Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR YOUR HANDS Lovely NEW Treatment Gives Them Charm None Can Resist! Use FREE Coupon Below We want you to try . . . FREE, because we know you'll love it! . . . something different for your hands. SOFSKIN CREME is NEW; you never used anything at all like it. Its swift, whitening, softening influence and delicate fragrance will add new allure to your whole personality. White hands . . . the very words breathe romance! Their unfailing appeal can be yours through the magic of this wholly new Creme. With the first application, as it vanishes into the skin, leaving it velvetsoft and lily-white, you'll know that at last you've found the secret! SOFSKIN CREME works on a new principle. No oil; no after-stickiness. You can wear gloves immediately! Don't be discouraged over work-roughened hands; SOFSKIN restores their beauty. Get a 35c or 60c jar at your Beauty Shop, Drug or Department Store, or send NOW for a FREE 10-day jar and watch your hands respond to this beauty-giving miracle! (Enclose 3 cent stamp for packing and mailing.) SOFSKIN CO., Dept. 230, Findlay, 0. Please send me FREE 10-day jar Sofskin Creme. (I enclose 3c stamp for packing and mailing.) This offer not good in Canada. Address City State. You Can Regain Perfect Speech, it you STAMMER Send today for beautifully Illustrated book entitled "DON'T STAMMER," which describes the Bogue Unit Method for the scientific correction of stammering and stuttering. Method successfully used at Bogue Institute for 36 years — since 1901. Endorsed by physicians. Full information concerning correction of stammering sent free. No obligation. Benjamin N.Boaue. Deot. 1 150. Circle Tower. Indianapolis, Ind. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 xlO inches or smaller if desired. Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Safe return of original photo » guaranteed. 3 TOT Sbi.UU SEND NO MONEY ^TaWS (any size) and within a week you will receive your beautiful enlargement, guaranteed fadeless. Pay postman 47c plus postage— or send 49c with order and we pay postage. Big 16x20inch enlargement sent C. O. D. 78c plus postage or send 80c and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. Specify size wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS &04 S. Jefferson St. Dept. 1547 -A CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 47 LIPSTICKS huh EACH AT LEADING rill out coupon and mall TODAY . your chance to discover new allure by finding the right shade for your lips! Three full trial sizes of the famous Rejuvia Lipstick . . . each in a new seductive color . . . sent upon receipt of 10^ in stamps to cover mailing cost. For beauty's sake, ACT NOW! REJUVIA LIPSTICK. REJUVIA BEAUTY LABS.. DEPT.P3.39S B'WAY, N.Y.C. Send me 3 trial size Rejuvia lipsticks; enclosed find 10c (Stamps or Coin) for mailing cost. NAME <■ ADDRESS back the faith of our fathers. Going up and down the land, I've seen first-hand how people are suffering from low morale. Believe me it comes back when Americans get together and sing. It was late when we said goodnight. I was tired, while he was fresh as a child, vigorous and brimming with health. 1 went back into the rain, but I didn't mind it so much now. I was but slightly interested in Broadway's storm scene; for I was absorbed in his last words, the words which epitomized his dream: "If we can get America to sing there will be spiritual recovery. And that's my ambition in radio." PROGRAM DOTS AND DASHES: There are two prominently sponsored community sing programs on the airwaves. . . . One is Gillette's, the other Palmolive's. . . . Both heard on CBS, they war between each other for the title, "original." . . . Choral experts, however, laugh up their sleeves at these claims. . . . They know the first community sing was heard in Chinese temples, 6,000 years ago. . . . And 100 years ago, Louis Wilkem, a French schoolteacher, popularized them in his school classes in Paris, starting a movement that spread to working men's groups and finally became a national institution of choral societies. ... At one time in France alone, there were 3,243 choral organizations with 150,000 singers. . . . And not one sent in a box-top to become a charter member. . . . Community sings became popular a decade ago in the movie palaces of America, thanks to organist Jesse Crawford, who sandwiched them in between feature pictures and lavish stage presentations. . . . It's still being done in neighborhood movie theaters. . . . Other experts give credit to Harry Barnhart, a vaudevillian, for the revival of community sings. Actor Barnhart found he had a better act in the four-a-day when he had his audience chime in. . . . The Gillette community sing was first tried out on the regional Yankee network for ten weeks, before trying the big time. . . . Here agency men discovered that the 45 minute fiesta could stand a little comedy. . . . They hired Milton Berle, Wendell Hall, and Jones and Hare. . . . Berle works about 15 minutes on the program, then leaves the show up to the nation's assorted bathroom baritones and kitchen contraltos. . . . The most popular community sing tune is "Let Me Call You Sweetheart," written in 1910 by Leon Freedman and Beth Slater Withson. . . . "Sweetheart" has sold over 1,000,000 copies. But its royalties are turned over to Paul Pioneer, who bought the rights from Freedman, who is now a booking agent. . . . Sophisticated tunes like "Blase," "Blue Pajamas" and "Sophisticated Lady" are taboo for community sings over the air. ... So are naughty Gay Nineties numbers. The best liked are the very old ones, or the very latest tunes, as surveyed by Lucky Strike's Hit Parade Sweepstakes program. . . . Red-haired Wendell Hall enjoys appearing on community sings because he likes to hear his own creations lustily sung again. . . . One of them is "Mellow Moon;" another is "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More." . . . The best voice heard among visitors to the studio belonged to a gentleman found singing in the fourth row. ... He was Charles Hackett, tenor with the Metropolitan Opera Company. ... In movie house community sings, the audience is familiarized with the tune when the organ runs over the number first. . . . On the radio, an electrical guitar runs up a chromatic scale to reach the proper key. . . . There isn't time to play the number first. . . . The only trouble experienced on Columbia's community sings, is that sometimes the slides come on the screen upside down. . . . This is annoying and amazing because the men who run the machine are union Motion Picture Operators; the same men who screen Hollywood's movies Happy Relief From Painful Backache Caused by Tired Kidneys Many of those gnawing, nagging, painful 'backaches people blame on colds or strains are often caused by tired kidneys — and may be relieved when treated in the right way. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood. Most people pass about 3 pints a day or about 3 pounds of waste. If the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters don't work well, poisonous waste matter stays in the blood. These poisons may start nagging backaches, rheumatic pains, lumbago, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. 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Write for Free Book on Rupture, no-risk trial order plan, and proof of results. Correspondence confidential. BROOKS COMPANY 182H State St., Marshall, Mich. _ — g— MIDGET POCKET RADIO U 1 No Dangling Phones to Bother With. — f All one unit — just like the big. Bets, f but weighs only 6 ozs. Fits pocket easily. , Take it with you — listen to music, sports and all radio entertainment whenever yoa 'want it. No batteries, tubes or electrical I connections required. f EASY TO USE WORKS IMMEDIATELY F Beautiful reception and tone. Accurately acisely assembled, rigidly tented, _ _ _ ._:ellent performance. Tunes entire ■ broadcast band. Has high grade rectifier. Costs I nothing to operate and should last for ■ years. Tuning control is the only moving part. ■ Nothing to adjust. Comes complete with built-in phone ready to listen, with easy instructions for usein camps, office, boats, picnics, home, hotel, bed, etc., and take it with yoj while traveling in auto, bicycle, etc. No difficult hook ups — comet; all ready to quickly connect and tune in. A real radio— NOT A TOY. CCMn tifi MHWFY1 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Write OLilU HI! IVIUnLI 1 for yours today. Play it as soon as you get it. Have radio entertainment with you always. Pay postman only $2.99 and a few cents postage. State color wanted (Silver, Brown, Black, White, Blue). An ideal gift. .Amaze your friends. Little Giant Radio Co., 3959 Lincoln Ave. Dept. 103, Chicago 72