Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MI RROR r so» ** N* \H HERE'S THE FAST WAY TO RELIEVE MID IHDIGESTIOH HEARTBURN. ..GAS... 5DUR STOMACH Carry TUMS-Ge* Relief 5 to 30 Minutes mom HERE'S real scientific acid indigestion relief done up in a 10c, "vest-pocket" roll of tasty little mints. No wonder millions have adopted the sensible carry Turns idea, to be sure of getting thorough, quick relief from today's unexpected attacks of heartburn, sour stomach or gas. Turns are pleasant-tasting just like candy ... so handy to carry in pocket or purse. And contain no harsh alkalies. No chance for dangerous owr-alkalization of your stomach. Just enough of Turns' antacid compound is released to correct your stomach acidity . . . the remainder passing ww-released from your system. Only 10c a roll — even cheaper in the 25c, three-roll ECONOMY PACK. At all drug stores. Carry Turns. f~W Beautiful Six-col V J-tm s»SL or 193? CalendarTn/llrMr Thermometer. **J •»*/*• Also samples of Turns and NR. Send stamp for packing and postage to A. H. Lewis Co., Dept. 28B-71, St. Louis, Missouri. TUMS FOR THE TUMMY A. H. LEWIS COMPANY, St. Louis, Mo. HANDY TO CARRY MAKE UP TO $32.00 IN A WEEK TAKING ORDERS Ford Cars Given as Bonua. Send name with hose size and favorite shade for offer of your own hosiery FREE as extra bonus. Sensational profit details and startling outfit offer. Work full or Bpare time. Everybody a prospect. Get immediate cash earnings. Be like Gruce Wilber, who reported $37.10 earned in 9 hours, or Chae. Mills who earned $120.00 in one week. Both received new cars as bonus. Act quick! WILKNIT HOSIERY CO. 2A8 Midway Greenfield, Ohio COUGHING TEARS YOURTHROAT MILLIONS USE PERTUSSIN FOR QUICK RELIEF It's the drying of tiny moisture glands in your throat and bronchial tract that often causes coughs. Sticky phlegm collects, irritates, and you cough. Pertussin stimulates these glands to again pour out their natural moisture. Sticky mucus is loosened and easily expelled. Irritation goes a.way — coughing is relieved. Try Pertussin at our expense. Use coupon below. PERTUSSIN 30ff ProcrriotJOfl Seeck & Kade, Inc., Dept. S-*, rrescnpuan 440 Washlngton StI.eett N. Y. c. F $Y£*l!> Please send me2-oz. prescription of '■/ Pertussin FREE... by return mall. Name PLEASANT SMOKE VAPOR gives quick relief to ASTHMATIC SUFFERERS Senator FREE package of cigarettes and powder — prove at our expense how Dr. Guild's Green Mountain Asthmatic Compound soothes and relieves Asthmatic paroxysms. Standard remedy at druggists. Cigarettes, 50e" for 24. Powder, 25(f and $1. The J. H. Guild Co., Dept. MW-1, Rupert, Vt. GREEN MOUNTAIN gjjjTOjj What made their hair grow? Here is the Answer "New Hair came after I began using Kotalko, and kept on growing," writes Mr. H. A. Wild. "In a short time I had a splendid head of hair, which has been perfect ever since." Mary H. Little also has luxuriant hair now after using Kotalko. Tet for years her head, as she describes it, "was as bare as the back of my hand." Many other men and women attest that hair has stopped falling excessively, dandruff has been decreased, new luxuriant hair growth has been developed where roots were alive, after using Kotalko to stimulate scalp action. Are your hair roots alive but dormant? If so, why not use Kotalko? Encourage new growth of hair to live on sustenance available in your scalp. Kotalko is sold at drug stores everywhere. FREE BOX To prove the efficacy of Kotalko, for men's, women's and children's hair. Use coupon. Kotalko Co., A-53, General P. 0., New York Please send me Proof Box of KOTALKO. Name Full Address "I wouldn't be a photographer for anything. They're working all the time!" FASHION NOTE. Johnny Green showed up in the studio wearing a bright blue coat. "I wouldn't part with this coat for anything," he explained. "1 used to wear it in Buddy Rogers' band." QUICKIES. Dorothy Page may finally say yes, and become Mrs. Armand Rust if the rich Texas rancher keeps on asking her . . . And speaking of matrimony, Trudy Wood has been the secret bride of Bill Bryon for six months . . . You're wrong, Mr. Winchell. Anne Jamison's heart is not a Wall Streeter, but a millionaire Hollywood garage man . . . Marion Talley and Aubrey Scotto, her film director, go places together . . . Eddie Cantor and company to New Orleans for the opening of Bobby Breen's "Rainbow on the River" . . . And Bobby's sister, Sally, who gave up her own career to further her kid brother's, has taken up where she left off, and has a part in his first film . . . Burns' and Allen's plans for a Broadway Show are off because of new picture commitments . . . Ditto Henry King, who cancels his Plaza Persian Room date to stay with the show . . . When you list Hollywood's better hostesses, put Gertrude Niesen's name 'way up near the top . . . While on the subject of parties, Jimmy Fidler's invitations were cute, containing a map of how to reach his house . . . Francia White's five-gaited saddle nag copped two blue rosettes at the hoss show . . . Bob Ripley is here for M-G-M shorts . . . Eddie Cantor is displeased over the casting of his thirteen-year old protege, Deanna Durbin, in "Three Smart Girls" . . . Oh, yes. A note to press agents: Stop sending me guff about that band leader whose wife just had a baby, and who is coming to Hollywood. The last time I interviewed him he said all he wanted was to be left alone. Okay . . . Rupert Hughes' adopted son, Rush, is making the grade locally as a news commentator . . . Victor Young is set to continue on Shell despite his Jolson tie-up ... A biography of Bing Crosby, written i by his brothers then re-written by himself will hit the stands shortly after you read this . . . Jimmy Newell is starring in hoss operas for Warner Brothers . . . Harry Jackson, NBC ork leader, does a local kiddy show as Uncle Whoa Bill, telling youngsters to eat up all their spinach or else . . . Bela Lugosi presented a pup to Joe Penner, and luckily it was cocoa \ brown, so the comic named it "Cocoa1 malt" after his sponsor . . . Don Wilson . is right back where he started, with one big difference. The big announcer is broadcasting for Associated Oil, first radio sponsor he ever had, but he gets more dough now . . . Warren Hull, who used to announce the Bea Lillie and Hit Parade shows, is now a Warner Brothers leading man . . . Peggy Shannon, who was brought to Hollywood to take Clara Bow's place as the "It Girl," is playing bits on First Nighter . . . Reason Leah Ray isn't . singing with Phil Harris' band at the i Palomar is that _ 20th Century-Fox con-; tract won't permit . . . Raymond Paige's wife, Diane York, who was a star reporter on C. Vanderbilt, Jr.'s paper here at the age of seventeen, is making her radio debut . . . The network press agent who said the local radio editors were "a lot of schoolboys" is in very Hollandaise . . . The J. Bennys will play Portland and Seattle, and foot the bills for the broadcast from there to give Mary Livingstone's home town pals a chance to see , her work . . . Writer Bob Andrews' missus, Vi Bradley, goes to Boston to play socialite club . . . Curtain! 90