Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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READ ALL THE GOSSIP ABOUT YOUR OWN HOMETOWN FAVORITES oxygen tank ... A former Al Pearce canary is now warbling over station KFRC. She's Lane Truesdell. A SHORT SHORT John Teel, NBC baritone and member of the Woman's Magazine of the Air quartet coming from San Francisco, can't remember a time when he wasn't singing. He was born in Sulphur Springs, Ohio, but grew up in Spokane, Washington. He began singing in public as a boy soprano while still a tiny lad, and he sang his way through high school, choir work and engagements in picture theaters, right into the heart of the girl he married. His marriage is one of the happiest in radio. He has two youngsters, a boy named Markley and a tiny girl named Ann who sings with him on the program. Swimming, hunting and fishing are his favorite sports. * * * THE STORY OF SARIE AND SALLIE Those two popular gals from the hilly-country of Tennessee, Sarie and Sallie, are once again delighting their radio fans over Nashville's WSM. Sarie and Sallie are real-life sisters. s Edna and Margaret Earle they had een devoted sisters and constant companions through their early girlhood days, until Edna married and left home. Margaret also married and moved away. Years passed and the two sisters saw each other only during brief visits. Each became the mother of two children and family responsibilities made these visits even farther apart. It was on one of these visits — Edna was visiting Margaret in Nashville — that the radio team of Sarie and Sallie was born. Edna who lived in Florida, had been entertaining friends for years with monologues, and they told her many times she should "go on the air." Learning that WSM's Air Castle of the South was located in Nashville, she made a bee-line for the studios and an audition. They were impressed, but suggested that Edna find a partner and form a team, and so good-natured and unsuspecting (Continued an page 56) I n: do »oi .it wi II costyou no Thousands of attractive women owe lovely, slender figures to Perfolastic! BECAUSE we receive enthusiastic letters from women all over the country in every mail . . . because we find that most Perfolastic wearers reduce more than 3 inches in ten days . . . we believe we are justified in making YOU this amazing offer. We are upheld by the experience of not one but thousands of women. The statements reproduced here are but a few representative examples chosen at random from their astonishing letters. You need not diet or deny yourself the good things of life. You need take no dangerous drugs or tiring exercises. You are absolutely SAFE when you wear the Perfolastic Girdle. You appear inches smaller the minute you step into your Perfolastic, and then quickly, comfortably . . . without effort on your part . . . you actually reduce at hips, waist and diaphragm . . . where fat first accumulates. "REDUCED FROM SIZE 48 TO SIZE 18" "I wore size 42 and now I near an 18! I eat everything." Airs. Essie Faust, Minneapolis, Minn. "REDUCED 6% INCHES" "Lost 20 pounds, reduced hips 6 Vi inches and waist 5 inches." Mrs. I.C. Thompson, Denver, Colo. "SMALLER AT ONCE" "I immediately became 3 inches smaller in the hips when first fitted." Miss Ouida Browne, Bri.ircltff Manor, N. Y. "Reduced My Hips 9 Inches" says Miss Healy » "I am so enthusiastic about the wonderful results from my Perfolastic Girdle. It seems almost impossible that my hips have been reduced 9 inches without the slightest diet." — Miss Jean Healy, 299 Park Avenue, New York. 'LOST 60 POUNDS" "I reduced ray waist 9 inches, my hips 8 inches and have lost 60 pounds!" Mrs. W. P. Derr, Omaha, Neb. "A GIRDLE I LIKE" "I never owned a girdle I liked so much. I reduced 26 lbs." Miss Esther Marshall, Valleio, Calif. "6 INCHES FROM HIPS" "I lost 6 inches from my hips, 4 inches from my waist and 20 lbs." Mrs. J. J. Thomas, New Castle, Pa. "HIPS 12 INCHES SMALLER' "I just can't praise your girdle enough. My hips axe 12 inches smaller." Miss Zella Richardson, Scottdale, Pa. "LOST 49 POUNDS" "Since wearing my Perfolastic I have lost 49 pounds. I wore a size 40 dress and now wear size 36." Miss Mildred DuBois, Newark, N. J. "REDUCED FROM 43 TO 34 /2 INCHES!" ''My hips measured 4} inches. I was advised to wear Perfolastic after a serious operation and now my hips are only 34 'A inches!" Miss Billie Brian, La Grange, Kv. Surely you would like to test the PERFOLASTIC GIRDLE and BRASSIERE ... for 10 days without cost I You cannot afford to miss this chance to prove to yourself the quick reducing qualities of Perfolastic ! Because we are so sure you will be thrilled with the results, we want you to test it for 10 days at our expense. Note how delightful the soft, silky lining feels next to the body ; . . hear the admiring comments of friends. Let us send you a sample of material and FREE illustrated booklet, giving description of garments, details of our 10day trial offer and many amazing letters from Perfolastic wearers. Mail coupon today ! The excerpts from unsolicited letters herewith are genu i n e and are quoted with full permission of the writers Notary Public PERFOLASTIC, INC. Dept. 281, 41 E. 42nd St.. New York City Please send me FREE BOOKLET describing and illustrating the new Perfolastic Girdle and Uplift Brassiere, also sample of perforated material and particulars of your 10 DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER ! Name , , . AddressCity .State • •• ». ««uiiiiii'ttiii ••••••■ • • • • • • • STSTTSTTSTT*