Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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50% J aiTactoto/'Ffcce* lllALAI11ATIC TZnwq md &cluslw\&\\Mi SAVER I Your radio enjoyment is doubled with Dial-A Matic Tuning/ the amazing new Midwest feature that makes this radio practically tune itself. Now, even a child can bring in ten perfectly tuned programs in ten seconds! It's a big thrill to whirl the dial . . . and then hear the station you want . . . come in instantly, automatically, perfectly. Zip-zip-zip ... the programs roll in perfectly tuned . . . as fast as you can press buttons! This new Midv feature will perform new miracles of radio for > 30 Daq* FREE Trial.' Send for big FREE 40-page 1937 catalog — before you buy any radio — an yourself why scores of thousands of radio saved up to 50% by ordering the Midwest way since 1920. Learn why Midwest radios are preferred by famous movie stars, orchestra leaders, musicians, sound technicians, and discriminating radio purchasers everywhere. Once again, Midwest demonstrates its leadership by offering this amazingly beautiful, bigger, better, more powerful, 16-tube, 5-band world-wide radio — a startling achievement that makes the whole world your radio playground. Out-performs $150 radios on point for point comparison. Powerful Triple Twin Tubes (two tubes in one) give 20-tube results. BECOME YOUR OWN RADIO DEALER Save the jobber's-retailer's profits that often amount to 50% of ordinary retail prices. Become your own radio dealer and buy at wholesale prices direct from the Midwest factory. Never before so much radio for so little money! Why pay more? This super deluxe Midwest radio is so amazingly selective, so delicately sensitive, that it brings in distant foreign stations with full loud speaker volume on channels adjacent to powerful locals. You'll thrill ELECTRIK-SAVER This exclusive Midwest feature cuts radio wattage consumption 50% . . . results in Midwest radios using no more current than ordinary 7-tube sets . . . enables them to-operate on voltages as low as 80 volts. over its marvelous super-performance orious crystal clear "concert realism" . . . and magnificent worldwide foreign reception. Scores of marvelous Midwest features, many of them exclusive, make it easy to parade the nations of the world before you. You can switch instantly from American programs ... to Canadian, police, amateur, commercial, airplane and ship broadcasts . . .to the finest, most fascinating world-wide foreign programs. Before you buy any radio, send for our big FREE 40-page 1937 catalog — and take advantage of Midwest's sensational factoryto-you values. You have a year to pay and terms are as low as 10c per day — and you secure the privilege of 30 days' FREE trial in your own home. In addition you are triply protected with Foreign Reception Guarantee, Full -Year Warranty and Mon ey Back Guarantee. TERmS AS LOW AS 00 5^i.u I6TUBES. .jaUci< IV HIDE} • 5 WAVE BANDS 9to2200 METERS • ELECTRIK SAVER • DIAL-A-MATIC TUNING • • AUTOMATIC AERIAL ADAPTION • DUAL AUDIO PROGRAM EXPANDER P A COMPARISON CONVINCED ME I SHOULD HAVE A MIDWEST. IT IS A SPLENDID PERFORMER. Fred Mae Murrai NO SET THAT I HAVE EVER OWNED HAS BROUGHT IN FOREIGN RECEPTION SO CONSISTENTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. G/oria Stuart s MAIL COUPON TODAY > ~}jtee 30 -DAY TRIAL OFFER and 40-PAGE FOUR-COLOR Inez CATALOG MIDWEST RADIO CORPORATION Dept. F-51. Cincinnati, Ohio Without obligation on my part, send me your new FREE catalog and complete details of your libera.1 30-day FREE trial offer. This is NOT an order. miDWEST If RADIO CORP. Nome. Established 1920 cincinnflTi, ohio, u.s.fl. Cable Address IDIRACO...AII Codes Address \Town. State. -J)