box, for the girl who already has many compacts— and very reasonably, too. In fact, the variations are endless, for you can even get the compact in a presentation case by itself. At the top of the single column is an ensemble made up by one of the most successful and popular of the make-up studios. Containing regular sizes of their standard face powder, rouge, lipstick, mascara, eyebrow pencil and eyeshadow, in harmonies for all complexions, the set actually costs less than five dollars! And there are smaller gift ensembles (powder, rouge and lipstick) at half the price. And, finally, that all-important problem — what to give the men-folks. The set illustrated at the bottom of the column contains full sizes of after-shave cologne, wooden shaving bowl and neutral-tinted talcum powder, all products which have enjoyed the favor of men everywhere for years, and all packaged in the conservative but attractive style which masculine taste prefers. Best of all, it's well within the price range which any girl can afford. This is only a quick cross-section of the cosmetic field of holiday specialties. There are, of course, many variations which can be played upon this theme. You could easily give gifts of beauty to every member of your family, every friend, and never duplicate an article or an idea. Perhaps mother has a secret desire for a permanent wave and everyone knows she'll never spend the money on herself. Perhaps married sister, with the clamor of little children constantly around her, would appreciate a series of relaxing massages at a reputable beauty shop. Salon facials, home facials, beauty treatments and, naturally, the many fascinating bath (Continued on page 91) it it MOIST-THROAT METHOD relieved Mugh in 1 DAY Brooklyn, i Ue Pertus tor. He said to" co„gh wasgo"e! GLANDS HERE CLOGTHROAT DRIESWHEN YOU CATCH COLD' mMCWGMtSTAm! Your throat and your bronchial tubes are lined with tiny moisture glands. When you catch cold, these glands clog— their secretion dries. Sticky mucus collects. You feel a tickling . . . you cough! To stimulate those glands to pour out their natural moisture, use PERTUSSIN. A spoonful or two increases the flow of your throat's moisture. Germ-laden phlegm loosens, is easily expelled. Soon— relief! Safe even for babies. Tastes good. Get a bottle now! Prescription Seeck & Kade, Inc., Dept. TS-E COiyir 440 Washington Street, N. Y. C. fKEjfc Please send — at once— generous trial bottle of Pertussin — free I PERTUSSIN Name. ENLARGEMENTS PHOTO Amazing Offer! Mail us 3 negatives (filme) with this ad and 25c (coin); receive postpaid 3 beautiful S it 7 inch enlargements; 6 for 45c; 15 for SI, all postpaid. 1 for 10c, plus postage. Canada add 10%. Negatives returned. Dept. M 12. Unique Art Service 18 E. 58th St.. N. Y. C. 10' Wbat Do You Do with Your Little Finger? —when you pick up a glass or cup? . . . You know from watching others that charm and poise can be destroyed instantly by the misuse of hands. And by the same token, the correct use of your hands can become a tremendous social and business asset. Great actresses accomplish much of their poise by proper hand action. The makers of Frostilla— the famous skin lotion that keeps hands, face and,body smooth and lovely— asked Margery Wilson, the international authority on charm and poise, to tell • how to hold a cigarette • how to pick up cards • how to shake hands • and how to make hands behave to the best advantage on all occasions Margery Wilson gives the authoritative answers to these and other questions in an illustrated booklet on How to Use Your Hands Correctly. Although this booklet is priced at 50c, we have arranged to present it without charge to Frostilla users in the United States and Canada until May 30th, 1937. Just mail coupon with the front of a 35c, 50c or $1.00 Frostilla Fragrant Lotion box (or two fronts from 10c sizes) and your copy will be sent FREE. §f pOlS£N 1«wvdur ' "FROSTILLA" A HAN0» 433 Gray Street, Elmira, N.Y. Here is the box front — sendmemycopy / of Margery Wilson's book on hands. Name. Address. City.. _ State