Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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MIRROR JANUARY— 1937 VOL. 7— NO. 3 FRED R. SAMMIS, EDITOR BELLE LANDESMAN, ASST EDITOR WALLACE H. CAMPBELL, ART EDITOR SPECIAL FEATURES This Is Romance • Louis Underwood 10 Solving the Lily Pons-Andre Kostelanetz mystery The Tragic Price Mary Marlin Paid for Success. ... Judy Ashley 12 Destiny forced Joan Blaine to give up woman's heritage Exposing Radio's Racketeers! Dan Wheeler Help broadcasting get rid of its human leeches The Personal History of Floyd Gibbons, Adventurer. Norton Russell Begin his action-filled, thrill-a-minute life story Two Loves That Guide Ted Malone Josephine Le Sueur They explain the warm humanity of his program Faith! Frank Lovette Billy Sunday's lieutenant has a cure for our troubles The One Broadcast Hollywood Fears Frederick Rutledge Why have the stars tried to put Jimmy Fidler off the air? Uncle Ezra's Double Life Lynn Burr It is keeping him young at fifty Stuart Churchill's Song of Fate Gladys Fist Stranger than fiction is its influence on his life A Barrymore Finds Youth in Middle Age. . Mary Watkins Reeves A great name, a great star, a great story They Said It Couldn't Last John Edwards Married at fifteen, Louise Massey found love later A Sentimental Guy Jack Sher You never knew Guy Lombardo before Popeye's in Port Again 42 There's Swing in Fashions 44 Exciting new winter styles for you! UNUSUAL DEPARTMENTS COMING JN THE FEBRUARY ISSUEOn Sale December 23 14 22 24 26 28 30 31 36 38 39 Reflections in the Radio Mirror 4 The editor's own page The Critic on the Hearth 5 Brief guides in listening What's New on Radio Row Jay Peters 6 Tales told by our ace reporter Coast-to-Coast Highlights 8 Meet your local stars For Your Radio Scrapbook 32 Personalities in words and pictures Facing the Music Ken Alden 40 Keeping up with danceland How to Be a Modern Cinderella Joyce Anderson 46 A lesson in remaking yourself Set the Stage with Soup Mrs. Margaret Simpson 47 Kelvin Keech's favorite recipes What Do You Want to Say? 48 Your letters win prizes What Do You Want to Know? The Oracle 49 The Oracle answers Radio Mirror Rapid Program Directory , 50 Locate your programs when you want them Here is doubly good news for. all you Al Jolson fans — Al is starting a new program soon. In next month's issue you, will find the great story of his friendship with the Show Boat maestro, Al Goodman, who worships Jolson. You will, too, when you read it. ADDED ATTRACTIONS Pictures of the Month Nino Martini and Ida Lupino. Mary Jane Barrett and Helen Hayes . 17 18 Joe Penner and Charles Butterworth 19 Frances Langford 20 Deanna Durbin 21 COYER -PORTRAIT OF BOBBY BREEN BY TCHETCHET RADIO MIRROR (Copyright, 1936, by Macfadden Publications, Inc.). The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted, either wholly or in part without permission. Published monthly by Macfadden Publications, Inc., Washington and South Avenues, Dunellen, New Jersey. General offices, 1926 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. Editorial and advertising offices, Chanin Building, 122 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Bernarr Macfadden, President; Wesley F. Pape, Secretary; Irene T. Kennedy, Treasurer; Walter Hanlon, Advertising Director. Entered as second-class matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Office at Dunellen, New Jersey, under Act of March 3, 1879. Price in United States, Newfoundland and Canada $1.00 a year; 10c a copy. In I'. S. Territories and Possessions, Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Spain and possessions, and Central and South American countries excepting British Honduras, British, Dutch and French Guiana, $1.50 a year; all other countries $2.00 a year. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owners' risk, every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by first class postage. But we will not be responsible for any losses of such matter contributed. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are taking m unnecessary risk. Printed in the U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J.