Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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For more than a year after his return from NewYork he had done unskilled work — first in a mattress factory, then in an automobile plant, finally in a road gang. Break his back as he might, he still couldn't make enough money to supply his family's needs. Sick at heart, he went into the church to pray. Its peace enfolded him, as it always did. If he could only stop fighting, and stay there, forever! Well, he thought, why not? He loved the church. Why not embrace it for life, become a priest? Filled with decision, he sought out Father Sheehy, his priest, and confided in him. The kindly old cleric shook his head. "No, no, my son. You're tired now, and discouraged, too. You have carried a heavy burden. But you cannot desert your family now, when they need you so much. Wait. Wait and have faith. Trust in Him who will find a way for you." Two days later a long distance telephone call came to the youth as he swung his pick in the road gang. He laid down his tools and answered the summons. He never returned. The call was from Bernardine Flynn, with whom he had once played in a stock company in New York. There was an opening on a II l/t SAYS MRS. DON AMECHE By DOROTHY BROOKS new radio program, Empire Builders, in Chicago. Would Don come to the city and audition for a part in it? "So you see," said Honore, after she had related all that, "what Don's feeling is for his radio work. He feels it was sent to him. He has been in radio ever since that time. He says he will always be, no matter what else he does, as long as radio wants him." Within two years after that fateful telephone call, Don had become one of radio's most brilliant and beloved dramatic actors. His mother received medical care that mended her health. His father saw new hope on his horizon. His brothers and sisters were sent back to school. The lean days were over. Radio had done that. "Don will never forget," Honore declared. "He knows he must repay the beneficence of that Providence. That is why his attitudes toward his radio work and his movie work are so different. He feels that in his radio work he can, in a small way, bring comfort and cheer to the sick, the shut-ins, the blind, the aged — people who cannot go The handsome star of the First Nighter program recently has become a screen discovery, but there is an untold reason why this golden fame cannot damage his marriage. For Don's First Nighter program time, see page 53. out of their own homes to seek entertainment and pleasure. "And you know, much of his radio fan mail comes from just such people. He reads and answers every bit of his radio mail himself, but his movie fan mail is altogether different. Most of it comes from gushing girls. "Of course, Don enjoys his movie work. But he enjoys it because it's more a matter of personal gratification as an actor. And of course there is the financial angle. Anyone likes to feel he can make money — a lot of money." A lot of money! That is the treacherous shoal on which so many of Hollywood's matrimonial barks founder. Yet, when you see how different the {Continued on page 95) WIFE BUT DON AMECHE HAS A SAFEGUARD THAT PROTECTS HIS LOVE 27