Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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UUHRT HRUE THE STHRS RESDLUED? SIX HEADLINERS MAKE SOME PLEDGES THEY'RE DETERMINED TO KEEP SO THAT THEIR FANS CAN HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR OF HAPPY LISTENING mmm?$&%&^4im% PHIL BAKER I resolve, though it's going to cost me a lot of real physical pain to turn over a new alarm clock and always get to, rehearsals on time. More important to my followers, I promise to keep my program running at the same speed with which it started this fall and not let myself or Bottle or Beetle slip into a dull and boring routine. Further, now that the election is over, 1 pledge to keep the pages of my Gasette unsullied by any taint of those soon-to-be-forgotten subjects, politics and politicians. i <gmp ■ KATE SMITH I resolve to resist the present trend in broadcasting to make every big program a mixing-bowl of talent, by keeping my program simple, friendly, and-1 hope-unique. I resolve not only to continue giving public awards to people whose heroic acts have made them deserving of recognition, but also to acquaint myself with these people's circumstances so 1 can get help to them if they need it. 1 further resolve to remember that people love the old songs best, and to sing at least one on every program. Vf^s^ia^^ (Continued on page 14)