Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Did Gray Hair Rob Them of $95 a Week? NowCombAwayGrayThisEasyWay GRAY hair is risky. It screams :"Yon are getting old!" To end gray hair handicaps all you now have to do is comb it once a day for several days with a few drops of Kolor-Bak sprinkled on your comb, and afterwards regularly once or twice a •week to keep your hair looking nice. Kolor-Bak is a solution for artificially coloring gray hair that imparts color and charm and abolishes gray hair worries. Grayness disappears within a week or two and users report the change is so gradual and so perfect that their friends forget they ever had a gray hair and no one knew they did a thing to it. Make This Trial Test "Will you test Kolor-Bak without risking a single cent? Then, go to your drug or department store today and get a bottle of Kolor-Bak. Test it under our guarantee that it must make you look 10 years younger and far more attractive or we will pay back your money. FREE Buy a b°ttle of KOLOR-BAK I I ■ nu. today and send top flap of car I I ton to United Remedies, Dept. 442, I I 544 So. Wella Street, Chicago— and | I receive FREE AND POSTPAID a 50c I ■ box of KUBAK Shampoo. I Make /Money Every Week Se//wg STAMPED GOODS New 24 page catalogue FREE . . . puts you in money making business. Get stamped goods direct from manufacturer — sell at 100% profit. Over 100 new items — scarves, pillow cases, table clotha, bridge sets, towels, aprons, etc., imported linens and novelties. Complete instructions for embroidery free. It's easy. Just write: Merribee ftrt Embroidery Co., 22 W. 21st St., Dept. 191C, New York, N.Y. RELIEVED....ITCHING STOPPED For quick relief from itching of eczema, rashes, pimples, athlete's foot, scales and other skin eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis' cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless and stainless — dries fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it — or money back. D.P»D» PXeAcAjl&tlowL Hair off as I once had ugly hair on my face and HdiliriV ' chin a a a was unloved . . . discour" **rrJ " aged. Tried depilatories, waxes, liquids ,,, even razors. Nothing was satisfactory. Then I discovered a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked! Thousands have won beauty, love, happiness with the secret. My FREE Book, "How to Overcome Superfluous Hair," explains the method and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mile. Annette Lanzette, P. O. Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 320 Chicago. 1 APPLICATION DARKENS LASHES 4 TO 5 WEEKS ENDS DAILY EYE MAKE-UP BOTHER Why fuss with daily eyemake-up? Use "Dark-Eyes" instead of ordinarymascara. One applicationlasts 4 to 5 weeks. Cry, perspire, swim — never runs, smarts, smudges or harms lashes and brows. Indelible. Try it! $1 at good department and drug stores. INDELIBLE DARKENER^ "Dark-Eyes". Dept. 31-B, 412 Orleans St., Chicago, 111. I enclose 25c (coin or stamps) for generous trial package of "Dark-Eyes" and directions. Name Town Adir's' Stale any indication that in the future he will feel differently. There's the case against the Goodwill Court and the case in defense of it. If the Lawyers' Association goes through with its plans, these are the basic charges they will bring up in court against Goodwill Court. What would be the result if the Association succeeds in getting a court order barring New York judges and lawyers from broadcasting on Goodwill Court? As I have pointed out, it would be the first censorship of radio. For awhile it could be only partially censorship. Nothing would prevent the program from moving over to New Jersey, for instance, and having judges from that state give advice. But precedent would have been established for the interference in broadcasting by a minority group seeking to regulate interstate commerce — namely, the transmission by radio of intelligence across state lines. Broadcasting cannot be confined to the area of any one state. In other words, broadcasting cannot afford to lose this first battle. If it does, it will be the signal for minority groups on all sides to rise and attack freedom of speech on the air. In time, the day would come when broadcasting would no longer be a vital force worth listening to, but a weak carbon copy of the present ideals which make listening so enjoyable. Can the lawyers drive Goodwill Court off the air? I hope not. How to Tell a Funny Story {Continued from page 33) These he lists as the "smile-darn-yousmile" type of comedian. You can recognize them by their terrible habit of looking you straight in the eye. As though they were about to tell you some unpleasant truth and thought you couldn't take it. That hypnotic stare, says Mr. Cantor, is very bad. 'And, please," he moans, "can't anything be done about the one-story comedian?" You know him well. Old Uncle Joe, for instance, who tells that one about the time Mae West went to the White House. Humor for him begins and ends with that one story. No matter what you've been talking about, he says, "That reminds me," and goes to it. "Life is too long," says Eddie, "to go on telling the same old stories in the same old way year after year. Take a tip from the professional. Vary your stories. Weave in local color. And above all, be ready to accept a funny, impromptu line when you bump into one. Life is full of situations where a line, unfunny on the face of it, can get the biggests laughs. I remember one time I was playing in Boston in a Ziegfeld show. That morning, newspapers had screamed headlines recounting Calvin Coolidge's refusal to become candidate for president. In my last scene, another member of the cast made an exit, calling for me to hurry up. ' Take it easy,' I called after him. 'I do not choose to run.' A day later would have been too late for that line. As it was, it got more laughs than the stuff I'd sweated over for weeks." So up on your current events, you par lor comedians! Be flexible! Read your newspapers! iVND have presence of mind at the pay*» off. That's the advice of Rupert Hughes, who can spin a lengthy anecdote and make his audience hang on to every word. "Take Moe Bloom who collected enor SPECIAL WORK For MARRIED women: Do You Want To EARN IN A WEEK EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! COUPON NO Send for HARFORD FROCKS' STYLE Presentation FREE TO YOU Don't just for money. Here's an amazingly easy , way to earn all the money you want, quickly. I need ambitious married women (and a few exceptional single women) in every town to make up to $22 in a week demonstrating and taking orders for beautiful, smart new Spring and Summer styles of famous Harford Frocks — also coats and suits. I send you ABSOLUTELY FREE complete line — over 125 styles — of exquisite, lastminute models featuring the very newest fabrics and colors in all sizes. Show them to friends, neighbors, everyone, and see them flock to give you orders for "Most Gorgeous Dresses and Best Values in America." Start in YOUR OWN HOME No House-to-House Canvassing I show you how to make the same brilliant success enjoyed by thousands of other women. Over 1.000,000 satisfied custoniers. Vast line includes Chardonize fabric Lingerie endorsed and guaranteed as advertised in Good Housekeeping Magazine. Also children's wear, men's shirts, trousers, underwear, hosiery, etc. Women can't resist values. Your opportunity to go into dress business of your own — full or spare time — without penny of investment. I supply everything—FREE. SAMPLE DRESSES, Your Size FREE OF EXTRA CHARGE You'll be amazed and delighted with my plans for you. I give you not only opportunity for steady cash income, but chance to own complete wardrobe of beautiful dresses of your selection and size ABSOLUTELY FREE OF A PENNY COST. No money needed, now or ever. Rush coupon today. Give your dress size and age. Act now. C. E. ISRAEL, Pres.. Desk L-7, HARFORD FROCKS, INC. CINCINNATI, OHIO Mail This For FREE SAMPLES BARGAIN ! A gorgeous array of Last Minute Styles. 4 for $4.93 Mr. C. E. Israel, Pres., Harford Frocks, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio Let me know at once how I can obtain complete money-making Sample Equipment of newest Harford Frocks, etc., and dresses I or send penny postal my own size ABSOLUTELY FREE card with this infor OF EXTRA COST, I am not " mation. obligated. I I My dress size My I Name ■ Address 101