Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Help KeepYour Husband OUTOFTHE BALDHEADED ROW Ladies— if your husband's hair is getting thinner and thinner— buy him a bottle of Lucky Tiger — for Hair and Scalp — then see that he uses it. And here's a tip — he would like the soothing touch of your fingers if you would give his head a Lucky Tiger massage now and then. A Simple Treatment Apply Lucky Tiger two or three times weekly. Follow each time with a vigorous "muscle-loosening" scalp workout* Lucky Tiger eliminates clinging dandruff — stops itching — allays scalp irritations. The massage brings better muscle action and tone to the scalp. Just watch results. Professional applications at any barber shop. Or get a bottle at your druggist. FOR HAIR AND SCALP ^^ i*- uru# Mushrooms in your ceua or shed. Exclusive new process. Bigger, better, quicker crops. More money for you ! Enormous new demand. Write for Free Book. American Mushroom I ndustries, Dept. 785. Toronto. Ont. Lost Your Pep and Energy? Often the cause is INTESTINAL TORPOR Headaches with that dull, under-the-weather feeling are often due to Intestinal Torpor — and may often be simply and pleasantly relieved. Intestinal Torpor— sluggish, torpid muscular activity in the Intestinal Tract— usually requires a gentle-acting treatment. Don't risk harsh, irritating purges that nauseate. Use dependable Stuart's Compound. Stuart's Compound is made especially to relieve Intestinal Torpor. By helping to increase the muscular action in the intestinal tract, Stuart's Laxative Compound affords a normal, proper elimination of body wastes. It contains no habit-forming drugs — no narcotics. If you are suffering from Intestinal Torpor — if lazy elimination has you below "par" — try Stuart's Laxative Compound today! This Compound has given quick, effective relief to millions for more than 40 years. See for yourself what it will do for you. Get a package from your druggist today. STUART 5 LAXATIVE COMPOUND formerly known as STUART'S CALCIUM WAFERS A Barrymore Finds Youth in Middle Age {Continued from page 37) from ten generations of showfolk should not don her greasepaint a few years early in order to eat. With emphasis on eat. So she did, skipping from town to town under the guidance of her actor-uncle John Drew, and somehow managing to evade the laws that would stop her. At eighteen, a popular and coming young actress, she began the assortment of romances that were to keep her adoring public titillating for eleven years and give her the title of "the most engaged girl in the United States." Fifteen times she announced her engagement to fifteen different men, then changed her mind. The array included one duke, one earl, one baronet, two millionaires, a multimillionaire, a playwright, an author, three actors, one editor, an Indian prince, a poet and a cotillion leader of the Four Hundred. She had not been born a blue blood but she was so pretty, clever and delightful as a young girl she quickly became the darling of society in New York and London. The houses of the great welcomed her; she was entertained by duchesses and princesses in English castles, by Mrs. John Jacob Astor and the Fifth Avenue social registerites on America's finest yachts and country estates. Then one day — a typical Barrymore episode — she was to make a statement that infuriated the society women of two continents who had befriended her. "Society," she stated to a Kansas City newspaper, "bores me to death. Women of wealth are merely selfish and piggish; they are empty shells and perfectly meaningless and useless to the country. ALSO," she added, "I'll never marry the son of a millionaire. The average young son of a millionaire hasn't the brains of a kitten." Although these statements were later denied by Miss Barrymore such treason was never quite smoothed out among her hoddy-doddy friends. Proof, however, that she didn't mean what she said about millionaires' sons was evidenced when she announced her definite engagement in 1909 to Russell Griswold Colt, son of Col. Samuel Colt, millionaire president of the U. S. Rubber Co. Their glamorous courtship was the delight of all the Barrymore adorers. For three hundred dollars Colt bought a firstrow run-of-the-show seat for his fiancee's current season at the Hudson Theater in New York; and during the hundred and four nights previous to their wedding that Ethel played in "Lady Frederick" she gazed either at the face of her husband-to-be who had run down from Boston or his empty seat banked to overflowing with long-stemmed pink roses. They were married, the bride in mink and her groom in a racy raccoon coat, in a brief ceremony at Hyde Park, Massachusetts, with John Barrymore and Colt's brother for witnesses. Ethel's ring was an enormous emerald set with diamonds. Her new father-in-law gave her a tenthousand-dollar automobile built in France, a beautiful country estate at Mamaroneck, New York. The night of the wedding she performed as usual at the theater while her groom sat in a box and tossed upon the stage magnificent bouquets of violets. For their honeymoon Colt went on tour with her in their private car; he had given his promise not to interfere with her career. TATTOO YOURblPS The New Tattoo gives you the moist, shimmering, smooth, soft, eternally youthful lips of the glamorous South Seas maiden! Stolen from the bewitching little South Seas maiden was the idea of permanent, pasteless, transparent lip color; lasting, loyal stain for lips instead of temporary, "pasty," fickle coating! Now this same enchantress has revealed her way of keeping lips soft, smooth, luscious and moistly shimmering too. We offer it to you as the New Tattoo ... an entirely new kind of "permanent" lipstick . . . the only lipstick that can imbue your lips with the irresistible witchery of transparent, pasteless, South Sea color . . . the only lipstick containing the magic ingredient that will make your lips sparkle like the moon-path o'er an iridescent tropical sea ... at the same time making your lips youthfully smooth, wrinkle-free . . . caressingly soft. Tattoo your lips . . . with the New Tattoo ! Send Coupon for Trial Lipstick So that you can instantly see and feel the astonishing difference, send coupon and 10c for a generous size of the New Tattoo. Five exciting shades . . . the most stunning colors ever put into lipstick! Send for several to match different moods or costumes. TATTOO Tattoo, 11 E. Austin Ave., Dept. 51, Chicago. Send me trial size New Tattoo, postpaid. 10c enclosed for each shade desired, as checked. □ Coral (Orangish) □ Exotic (Fiery) D Natural (Blood Color) D Pastel (Changeable) □ Hawaiian (Brilliant) Name. Streets Cily_ State 61