Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MI RROR Did Gray Rob Them of $95 a Week? H air Now Comb Away Gray ThisEasy Way GRAY hair is risky. It screams :"Tou are getting: old!" To end gray hair handicaps all you now have to do is comb it once a day for several days with a few drops of Kolor-Bak sprinkled on your comb, and afterwards regularly once or twice a week to keep your hair looking nice. Kolor-Bak is a solution for artificially coloring gray hair that imparts color and charm and abolishes gray hair worries. Grayness disappears within a week or two and users report the change is so gradual and so perfect that their friends forget they ever had a gray hair and no one knew they did a thing to it. Make This Trial Test Will you test Kolor-Bak without risking a single cent? Then, go to your drug or department store today and get a bottle of Kolor-Bak. Test it under our guarantee that it must make you look 10 years younger and far more attractive or we will pay back your money. I CDCC Buy a bottle of KOLOR-BAK I I ■"*'" today and send top flap of car I I ton to United Remedies, Dept. 441, I I 541 So. Wells Street, 'Chicago — and | I receive FREE AND POSTPAID a 60c I • box of KUBAK Shampoo. I "; FREE CIGARETTE tAKPi Ur III >93 WttrVL introducing NEW WAT TO SMOKE. We furnish you Free Cigarettes. Ask any man to have a Free Smoke. Hand him LIGHTED Cigarette from beautiful pocket-size "Magic Case" . Just touch button. Presto! Out comes LIGHTED Cigarette automatically. No batteries Or electricity. Get Magic Case for 15 days' trial at our risk. 'State favorite brand cigarettes. MAGIC CASE MFRS., Dept. A-4661 4234 Cozens Ave. St. Louis, Mo. This Beautiful Lifelike PHOTO RING NEWEST SENSA SEND , TION! Send any NO MONEYI snapshot or photo and we'll reproduce it in this beautiful onyxlike ring. Indestructible! (Hand-tinted Waterproof! 25c extra) Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay postn plus a few cents postage. If you send sue pay postage. PHOTO MOVETTE RING CO., Dept. 4, 626 Vine Street, Cincinnati, ^ 50c Ohio. CLEANS CL0THE5 NewWay...SellsOnSight NEW DRY-CLEANING CLOTHES BRUSH. Revolutionary Invention. Banishes old-style clothes brushes forever. Never anything like it! Secret chemical plus unique vacuum action. Keeps clothing spic-and-span. Also cleans hatsf drapes, window shades, upholstered furniture, etc. Saves cleaning bills. Low priced AGENTS WANTED. Hustlers maldng phenomenal profits. SAMPI F flPFFR Samples sent at oar OHinrLE urrxn risk to Bxst per,,,,,, In each locality, who writes. No obli KRISTEE MFG. CO. 431 Bar St.. Akron, O. RELIEF FROM PSORIASIS with CRmOIL McUe THE ONE SPOT TEST •aua Generous trial size 25c stamps or coin Dermoil has been used by thousands of men and women throughout the country to secure relief from the effects of this ugly, stubborn, embarrassing scaly skin disease often mistiken for eczema. Apply it externally. Nonstaining. Grateful users report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and their skin became clear again after years of suffering with scaly patches. Dermoil is backed by a positive agreement to give chronic sufferers definite benefit in two weeks time or money is refunded. Beautifully illustrated book on psoriasis and Dermoil FREE. Trial bottle and amazing PROOF OF RESULTS 25c to those who send in druggist's name and address. Prove it yourself no matter how long you have suffered or what you have tried. LAKE LABORATORIES Box t, Northwestern Station Dept. M-17, Detroit, Michigan Exposing Radio's Racketeers! (Continued from page 16) better he still has the prestige of a fine radio show at little cost to himself. If the racketeer knows his job, and he usually does, the advertiser is so bedazzled by the time the deal is closed that he doesn't notice the contract mentions no stars by name — just lumps them all together under the general heading of "vaudeville talent." On the night of the broadcast an aggregation of third-rate, broken-down vaudevillians shows up at the studio; the show is terrible; the advertiser doesn't pay the balance of the money, but the program has still cost him far more than it was worth, and the promoter, after paying off his talent, has still made a nice chunk of profit. Here's a practice which cheats both advertiser and listener. Mostly it's carried on by small foreign-language stations in big cities. A promoter buys an hour of time from the station. The station officials don't know what he's going to do with the hour; they ought to, but they don't bother to ask. Then the promoter peddles this hour piece-meal to independent merchants, taking whatever he can get for one or two minute "announcements" on the station. The program, as it finally emerges from the loudspeaker, consists of forty-five minutes of commercial blurbs and fifteen minutes of music, interspersed in snatches of a few bars each between selling talks. Here is the list of advertisers on a typical actual program — four restaurants, two butchers, two watchmakers, two candy stores, one dance hall, one travel agent, one bakery, two delicatessen stores, one women's dress shop, and one lingerie shop. The whole practice is a gross abuse of the commercial possibilities of radio, resulting in programs which are dull and irritating to listeners and of no possible value to advertisers. AND while we're on the subject of foreign-language stations, let me tell you the one about the pastor of a foreign-language church who conducted a marriage bureau over one of these stations in New York. On his program he offered to introduce young people of his faith to each other, object matrimony. The racket, of course, was to perform the ceremonies for his boys and girls if they fell in love. And as a sideline racket he slipped numerous commercial blurbs for a furniture store into his radio talks! A healthy slice of business for foreignlanguage stations comes from dentists and doctors. As no doubt you know, it is contrary to the medical code to advertise, but if a doctor advertises in a foreign tongue, it isn't likely that anybody but the people he wants to reach will know it. Before you send money to a radio station, be reasonably sure in your own mind that the offer you are answering has been made in good faith. It's a pet gag for small stations to broadcast their own advertisements, asking you to send in ten cents for something or other — a cookbook, package of seeds, or similar household article. If an established commercial firm makes such an offer through a station, it is almost sure to be bona-fide, but if a station itself makes it, be careful, because you may not get the promised article. If you write in often and bitterly enough, you may at last receive it, but about nine out of ten people either give up after one try, forget about it, or decide that their letters or the merchandise got lost in the mail. (Continued on page 79) • If it does, do something about it! Get a raise in salary— but first get the training that will entitle you to this raise. Thousands of men in the same fix as you have gotten this training by sparetime study of an I. C. S. Course. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 2293-0, Scranton, Penna. Without cost, please send me full particulars about the subject before which I have marked X: TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES D Architect D Architectural Draftsman D Building Estimating Q Contractor and Builder □ Structural Draftsman D Structural Engineer □ Electrical Engineer D Electric Lighting □ Telegraph Engineer D Telephone Work □ Radio □ Management of Inventions □ Mechanical Engineer □ Mechanical Draftsman □ Patternmaker D Machinist D Foundry Practice □ Reading Shop Blueprints □ Heat Treatment of Metals □ Sheet Metal Worker □ Welding, Electric and G: □ Civil Engineer □ Toolm; D Highway Engineer D Surveying and Mapping □ Sanitary Engineer □ Steam Engineer D Marine Engineer □ Bridge Engineer □ Bridge Foreman □ Building Foreman D Diesel Engines □ Aviation Engines D Automobile Work D Plumbing D Steam Fitting □ Heating Q Ventilation D Air Conditioning O Refrigeration □ Pharmacy D R R. Locomotives □ R. R. Section Foreman D R. R Signalmen D Air Brakes □ Coal Mining D Chemistry □ Fruit Growing □ Navigation □ Agriculture ker □ Cotton Manufacturing □ Woolen Manufacturing □ Poultry Farming BUSINESS TRAINING COURSES D Business Management □ Business Correspondence D Industrial Management □ Lettering Show Cards D Traffic Management Q Stenography and Typing D Cost Accountant D Civil Service □ Mail Carrier □ C. P. Accountancy Q Railway Mail Clerk D Bookkeeping □ Signs □ Grade School Subjects □ Secretarial Work □ French □ High School Subjects □ Salesmanship □ Spanish □ College Preparatory □ Service Station Salesmanship D First Year College Subjects □ Advertising □ English □ Illustrating D Cartooning DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSES D Professional Dressmaking Q Millinery and Designing □ Foods and Cookery □ Home Dressmaking Q Tea Room and Cafeteria □ Advanced Dressmaking Management, Catering Name Age Address, , City ..State.. Present Position : // you reside in Canada, send this coupon to the International Correspondence Schools Canadian, Limited* Montreal, Canada. IT'S double-acting FOLEY'S HONEY & TAR. One ingredientgroup coats irritated throat linings, thereby quickly relieving tickling, hacking; and checking coughing. The other group actually reaches the bronchialtubes, aids inloosening phlegm, breakingupcold.andspeedingrecovery. No stomach-upsetting drugs. Ideal for children, too. For speedy 7elieff speeded-up recovery, insist on— TOT WC HOMEY STAR XvrJLJCiJl 9 compound A COUGH RELIEF SPEEDS RECOVERY 77