Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR What's New On Radio Row {Continued from page 7) "Oh, let's compromise," she offered with suspicious sweetness. "Let's drive around to all the filling stations and look at your picture on the posters." So they went to the Taylor picture. BACKSTAGE SNAPSHOT Fred Astaire rehearses his Packard show from early morning until late at night . . . sometimes rehearsals run to 3 or 4 a. m. He drapes a turkish towel over the mike, and mops his brow from time to time . . . Other members of the cast take time out for lunch; not he . . . Johnny Green's as indefatigable a worker as the dancing star and doesn't mind skipping the noon interim . . : Astaire uses two dancing boards, jumps from one to the other like a startled gazelle . . . When he takes a breathing spell, he dashes over to where the socially registered Mrs. Astaire sits... She takes copious notes while Fred works ... He talks things over with her, then holds a confab with Maestro Green . . . Charlie Butterworth breezes in about 3:30, then everything goes hilarious . . . The orchestra, particularly the wind section, becomes breathless from laughter . . . Butterworth is jittery, one of those performers who is vastly more nervous at a dress rehearsal than at a performance . . . His hands tremble as he holds his script . . . After rehearsal Astaire and his wife slip out a rear door . . . The autograph hounds are left holding the bag in front . . . Fred, although he broadcasts for one of the better motor cars, drives off in a shabby station wagon. BA-BA BLACK SHEEP Edward Everett Horton, one of filmdom's recent gifts to radio, comes from a family that is veddy, veddy social, and when he showed signs of becoming a Thespian, it was decided at solemn family conclaves that a terrible calamity had fallen. So now Edward Everett supports practically all the other Hortons. He has built a house for his family next to his own, and sends regular remittances to other relatives throughout the land. NEWS, BESORRA! Rupert Hughes has worked out a serial for Mary Pickford in Irish dialect, and by the time you read this chances are one of the several sponsors now considering it will have signed on the dotted line. IT'S A WISE CHILD When Smith Ballew worked in "All Scarlet" he had to grow a moustache which, although becoming, was so distasteful to his young daughter, Janice, that she refused point-blank to kiss him. As soon as he finished the picture he shaved it off, and everything was hunky-dory for a few days until he was notified to grow another one for his part in "Serenade on the Seine." SALES PROMOTION Nelson Eddy has been broadcasting over KNX which, up to the time of joining the CBS chain, was a small local station. The singing star used to grab a bite at a tiny lunch room next door, but fans soon wised up. 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