Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO I RROR SAVE B 50% trt factory (Price* / 7hitf& t6e raw rniAmrisriD MIDWEST 18-TUBE RADIO 6 WAVE BANDS TfffS CffASS/S OUT-PERFORMS ORDINARY SETS COSTING TWICE AS MUCH! ^|ACT0RY-T0-Y0U^br MAIL COUPON 7£&H? FOR NEW fJl£E 40 -PAGE CATALOG ee this amazingly autiful,bigger,better, e powerful radio :you decide. Out-performs $150 radios on point-for-point comparison. Powerful Triple-Twin tubes (2 tubes in one) give 22-tube results. Scores of marvelous features, many of them exlusive, give you thrilling super performance and magnificent foreign reception. With Dial-A-Matic Tuning (optional), for example, stations come in instantly, automatically, perfectly. .Zip !...Zip !...Zip! fast as you push buttons. Exclusive Midwest Electrik-Saver cuts radio wattage consumption 50%, enables Midwest radios to use no more current than ordinary 7-tube sets. 30 D AY S FREE TRIAL! You have a year to pay — terms are as low as 10c a day — and you secure privilege of 30 days' FREE trial in your own home. In addition, you are triply protected with — Foreign Reception Guarantee, OneYear Warranty and Money-Back Guarantee. MIDWEST RADIO CORP.^tgs, Est. 1920. Cable Address: MIRACO... All Codes fig/ /Jyffl DEPT. G-51 CINCINNATI, OHIO m° J |[^|\lMAlL C0UP0M TOPWAgJH^Ii '• ?*ee 30-DAY TRIAL OFFER a ^SSirSlr. 40-PAGE FOUR-COLOR JJiee CATALOG MIDWEST RADIO CORPORATION Dept. G-51, Cincinnati! Ohio Without obligation on my part, send me your new FREE catalog and complete details of your liberal 30-day FREE trial offer. This is NOT an order. Name Address U) Town only when dealing direct with factory by mail. .State. -_fly 0M! atHo*»e Splendid opportunities. Prepare in spare time. Easy plan. No previous experience needed, common school education sufficient. Send for free booklet. "Opportunities in Photogra' phy", particulars and requirements. American School of Photography Dept. 1381 3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111. mket STOP DIAPER DRUDGERY for 3c a day Use Babypads inside cloth diaper, remove and flush away when soiled. Soft, safe, sanitary, Babypads end unpleasant diaper care for mother; protect baby's tender skin from the risk of painful diaper rash. 250 for $1 or 50 for 25c at Department and Drugstores. For FREE full day's supply, write DENNISON'S Dept. BA-145 Framingham, Mass. SWmaoufc BABYPADS night, played a week and a half — without pay — packed them in, practically put the Granada back on its feet. Another conclusive piece of evidence in the chain of Lombardo sentimentality can be provided by Fred Luther who runs a small dance hall in the heart of the Pennsylvania mountains, in the town of Carrollton. He and Guy have been pals for years. Ever since 1927, to be exact, when Luther started out .to boost Guy's popularity, and Guy vowed to boost Fred's business. Last October, Guy played his tenth engagement in Carrollton, Pennsylvania, at the Fred Luther dance hall. From as far as a hundred miles away the Pennsylvania farmers will flock to see and hear the Lombardo music, and most of them can say, "I can remember him when — " When? That night Guy opened for the first time at Luther's, and the lady in the box office sold two hundred and ten tickets. Last year the number was well over four thousand! And all because Fred Luther and Guy Lombardo took a liking to each other, because Fred, during the days Guy was getting a start, wrote letters of recommendation to other managers, shifted bookings around so that Guy could make a little more money here and there. Just why Guy Lombardo has this sentimental attitude towards music and people is not hard to explain. He gets it from his father, Guy, Sr. It took Guy over three years to persuade Guy, Sr., to move from the old farm in London, Ontario, to the United States. And only when Guy had found a farm that was so similar in appearance to the London farm would Guy, Sr., even consider it. LAST September, just before the family ' was to move, Guy received a frantic letter from his mother. Guy, Sr., refused to leave the old homestead unless he could take his pet cow! Guy explained that he could get several cows that would be just as good right in the United States. Guy, Sr. stuck to his guns. It was a question of the cow going, or nobody going. So the cow went along with the Lombardos. A special trailer was built, and Guy, Sr. bought twenty tons of select Canadian hay_ for the cow to munch. The first night on the road the Lombardo family attempted to register at a very exclusive hotel. Guy, Sr., asked the manager, nicely enough, to find a place to keep the cow for the night. The manager, just as nicely, informed Guy, Sr., that he was not interested in handling accommodations for a cow. Guy, Sr., promptly struck his name from the register, and the remainder of the nights on the trip were spent in tourist camps! Just as Guy's father has this fine sentimental feeling towards the animals he has been around all his life, so has Guy that same sentimental, musical obsession with everything he comes in touch with. It is human. It is real. Before I left that afternoon, Guy told me about a conversation he had in a Chicago hotel a few months ago with his friend, Lou Gehrig. "Guy," Lou said, "the day I am too old to get up there at the plate, it will take the entire National and American league — with baseball bats — to drive me from the park!" And Guy answered: "Lou, if the time ever 'comes when I'm not leading an orchestra, it will be because I am too feeble to climb up on the band-stand." The two sentimental friends shook hands on that. THE COURT OF HUMAN RELATIONS Brought from the vivid pages of True Story Magazine — from the throbbing radio revelations of the Court of Human Relations— direct to the screen of your favorite film theatre. Enacted by brilliant casts —produced and directed under the supervision of the famous Columbia Pictures organization "The Court of Human Relations" promises to be one of the screen's most unusual entertainment features. coi ats co*? sua»<JeI_ lltfVTC -°* 70