Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Sensational T/PBN*3Vi?''" Yours for p~ No MoneuW^*vj^> Down Jm&t&< Sent on lODAY/tfffTRIAr Money Back Positively the greatest bargain ~{*^W Guarantee KSe/fffn^ 5 at far below 1/2 mfg *s original price. The outstanding value of all times. Has up-to-date improvements including standard 4-row keyboard, back spacer— automatic ribbon reverse, 2color ribbon, etc. The perfect all purpose typewriter at slashed price and easiest terms. Fully guaranteed. LIMITED OFFER — ACT AT ONCE! Special price slashing literature in colors sent on request. Simply send name and address at once — get full description also 10 day Free Trial — no money down offer without obligation. Limited supply. Act at once. Avoid disap p o intm ent . FREE— Complete 9-lesson HomeStudy Course in Touch Typewriting System included with each typewriter. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 231 W. Monroe St., Dept. 203 Chicago, III. PORTABLES Brand new 1937 Featherweight model at special low price and easy terms — 10 day trial. Learn in, Guitar, r > Mr ■ Piano, Violin, Cornet, Trumpet, Mandolin, C Banjo, Organ,Accordi©rj,Saxophone, Clarinet EASY HOME METHOD — new, fast way for beginners. Makes yon accomplished in amazingly short time. 300,000 enthusiastic students. Low cost; easy terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free Catalog gives full details. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC Dept. 769 1525 East 53rd Street, Chicago face "BrokenOuf?* Relieve the soreness and aid healing by washing daily with Resinol OM^Soap and freely applying^ Resinol Sample free. Resinol,Dept.4-A,Balto.Md. SALARY TO START $90 to $175 MONTHLY MEN.. WOMEN A^e Ran|fe ( ) Railway Mail Clerk ( ) POSTMASTER ( ) P.O. Laborer ( ) Elevator Conductor ( )R.F.D. Carrier ( ) Auditor ( ) Special Agent ( ) Stenographer ( ) Customs Inspector ( ) U. S. Border Patrol ( ) City Mail Carrier ( ) Telephone Opr. ( ) P. 6. Clerk ( ) Stock Clerk ( > Spec. Investigator ( ) Typist { ) Watchn „ _ ( ) Meat Inspector ( ) Secret Service Opr. ( ) File Clerk INSTRUCTION SERVICE, Dept.315-A, St.Lcuis Mo. Send me FREE particulars "How to Qualify for Government Positions" marked *'X". Salaries, locations, opportunities, etc. ALL SENT FREE. Name , Address.. ^Wear^Suit! I Be My local Agent 52 $12. *X DAY How would you like to wear this flne, made-to-measure, all wool suit at my expense? Pay no money. Just promise to show it to friends, and follow my _ simple plan. Do this easy thing and earn r up to $12 In a day, without canvassing! Represent my big, old tailoring company. Make biggest money of your life. I need an ambitious man in every town. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARYACTUAL SAMPLES FREE I send you absolutely, free gorgeous, valuable big demonstration equipment containing actual samples and dozens of valuable surprises. Demonstrate these samples for me. Show World's Greatest Tailoring Values. Save money for friends. Make money yourself. Write! Send No Money! Do it now. Get valuable demonstration equipment ~ FREE and opportunity to get your own suits and ! overcoats FREE. Write today. H.J.COLLIN.Dept. P-349 _ ._ Progress Tailoring Co., 500 S. Throop Street, Chicago 102 FORD FOR YOU Pay no money I want you to have brand nevr Ford. "Free to Produoers." RADIO M IRROR mous damages from a railroad company after a train wreck," Hughes smiles. "A very mild train wreck, it was; and an envious friend asked Moe how he managed to collect such an enormous amount. 'Presence of mind, presence of mind,' Moe said. 'When 1 felt the train lurchin' I kicked my wife in the face'." You must time your punch lines, pace your story, draw it out or cut it short according to the mood of your audience. And, added to Mr. Cantor's stern warnings, here's this one from Mr. Hughes. "There are three poisons which spell certain death to a joke. First, you can tell your audience that what they are to hear is extremely funny. Second, you can interrupt your joke with something serious, like saying 'This really happened to a young girl in Oskaloosa.' And last, if you want to kick a poor joke when it's down, you can ask your audience if the joke you've just told wasn't too funny for words." Hughes remembers working on an early motion picture which illustrates all three of these sins. It was called "Torture Chamber," and for Hughes it lived up to its title. "It was years ago in the robust, silent days, and I had been called in as a sort of combination writer-director-producer. The plot was simple. Billie Burke was pretending to be ill. To frighten the doctor— she was a bit of a prankster — she was to plunge the thermometer with which he was reading her temperature into a basin of boiling water. All this when the doctor wasn't looking. WE shot the scene like that. Then the cutting room did a little doctoring of its own. Behold the situation when it emerges: "Billie and the nurse are flashed on the screen, talking things over. A subtitle explains that they intend to play a very funny joke on the doctor. The doctor arrives, produces the thermometer. The film flashes back to another scene where the villain and the villainess of the picture are in serious conversation. We return to Billie's bedside to find patient and nurse in gales of laughter at the poor doctor's fright on seeing the thermometer after it has been plunged into hot water. "That joke died a horrible death." Probably the simplest formula ever given for story telling comes from Ken Murray. "The cardinal principle of getting a joke over successfully," he says, "is to tell it in a perfectly straight manner, up to the point of the punch. Then give it everything you've got." So many parlor comedians, he complains, try to wisecrack on the descriptive part of the joke. "For a few minor giggles, they sacrifice the psychological effect of the big payoff." He advises the amateur to study the construction of a joke in order to get the most out of it. When conveying the picture, he must be very careful not to tip off the point. And he must see that the punch line comes on the last word of the phrase, and never, never try to get more laughter by prolonging the joke. "Here's a joke that's pretty familiar," Ken said. "It will illustrate my point. Somebody asks, 'How are you getting along with your new eight-room house?' His friend says. 'Oh, not badly! We furnished one room by saving soap coupons.' " 'Didn't you furnish your other seven rooms?' "'We can't — they're full of soap!'" Now what if the teller had made the last line, "They're full of soap and we can't get any furniture in them." The result, Ken pointed out, would have been a mild snigger. The main point was WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE... Without Calomel— And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. Laxatives are only makeshifts. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c. CATARRH and SINUS CHART— FREE Guaranteed Relief or No Pay. Stop hawking — stuffed-up nose — bad breath — Sinus irritation — phlegm-filled throat. 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