Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO IRROR WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE... Without Calomel— And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. Laxatives are only makeshifts. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c. & »? ENLARGEMENTS PHOTO Amazing Introductory Offer! Mail ub 4 negatives (films) with this ad. and 35c (coins); receive postpaid 4 beautiful 5x7 inch enlargements; 15 for SI. Size 4x6, 4 for 25c. postpaid; 1 for 10c, plus 3c postage. Canada too. Neg. ret. M.l. Unique Art Service. 18 E. 58 St. N. Y. City." 10' 100% Improvement Guaranteed build, strengthen the vocal organs — not with singing lessons — but by fundamentally sound and scientifically correct silent exercises . , and absolutely guarantee to improve any singing or Bpeaking voice at least 100% . . . Write for wonderful voice book— sent free. Learn WHY yorj can now have the voice yon want. No literature sent to anyone under 17 unless signed by parent. PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE. Studio 7911 64 E. Lake St., Chicago YOUR PHOTO on CIGARETTE LIGHTER Newest gift sensation! Your photo copied and tinted in life Eke colors on a swanky cigarette lighter. Latest novelty. A clever way to carry your Sweetie's, picture, too. Send any photo, large or small, and 50c. Give color of hair and eyes. We mail PhotoLighter with colored photo on it toyou within a week. Original photo returned unharmed. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Be first to flash this amazmgnew idea on friends. Send photo and 50c today. Dept. G, METRO ART STUDIOS 51 East 21st Street NEW YORK. N. Y. Beauty Secrets Revealed Sylvia of Hollywood has put all her beauty secrets between the covers of a book. In No More Alibis you will find all of the treatments and methods which have made her a power in Hollywood. You will find out how to reduce fat from the hips, abdomen, breasts, arms, legs and ankles. You will learn how to acquire a firm lovely face, beautiful hands and feet and myriads of other Hollywood beauty secrets. Only $1.00 postpaid. Macfadden Book Co., Inc. Dept. 1 1926 Broadway New York, N. Y. Faith! (Continued from page 26) to life. I was reminded of old thingsgood old things out of a vanished and happy adolescence. It seemed like the times when my mother sat at the piano and played "Ben Bolt," while my father and the rest of us caroled behind her with deep feeling; and, stranger still, 1 was reminded that 1 was an American^ His program was both a revelation and a gala party We sang "Pack Up Your Troubles," "Smiles" — with a dramatic interpretation by Lee Roberts, composer of the song, who furnished a moving interlude— "Dixie" and numerous others, ending with "Auld Lang Syne." As "Auld Lang Syne" died away, I hurried back stage to keep my appointment with Rodeheaver whom I had not seen for almost twenty years. It was not difficult to realize why he has been one of the great spiritual leaders of his generation, as, little by little, he sketched his background and unfolded his wholesome philosophy. Born in Ohio during the year 1880, his parents took him to the hamlet of Jellico in the hills of East Tennessee when he was a baby. He grew up there. It was almost thirty years later, that Homer Rodeheaver, whose rich baritone had brought him local and some distant fame, joined forces with Billy Sunday. Together, they trekked up and down the land for another twenty years. In his capacity as soloist and leader of the congregation's singing, it is certain that Rodeheaver has appeared personally before more people than any other man who ever lived. The Billy Sunday tabernacles held an average of 10,000. In the whole course of Rodeheaver's amazing career, they were filled to capacity and overflowing. THE biggest of the Sunday tabernacles ■ was in Philadelphia, but a peculiarity in the way the New York tabernacle was built afforded standing room for 4,000 above the 16,000 seating capacity. "We filled it every night," he explained, "away up there at 168th Street. That was what started the buses running that far uptown." "The things which happen, which a song will do," he said, as a distant look of remembrance stole into his eyes, "are amazing. At Pittsburgh once, I was singing a group of hymns over KDKA. ... It was a long time ago, but the telephone operator broke all rules and risked her job to summon me to the phone. I shall never forget that call as long as I live. I heard the voice of a woman. " 'I wanted to talk to you,' she said. 'I wanted to tell you— you saved me from suicide.' "I know, bless her heart wherever she is today, that she was telling the truth. The details she gave me proved it. The song 1 sang was 'Heartaches.'" In his evangelistic travels Rodeheaver has broadcast over nearly every radio station in the country. He told me that his favorite song was "The Old Rugged Cross," and admitted a preference for hymns, "As I've suggested to my radio colleagues," he went on, "the old American songs— not too jazzy, and not too highbrow— are the ones the radio audience likes best. "A lot of rhythm in its system," he said is what the country needs. When a man hears a song his heart is moved, but when he gets into it and sings, himself, it's a different reaction. Sometimes I say what we need is more music of the people for the people, and by the people. It brings \C0U6HS TAKE THE SYRUP THAT CLINGS TO THE COUGH ZONE Mother! When your child has a cough (due to a cold), remember this: a cough medicine must do its work where the cough is lodged the cough zone. Smith Brothers Cough Syrup is a thick, heavy syrup. It clings to the cough zone. There it does three things: (1) soothes, (2) throws a protective film over the irritated area, (3) helps to loosen phlegm. Get Smith Brothers'— it's safe! 35^ and 60$. "IT CONTAINS VITAMIN A" This vitamin raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. SMITH BROS. COUGH SYRUP msmmmUOY/ ON SALE IN CANADAnm Blondes. Browns! Wash Sunlight Into Your Hair with New Shampoo and Rinse! ., Bring out the full radi #§ ant loveliness of blonde or brown hair with New .^fe Blondex, the Shampoo ,' and Special Golden Rinse "*«» that washes it 2 to 4 shades lighter and brings out the natural lustrous golden sheen, the alluring highlights that can make hair so attractive. New Blondex keeps hair and scalp healthy and is absolutely safe for it contains no harsh bleaches or dyes. Try it today. The new combination package — SHAMPOO WITH FREE RINSE — now also in 10c size at all stores . ,_J msssME TH€ BLOND +1AIR , SHAMPOO &KINSE 71