Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR "4 kave REDUCED . MX WAIST 8 INCHES WITH THE WEIL BELT!" Wear the WEIL BELT for 10 days at our expense! YOU will appear many inches slimmer at once and in ten daj;s if your waist line is not 3 inches smaller, it won't cost you a cent. "I reduced 8 inches". . .writes Geo. Bailey, "Lost 50 lbs," writes W. T. Anderson. . . . Hundreds of similar letters. IF YOU DO NOT REDUCE your WAIST 3 INCHES in 10 DAYS j :;S will cost you nothing ! fe \ You will be completely ||, comfortable as this ' amazing reducing belt gently but persistently eliminates fat with every move! It gives you an erect athletic carriage . . . . . . supports abdominal Wmf walls . . .keeps digestive jj|§F organs in place . . . and Wm with loss of burdensome W fat comes increased pep W and greater endurance. i Send name and address for illus * trated folder and full details of 10 DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER! THE WEIL COMPANY 402 Hill St.. New Haven, Conn. SEND FOR TEN DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER! NO DRUGS, DIETS OR EXERCISES1 • SUPPORTS FALLEN ABDOMINAL MUSCLES m ARTIST t^B WE CAN TEACH ■"■^ YOU DRAWING in your own home during1 your spare time. Thirty-five years of successful teaching proves our ability, Artists receive large salaries. Write today for Art Year Book SCHGDlfAPNlEPAKT Depl. 1427, 10 E. Huron St., Chicago, III Old Leg Trouble Easy to use Viscose Home Method. Heals many old leg sores caused by leg congestion, varicose veins, swollen legs and injuries or no cost for trial if it fails to show results in 10 days. Describe the cause of your trouble and get a FBEE BOOK. Dr. R G. Clason Viscose Co. 140 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Given I AnirCfC.riDI C» send name and address LAUIC.3 CKVIIKL9 Latest Shape High Grade 7Jewel Movement WRIST WATCH with metal bracelet and beautifully designed chrome plated case. Or big cash commission. Yours for SIMPLY GIVING AWAY FREE big colored pictures with well known WHITE CLOVEEINE SALVE used for burns, chaps, sores, etc., easily sold to friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and remitting per premium plan book. Choice of many other premiums. 42nd season. We are fair and square. Write today for Salve and pictures sent postpaid. Wilson Chem. Co., Inc., Dept. 65-Z Tyrone, Pa. Here is a quick, safe and approved method. With a small brush and BROWNATONE you just tint those streaks or patches of gray to lustrous shades of blonde, brown or black. Easy to prove by applying a little of this famous tint to a lock of hair. Cannot affect waving of hair. Over twenty-three years success. Guaranteed harmless. Active coloring agent is purely vegetable. If BROWNATONE does not give your gray, streaked or faded hair alluring, rich, youthful-appearing color, your money back. Only 50c. At drug and toilet counters everywhere. 100 during the program, that there may be other considerations about which the judges don't know. In other words, the judges merely serve to put them on the right path. That is the opposing viewpoint of this argument. The judges have no opportunity to check the correctness and soundness of their snap judgment. Forty-three judges have so far appeared on Goodwill Court and behind each of them is a long knowledge of the law and many years of actual practice in making quick decisions. Also, broadcasters point out, when a judge is confronted with a problem which demands more than a few minutes' consideration, he is told about the case in advance and— if necessary — continues his study of it after the broadcast is over. The judge's advice is accompanied by the announcer' s solicitation to purchase the sponsor's coffee and the program is conducted primarily for commercial purposes to exploit a morbid curiosity in the private woes and tribulations of the socalled litigants. As any radio listener knows, the program officials say, American broadcasting is built on commercial sponsorship and it is only the sponsorship of Goodwill Court which makes this program possible on a coast-to-coast network. Sponsorship has not meant that the judges are paid nor has it interfered in any way with the advice they give or the manner in which the program is conducted. The program lacks any educational or sociological values, and only furnishes amusement. THE broadcasters' answer to this was to give me a large bundle of letters which have been sent to Alexander by the nation's leaders in education and social welfare. Among them were Governor Herbert Lehman of New York, Attorney General John J. Bennett, Jr., of New York, the famous attorney, George Gordon Battle, many New York Borough Presidents, and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Each commended the program for the help it was giving people who could get that help nowhere else and expressed a hope that the program could continue indefinitely. Some people who come to the program appear to think that they are before an actual court. I was assured, and I knew from listening to the program itself, that every effort is made to avoid this. Each applicant must write in advance to Alexander and if accepted, is told then that any advice given is unofficial and advice only. He is told again at the broadcast. The fact that he must go to a radio studio and talk with a microphone in front of him is added proof that he is under no delusions when the judge speaks. Listeners in other states, insofar as their own state laws are concerned, are entirely misled by the broadcast. That charge the program heads answer with this counter statement: the judges unfailingly ask the applicants where they live and if not from New York State, the possibility of different laws and resulting complications is definitely pointed out in terms no one could misunderstand. The judges are violating the New York Bar's code of ethics by using their profession and offices to promote the business interests of others. In answer, here again the broadcasters point out that the judges receive no pay. They are given checks made out to whatever charity they choose. These judges still feel that their appearance on the program is charitable work and so far not one of the forty-three judges has given Own a CHBEZE KIST Popcorn Route BIG PROFITS MANUFACTURING AND SELLING AT WHOLESALE Imagine fresh, crisp popcorn coated with golden yellow liquid cheese. That's CHEEZE-KIST — the newest food sensation that is sweeping the country. We furnish outfit that makes as much as $230.40 worth of CHEEZE-KIST in a day — MOSTLY ALL PROFIT. Make it in your own home and sell your entire output at wholesale to stores, taverns, road houses, cigar stands, restaurants, etc. STARTLING PROFITS. Cash comes in first day. No previous experience needed. NEW LOW PRICE OPENS FIELD FOR ORDINARY MAN Complete manufacturing equipment furnished at price so unbelievably low that even the man of limited means can start. Everything supplied, including formula, manufacturing and selling instructions. Operation made as simple as ABC Raw material plentiful and cheap. WE TRUST YOU Equipment shipped on credit to honest, deserving persons. All particu<.#>^7..^. lars furnished FREE. Simply send CICAR SIASfDS name today and get all the facts. CHEEZE-KIST COMPANY.285 High St, Springfield, 0, YOUR FACt GHATIG€D 1 ^§>j •Straight regular features/ Charming new beautyl They can be yours. Dr. Stotter (grad. of UniverBity of | Vienna) reconstructs faces by famc-UB Vienna Polyclinic methods. UnBhapely Nobob, Protruding Ears, Large Lips, Wrinkles, SignB of Age, etc., are all quickly oorreoted. Low cost. Write or call for Free Booklet "Facial Reconstruction," (mailed in plain wrapper.) Dr. Stotter, 50 East 42nd St., Dept. 8-S, New York « LEARN TO PLAY PIANO BY EAR* NOTE READING-NO SCALE PLAYING H you can whistle, sing, or hum » tunc — You have TALENT. Let a popular Radio Pianist train' your hands to play Piano by Ear. TEN LESSON METHOD sent postpaid tor $1.00. or pay U. S. Postman $1.00 plus postage. Nothing more to buy. Satisfaction assured — or your money refunded. Piano Accordion bass charts included Free. Order now! \Dept. M-18 'DEL RIO, TEXAS AMATEUR. CARTOONISTS Wanted — Amateurs with humorous ideas. No drawing ability necessary. The amateurs of today are the professional cartoonists of tomorrow. Ideas judged and prizes awarded by Applause-O-Meter test before movie audiences. Everyone has an equal chance. 26 cash i prizes in all. Rush name on post card for "Valuable | Tips on How to Make Money With Simple Cartoons and Humorous Ideas." Cash Prize Entry Blank and Rules — SEND NO MONEY. CARTOONISTS' EXCHANGE Dept. 592 Pleasant Hill. Ohio RADIO -REFRIGERATION • DIESEL ELECTRIC POWER feat* QuuMy in Sparc Time at Home gU -by Practical Shop Methods Q-£ New easy way to prepare for jobs leading to Balaries c=Q^-~ of $30, $40, $50 a week. Opportunities to earn $5— $10 a week and more while training:. Learn by doing d\ <*. \ actual jobs in your own home electrical shop. Elec j|: Vv* trical Equipment and Apparatus supplied at no n2J*£>.»«r extra cost to make training practical. No previous II 00™ ™^™0 experience or advanced education necessary. Money back if not satisfied. Write for FREE BOOK of Facts and Opportunities for you as a trained Electrical Man. j H. W. PETERSEN, Pros., ELECTRIC INSTITUTE J I Dept. 37-B Hinsdale, Illinois ( *4 1 MA MP. 1 1