Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Now I'll Give You a Magnetic PERSONALITY Says Sylvia of Hollywood In Her New Book MADAME SYLVIA, the beauty adviser to Hollywood's famous stars and New York's elite, now reveals to you the secrets of a magnetic personality. You can be a most captivating and intriguing person if you will but follow the simple secrets of charm and personality as described in Sylvia's new book, Pull Yourself Together, Baby! This stimulating and inspiring book by the author of that national best seller No More Alibis has already become the most talked about book of the year . . . and it has been on sale less than one month ! Critics, book reviewers and women in every section of the country acclaim Pull Yourself Together, Baby! It's a book that you will want to read and re-read. A book that you will want to live with, day after day, year after year. Get Out of the Rut Personality, as Sylvia of Hollywood defines it, is that magic touch which makes an ugly person charming ... a pretty woman fascinating ... a beautiful girl simply irresistible. It is a combination of brains, character, physical attractiveness, manner and manners. It's the answer to the question, "How can I be popular?" It gets jobs, it wins friends, it draws beaux like a magnet. It keeps husbands in love with you. And make no mistake about personality . . . you can acquire it . . . you can develop it. Not by "acting up" or by any foolish frills or mannerisms, but by carrying out a few simple secrets of charm. Magnify Your Personality So many of us are blundering, stammering self-conscious folks that we really never give ourselves a chance to express our true personalities. We shrivel up into knots when in company of strangers and act as awkward as elephants in rubbers just at a time when we wish to radiate with loveliness. This need not be. For it is but an easy matter to acquire selfassurance and poise if you will but heed Sylvia's advice. You are familiar with those persons who are bursting with personality. It's fun to be in their company . . . they have a host of friends and are always the center of attraction wherever they go. You've always admired them . . . wished you could be like them. Well you can ! You can magnify your own personality. You can acquire and develop all those traits which you admire so much in others. Sylvia of Hollywood wrote Pull Yourself Together, Baby! to tell you these very things. This book is packed solid with valuable hints . . . secrets on charm and personality that Madame Sylvia has gleaned from studying the most dynamic personalities of the stage and screen. Don't sit back and accept yourself the way you are, if you're dissatisfied with your looks, your sex appeal, your popularity. Don't hide at a time when you should radiate with beauty and personality. Read Madame Sylvia's new book . . . apply her secrets and you will experience a marvelous change in yourself. You will enter upon a new world ... a world in which you are the master of your fate. Only $1.00 Pull Yourself Together, Baby! is written in Madame Sylvia's typical rapid-fire style. It fairly bristles with enthusiasm and is brimful of amusing incidents. The clever cartoons which help to illustrate this book will give you many a chuckle. The price is only $1.00. If unobtainable at your department or book store, use the coupon below. Table of Contents The Personality Diet; The Personality Figure; Forget Thy Neighbor; Clamour is Glandular; From the Neek Up; The Personality Wardrobe; The Step-Children of Personality; How Are Your Company Manners?; Poise Under Pressure: The Art of Being a Good Sport; This' Thing Called Love; Cure-For-The-Blues Department; Take a Chancel Madame Sylvia's Other Book If you haven't read No More Alibis by Madame Sylvia, get a copy of this national best-seller at once. This book contains all the beauty treatments which have made Sylvia a power in Hollywood. Price $1.00, postpaid. Macfadden Book Company, Dept. WG-1. 1926 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Send me. postage prepaid, Sylvia of Hollywood's new book. Yourself Together, Baby! I enclose $1.00. Name Address City State □ Check here if you are enclosing $1.00 for Madame Sylvia's book No More Alibis.