Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR Kidneys must clean) acids from yoM\ bloody Your System is Poisoned DR. W. R. GEORGE Former Health Commissioner of Indianapolis And May Cause Gerfi ness. Leg Pains, and When Kidneys Function Poorly ng Up Nighf-s, Nervousa Run-Down Condition Tour health, vitality and energy are extremely dependent upon the proper functioning of your kidneys. This is easy to understand when you learn that each kidney, although only the size of your clenched fist, contains 4V4 million tiny, delicate tubes or niters. Your blood circulates through these tiny niters 200 times an hour, night and day. Nature provides this method of removing acids, poisons, and toxins from your blood. Causes Many Ills Dr. Walter R. George, many years Health Commissioner of Indianapolis, recently stated: "Most people do not realize this, but the kidneys probably are the most remarkable organs in the entire human anatomy. Their work is just as important and just as vital to good health as the work of the heart. As Health Commissioner of the City of Indianapolis for many years and as medical director for a large insurance company, I have had opportunity to observe that a surprisingly high percentage of people are devitalized, rundown, nervous, tired, and worn-out because of poorly functioning kidneys." If your kidneys slow down and do not function properly and fail to remove approximately 3 pints of Acids, Poisons, and liquids from your blood every 24 hours, then there is a gradual accumulation of these Acids and Wastes, and slowly, but surely, your system becomes poisoned, making you feel old before your time, rundown and worn out. Many other troublesome and painful symptoms may be caused by poorly functioning Kidneys, such as Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Dizziness, Frequent Headaches and Colds, Rheumatic Pains, Swollen Joints, Circles Under Byes, Backaches, Loss of Vitality, Burning, Itching, Smarting, and Acidity. Help Kidneys Doctor's Way Druggists and doctors in over thirty-five countries throughout the world think that the proper way to help kidney functions is with the modern, up-to-date Doctor's prescription. Cystex, because it is scientifically prepared in strict accordance with the United States and British Pharmacopoeia to act directly on the kidneys as a diuretic. For instance, Dr. T. J' Rastelli, famous surgeon and scientist of London, says: "Cystex is one of the finest remedies I have ever known in my medical practice. Any doctor will recommend it for its definite benefit in the treatment of many functional kidney and bladder disorders. It is safe and harmless.' And Dr. T, A. Ellis, of Toronto, Canada, has stated: "Cystex' influence in aiding the treatment of sluggish kidney and bladder functions can not be over-estimated." And Dr. C. Z. Rendelle, of San Francisco, said: "I can truthfully recommend the use of Cystex," while Dr. N. G. Giannini, widely known Italian physician, stated: "I have found men and women of middle age particularly grateful for the benefits received from such medication. A feeling of many years lifted off one's age often follows the fine effects of Cystex." GUARANTEED 8-DAY TEST If you suffer from any of the conditions mentioned in this article or feel rundown, worn out, and old before your time, poorly functioning kidneys may be the real cause of your trouble. And because Cystex has given successful results in thousands of cases throughout the world after other things had failed, you should put this doctor's prescription to the test immediately, with the understanding that it must prove satisfactory in every way within 8 days, or you merely return the empty package and the full purchase price is refunded. Because Cystex is specially and scientifically prepared to act directly on the kidneys as a diuretic, it is quick and positive in action. Within 48 hours most people report a remarkable improvement and complete satisfaction in 8 days. Cystex costs only three cents a dose at druggists. Put it to the test today. Under the guarantee you must feel younger, stronger, and better than you have in a long time — you must feel that Cystex has done the work thoroughly and completely, or you merely return the empty package and it costs nothing. Tou are the sole judge of your own satisfaction. You can't afford to take chances with cheap, inferior or irritating drugs or any medicine that is not good enough to be guaranteed. Telephone your druggist for guaranteed Cystex (pronounced Siss-tex) today. Ill PROVE in 7 Day* I Can makeYOU a NEW MAW Even in the first week I will prove I can give you a powerful body o! might and muscle — with my quick Dynamic Tension method! Mail coupon below — and I'll send you absolutely free my new book "Everlasting Health and Strength." Reveals secrets that changed me from a 97-pound weakling to twice-winner. Df title, " World's Most Perfectly Developed Man." I've taken thousands of flabby, no-muscle men and given them big, powerful muscles, increased measurements, amazing strength, vitality, pep! My natural Dynamic Tension method develops real men, inside and out! Banishes constipation, bad breath, pimples. Send NOW for free copy of my book filled with pictures and body facts. Find out how I can make you the husky, big-muscled NEW MAN you can be! Mail couponTO DAY. CHARLES ATLAS, Dept. 58M, 115 E. 23 St.. N. Y. City. FREE BOOK MAIL COUPON AT ONCE CHARLES ATLAS, Dept. 58M, 115 E. 23 St., N. Y. showing how Dynan Address I Holder of Title '•World'aMosl Perfectly Developed Man" "How about my disposition? Have you ever noticed that?" Jarvis admitted that she had a wonderful disposition, and, upon further questioning, that she was healthy and considerate. ' "Then," asked Bambi, "would you mind marrying me?" Jarvis blinked, turned pink, and eyed the door as if contemplating immediate flight. "Bambi, are you crazy?" he demanded. "Not a bit. I'm in deadly earnest. 1 want you to marry me. Will you?" "But — but why?" "Well," Bambi said with the air of one settling down to discuss a question sensibly, "for one thing because you need me, or anyway somebody like me. You need somebody to darn your socks, and keep landladies from heckling you — but most of all, somebody to give you a normal point of view. You're a clever writer, a genius, maybe. But you write for yourself, not for audiences. You ' don't even know what the common people think about, or how they talk. I do. You need me, to help you go places!" Jarvis was looking at her now, at her shining eyes, her gay face. He said slowly, "I see. It's terribly sweet of you to want to do this for me — but just where do you come in? After all — well, I just don't love you, Bambi." YOU aren't in love with anyone else, are you?" Bambi asked, brought up sharply in mid-flight. "Lord, no!" "Maybe, after you've got a lot of those big ideas out of your system, you might — " Bambi paused, and carefully picked a dry leaf from the marigolds — "you might get just a little bit fond of me." "Well, I don't know," Jarvis said. "I don't want to be rude, but—" "It would just be what you dramatists call a marriage of convenience." He nodded and said, "I can see where it would be a convenience for me, but not what you'd get out of it." "Don't you? I don't want to stay here all my life. You'll be rich and famous some day, and we'll go to New York and meet lots of great people! . . . Jarvis, help me get out of here! Just at first, we could stay with father. I'll have the old nursery fixed over into a study-bedroom for you, where you could work and be undisturbed." A gleam, as if at the sight of a promised land, lit Jarvis' eye. "Undisturbed . . ." he murmured. "1 could finish my play." "Say yes, Jarvis!" "It's mad — " "We'll be married today!" said Bambi, seizing on the first sign of weakening. "You run along into the study now and get some work done on your second act, and I'll attend to everything and call you when the minister comes." She was pushing him toward the door, and with his mind already on that second act, Jarvis went. Professor Parkhurst returned home, that noon, to find a scene of bustling activity instead of the peaceful lunch he had expected. Bambi, in a fresh linen dress, and looking extraordinarily happy, was calling orders to Ardelia, Jarvis Trent was occupying the professor's own study, and there was no sign of a lunch anywhere. "What is that man doing in my study?" he demanded sternly. "I'm sorry, darling," Bambi called, "I'll send him upstairs right after the ceremony. Jarvis just said he'd marry me, but he's awfully busy, and we have to have the wedding right away, so I've sent for the minister. There he is now!" "Bambi!" he called, but she was already 92