Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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am OFFERS YOU 5 BIG PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES Expert In foods and confections now sets up ambitious men and women in a sensational money-making business. Complete equipment furnished for making delicious potato chips, donuts, toasted nuts, and the nationally known Carmelcrisp and Crispette confections. Profits up to 300 ^o and over. Peak season just ahead. Proved plans lead you. to success. We show you how to manufacture and get stores, restaurants, bars, hotels, barbecue stands and confectioneries selling products as fast as you make them. WE HELP FINANCE YOU Begin in home or store. Good locations ready for immediate occupation. No previous experience required and only little money needed. Pay balance out of profits. Earnings come in almost first hour. Unlimited nationwide demand. Very little competition. WE START YOU IN BUSINESS Get into this dignified, year 'round business that offers unlimited profit opportunities. We will give you lifetime advisory service and free success plans that have been compiled by our staff of experts. All facts sent free. Rush name today. No obligation. Complete 16-unit oatfit includes new type vitreous white enamel ROUND Cooking Vat, Direct to fat high speed Slicer, centrifugal Grease Extractor Thermometer — positively everythingnccessarytostart all at QUICK Turn to Inside Front Cover Now ON APPROVAL... We defy you to tell this ring from one costing $300.00! To prove it to you, we'll send it on for 25c down. If you do not think it the most exquisite piece of jewelry you ever owned; if your friends do not marvel at the glorious brilliance of the magnificent facsimile diamond, return it and xe will refund your money. Wear 10 days at our risk. If delighted, continue payments of $1.50 month till the total balance of $6.00 is paid. Ring shipped by return mail. Rush 25c in stamps or coin to: Bradley Bldg. 381, Newton, Mass. 2 BUNDLES "Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Voiles* | Chambrays, Shirtings, Crepes, etc ' clean goods direct from us at a big ng. Latest assorted Colors. Newest ^patterns for dresses. Our finest quality. SEND NO MONEY ^vrtr?e9„7.e. j delivery charge. 20 yard bundle $1.29 ' postage paid, money with order. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. /EASTERN TEXTILE COMPANY fcDept. A-40, Greenfield, Mass. Acidity Makes Women Look Older Kidneys Often to Blame Women, more than men, are the victims of excess Acid In the system, due to poor Kidney functions, which may undermine health and vitality, dry and coarsen the skin or cause Getting Up Nights, Burning and Itching, Leg Pains, Nervousness, Dizziness, Headaches, Lumbago, Swollen Ankles, Circles Under Eyes, or Rheumatic Pains. Help your Kidneys filter 3 pints of Acids and Wastes from your system each day for just one week with the Doctor's prescription Cystex. $10,000 deposited with Bank of America, Los Angeles, is behind the guarantee that Cystex must fix you up and make you feel and look years younger or money back. See h^Trv«. 8,hours TelePn°ne your druggist lor guaranteed Cystex (pronounced Siss-tex) todav. RADIO MI RROR Facing the Music (Continued from page 41) band, and five new faces are to be seen with Ray Noble. * # * ORCHESTRAL ANATOMY Bob Burns needn't think he has the last word in queer instruments in his bazooka. Ted Weems, the maestro for the Fibber McGee and Molly broadcasts, and also heard with his dance band on the Mutual system every Sunday, is pretty fond of his goofus horn, which is a cross between a bazooka and an Oriental water pipe. Figure that one out if you can. Ted found the goofus horn in a pawn shop in Kentucky, and bought it at once simply because he'd never seen anything like it. He discovered that a firm in Paris is the only goofus horn manufacturer in the world. The principle of the goofus horn is the same as that of an accordion, except that instead of the bellows used with the latter, air is blown through a rubber tube attached to a footlong circular brass tube. As on an accordion, the keys are arranged like the black and white keys of a piano; the range of tone is two octaves; and the tonal quality is a mixture of accordion and harmonica. For Miss Robin Hannibal — Isham Jones' orchestra has about fifteen players — and when last heard from Isham was touring in the West. While we're on the subject of your letter, Clyde McCoy was the trumpet player (not trombone) who made "Sugar Blues" famous. He has his own band now at the Roseland in New York, and you can listen to him on the Mutual network. For Gladys Brandt — Edith Dick and Buddy Clark are the vocal soloists on Your Hit Parade and Sweepstakes. You'll find pictures of Edith, and the new winter fashions, on page 44 of this issue. * ^ 5fc THEME SONG SECTION All you dance-band enthusiasts seem to have lost your interest in theme songs lately — perhaps you know the signatures of practically all the established bands. At any rate, we haven't been getting the inquiries we used to. Here's a theme song whose haunting beauty struck me so much the first time I heard it that I got to work and tracked it down. It's "Blue Reverie," which George Olsen has adopted as a signature tune since taking over the late Orville Knapp's band. An original composition, it's by Chick Floyd, who plays the electric organ in the Olsen orchestra. * * * Use the coupon below for answers to your questions. But remember, sometimes we've answered those questions elsewhere in Facing the Music. Ken Aiden, Facing the Music, RADIO MIRROR 122 East 42nd Street, New York City. I want to know more about: Orchestral Anatomy Theme Song Section Following the Leaders Or Name Address -EASILYQUICKLYAT HOME PRACTICAL SHOP METHODS-REAL EQUIPMENT _ Train for good full time and spare time jobs right in your , own home. Earn whilelearning. Life-time employment service to graduates. WRITE TODAY for Free Book and full details. ELECTRIC INSTITUTE 1 Dept. 37-A Hinsdale. Illinois rupt *J&> Wear aki Suit! | Be My local Agent How would you like to wear this fine, made-to-measure, all wool suit at my expense? Pay no money. Just promise to snow it to friends, and follow my simple plan. Do this easy thing and earn :p to $12 in a day, without canvassing ! Represent my big. old tailoring company. Make biggest money of your life. I need an ambitious man in every town. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARYACTUAL SAMPLES FREE I send you absolutely free gorgeous, valuable big demonstration equipment containing actual samples and dozens of valuable surprises. Demonstrate these samples for me. Show World's Greatest Tailoring Values. Save money for friends. Make money yourself. Write! Send No Money! Do it now. Get valuable demonstration equipment ™ FREE and opportunity to get your own suits and ■ overcoats FREE. Write today. H.J. COLLIN. Oept. N-349 _ Progress Tailoring Co., 500 S. Throop Street, Chicago 73 FORD FOR YOU Pay no money I want you to have brand new Ford. "Free to Producers."