Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR Coast-to-Coast Highlights {Continued from page 6) Mirror article "Yesterday's Stars — Where Are They?", brought down on us. If you think some of "Yesterday's Stars" haven't their fans, don't bet on it unless you're a good loser. Gene and Glenn, so listeners write, spent the past summer sponsored on The Corn Belt network. Helen Nugent is sopranoing over WLW as "The Old-fashioned Girl." OFF THE RECORD Nashville: Among others in line for Radio's yearly prizes should be Harry Stone, General Manager of WSM. Believe it or not, you want-to-beannouncers, but Mr. Stone has devised what has proved to be an effective way of discouraging you when you come to him seeking an audition. He doesn't even see you either. And what's more you are the sole judge of your efforts. Sounds like a cinch, doesn't it? But listen! He works it this way. After your application has been filed you are placed in front of a microphone and given the standard test. No one listens to your audition. But your voice has been recorded, imprisoned in wax, and before you get a chance to ask: "How was I? Okay?" the record of your test is put on a phonograph and played back while you listen. Not so strangely, no one so far has judged his own voice worthy of further test. In each instance the applicant has headed for the nearest exit and rushed back to his job thankful to find it still there waiting for him. Colonel Stoopnagle probably would like to have this invention credited to his long list, except for the fact that it works. Des Moines: As those of you know who make a Saturday night rite of tuning in WHO Barn Dance Frolic, this big, threehour show is still going strong. Starting its fourth season of the B.D.F. road show throughout middle western theaters, many impressive newcomers have been added to the long list of old favorites. Among them, Berlin and Tull, sure-fire thrill producers with their elusive slipnoose mastery ... the Calico Maids . . . Roy Faulkner, the Lonesome Cowboy now singing exclusively on WHO . . . Windy Brown, the one-man band . . . and the novelty orchestral unit of Sheriff Quigley and his Deputies. Two of the old favorites retained by popular demand are the comedienne Tillie Boggs and the rhythmic-footed Slim Davis, colored dancer. Minneapolis: Although the football season is now folded away along with the mole-skins, it is interesting to recall all the sport page hooting that occurred when a prominent eastern school offered the broadcasting rights of its gridiron games to the highest bidding sponsor. More interesting, it seems, when learning the battles of the Minnesota Gophers, one of the truly great teams of our time, have been a sponsored broadcast locally for several years. A Minneapolis and St. Paul auto dealer sponsored the 1936 U of Minnesota games, and has already signed an option for the 1937 Gopher schedule. * * * Chicago: Following his hobby 'round and 'round. Urban Johnson, WBBM sound effects chief, has hooked up his phonograph recording instruments to his When Pores Become Clogged They Become Little "Dirt Pockets" and Produce Blackheads, Enlarged Pores, Muddy Skin and Other Blemishes! When you do not cleanse your skin properly, every pore becomes a tiny "dirt pocket." The dirt keeps on accumulating and the pore becomes larger and larger and blackheads and muddy skin and other blemishes follow. "But," you say, "it is impossible for 'dirt pockets' to form in my skin. I clean my skin every morning and every night." But, are you sure you really cleanse your skin, or do you only go through the motions? Surface Cleansing Not Enough Some methods, as much faith as you have in them, only give your skin a "lick-and-a-promise." They don't "houseclean" your skin, which is what is necessary. What you want is deep cleansing! Many methods only "clean off" the skin. They do not clean it out 1 Any good housekeeper knows the difference. What you want is a cream that does more than "grease" the surface of your skin. You want a cream that penetrates the pores! Such a cream, distinctly, is Lady Esther Face Cream. It is a cream that gets below the surface — into the pores. Dissolves the Waxy Dirt Gently and soothingly, it penetrates the tiny openings. There, it goes to work on the accumulated waxy dirt. It breaks up this grimy dirt— dissolves it— and makes it easily removable. All the dirt comes out, not just part of it! As Lady Esther Face Cream cleanses the skin, it a/so lubricates it. It resupplies the skin with a fine oil that overcomes dryness and scaly patches and keeps the skin soft and smooth. So smooth, in fact, does it make the skin, that the skin takes powder perfectly without any preliminary "greasing." Definite Results! Lady Esther Face Cream will be found to be definitely efficient in the care of your skin. It will solve many of the complexion problems you now have. But let a free trial prove this to you. Just send me your name and address and by return mail I'll send you a 7-days' tube. Then, see for yourself the difference it makes in your skin. With the tube of cream, I'll also send you all five shades of my Lady Esther Face Powder. Clip the coupon now. FREE (You can paste this on a penny postcard.) (30) Lady Esther, 2034 Ridge Ave., Evanston. HI. Please send me by return mail your 7-days* supply of Lady Esther Four -Purpose Face Cream; also all five shades of your Face Powder. Name_ State City (If you live in Canada, write Lady Esther, Ltd., Toronto. Ont.) 73