Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Get After That Cough Today with PERTUSSIN Pertussin is so good for coughs that over ONE MILLION PRESCRIPTIONS were filled in a single year. This estimate is based on a Prescription Ingredient Survey issued by the American Pharmaceutical Association. It relieves coughs quickly by stimulating the tiny moisture glands in your throat and bronchial tract to pour out their natural moisture so that sticky, irritating phlegm is easily raised. Coughing is relieved — your throat is soothed. Save money by buying the big economical-size bottle — enough for your whole family. Or, try Pertussin first at our expense. Use coupon below for FREE trial bottle. 30* PERTUSSIN Prescription Seeck & Kadej Inc. Dept. s.3i FREE 440 Washington Street, N. Y. C. Please send me 2-oz. prescription of Pertussin FREE ... by return mail. RADIO M 1 RROR This Is Romance (Continued from page 1 1 ) one could almost call them dreams, that Andre Kostelanetz built up about Lily Pons came out exactly as he expected. Lily proved to be, as a working artist, all that Andre had hoped she would be. And how did Lily feel about Andre? Well, at first, her attachment was purely professional. She had a job to do, to bring music to people and make them like it. The man she worked with — Andre Kostelanetz — was the easiest, kindest individual in the radio world, and her attitude was more grateful than loving. If observations do not fail us, we may believe that it was the combined Kostelanetz-Pons sense of humor that put their relationship on a more personal and human basis. To quote Andre again: "It was on April Fools' Day, last year, shortly after Miss Pons' series had started, and I decided to play a little practical joke on her. As she stepped up to rehearse a song, I had the orchestra play four notes higher than the score. Her keen ears caught right on, and she sang right along with us, her eyes twinkling. So the joke was on me." All during the series of rehearsals and broadcasts that followed there were many little incidents like that one which made, as the publicity girl remarked, the growing romance of Lily Pons and Andre Kostelanetz "so cute." Lily was scheduled to stay on Andre's program thirteen weeks — she stayed thirty-nine. Which should conclude clue number two. AS their regard for each other grew, Andre's and Lily's attitude toward each other became more guarded. Only the most subtle caught the meaning in the commonplace things they spoke of to each other. Some people working on the Chesterfield program saw what was going on and then went about minding their own business. Others, even now, do not know anything about the actual feeling between Lily and Andre. Clue number three. That supposedly sad day when Lily Pons was to leave the Chesterfield program, and embark for Hollywood to make her first talking picture, "I Dream Too Much." What would become of Andre? Would the distance of three thousand miles kill their romance? If you had been playing this mystery game when you saw Lily Pons' picture, you would have found the answer to that question on the credit sheet of "I Dream Too Much." Under the title, "Musical Direction," was the name Andre Kostelanetz. Did Lily insist on Andre being given the job? And did he fly three thousand miles every week to be with Lily, or was his heart only in his work? It is only a clue, but remember it. Later on you will see all that it means. Now we have this foundation, and these observations, and we come to the present. To the "today" clues. Upon what can we hang our today's observations? What is it that tells us that the Lily Pons-Andre Kostelanetz romance is at its peak? Lily won't talk. Andre won't, either — not much. We say much, because we have talked with him just enough to know how he feels, to realize the terrific pressure he is under trying to keep his feeling for Lily Pons from being noticed. Let's have a look at the clues on the inside of the Kostelanetz business office. On the walls are pictures of the artists who have worked with him. One picture of every star — with the exception of Lily Pons. There are three of her and they're in the most conspicuous places. Don't Sleep on Left Side, Crowds Heart GAS PRESSURE MAY CAUSE DISCOMFORT. RIGHT SIDE BEST. If you toss in bed and can't sleep on right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE dose relieves stomach GAS pressing on heart so you sleep soundly. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowels and brings out foul matter you would never believe was in your system. This old matter may have poisoned you for months and caused GAS, sour stomach, headache or nervousness. Dr. H. L. Shoub, New York, reports: siIn addition to intestinal cleansing, Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria and colon bacilli." Mrs. Jas. Filler: "Gas on my stomach was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even my heart seemed to hurt. 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