Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR Stanley Harris of the Delia and Tim cast, KOMO, when recently smacked by a hit-and-run driver, pulled himself together enough to make his program, but seven minutes before the end, he passed out and the rest of the staff had to grab his script and carry on for him . . . Detroit: Val Coffey, WWJ musical director for the past two years, has resigned to return to his first love, the Detroit Symphony orchestra, with which he was associated for 17 years. . . . Chicago: Going professional in a big way, Lucy Gillman and all the youngsters who are members of the Junior Nurse Corps of WBBM have just been granted permission to wear the official nurses' cap of Chicago Hospital. . . . San Francisco: Newly added to the staff actresses at KFRC is Lois Hampton, formerly of Pittsburgh. East Dubuque, 111.: Bob Wilson has transferred his announcing voice from Muncie, Indiana's WLBC to WKBB in East Dubuque. . . . Bridgeport, Conn.: Carl Lawrence and Jeanette Gwynne have added their piano playing to WICC's talent parade. . . . Charlotte, N. C: Caldwell Cline and Lee Kirby have joined WBT's announcing stable, bringing the staff up to six regulars. . . . San Francisco: Violinist Betty Marino and Charles Jacobs, the trumpeter, donated more than their services at a recent Community Chest broadcast. While pouring their talent into the Community Chest some one walked away with Charles' overcoat and Betty's sealskin. . . . Schenectady, N. Y.: After years of illness away from WGY'S mikes, Billy Rose has resumed his announcing and singing there. . . . Springfield, Mo.: Following fourteen months association with KWTO and KGBX microphones, Russ Davis has returned to XERA at Del Rio, Texas. Below, a favorite woman star, Ida Bailey Allen, joins New York's WHN for a daily hour program mornings. UNTIL SHE FOUND THIS LOVELIER WAY TO AVOID OFFENDING... FRAGRANT BATHS WITH CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP wh* *TS>?«»»V*W SOAP l0VEU ■■*-■ tl "iSo g«l caT1 <t stand it1 lh* deep cleansMen simpty ca r>ouCmet. For the a v ** CaSbD?tn JWY ^ k!Tan"er of body inglather of *» ^ any ^ ke per fume leaves jPBk „ TEXAS, explains! .c OF AI*AR"-LC\T j flVrent from AND DOR.S *^£X *£**££ * K «CashmereBonqu ^ f ag i orted ordinary P^e ^ ^ tUe ^ as «q*»*fj J long ^ ^Iv« yonr damt " ^lbata'«daixxti lumeelings^J0 st.ble, lsI1t .. — freely soap costs < fume cl^ Resistible i ls"\0^» X &&• M KEEPS COMPLEXIONS LOVELY, TOO! Cashmere Bouquet's lather is so gentle and caressing, yet it goes right down into each pore and removes every bit of dirt and cosmetics. This pure, creamy -white soap keeps your skin radiantly clear, alluringly smooth! THE ARISTOCRAT OF ALL FINE SOAPS ■»!)«, NOW ONLY |Of ol all drug, department, and ten-cent stores 75