Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR 2^f¥EHW ARZENA NASAL OIL rnf=Pl? The Great New Head-Cold Fighter Fights Head Colds Makes Breathing Easy A?inDsrtgflJrts FREE ENTIRELY FREE Send No Money— Nothing to Buy— No Obligations Here is a special advertising offer made solely for the purpose of acquainting you with the remarkable action of this great new head-cold-fighter, a test bottle of which will be sent on receipt of the coupon. Don't delay. Be sure to take advantage of this sensational Free Special Offer at once. No letter needed. Send only your name and address on the coupon, and mail today. SEND NO MONEY-ONLYYOUR NAME For Free Sample write name L and address plainly and send ! to ARZEN, 544 S. Wells ,■ ! Street, Chicago, Dept. 42. J b— 1 SToPre Stocking Preserver 96-oth Avenue. N.Y.C. Dept. RM-2 AGENTS WANTED REDUCE STOCKING BUDGET! A NEW PREPARATION, one treatment makes SILK and RAYON STRONGER. MORE ELASTIC. Prevents Shrinking, Fading, Runs, Rain 0Cn Spots. Treats 24 pairs X3C of Hose or Underwear for postSend 10c for Trial Package, paid NOT ALL VOICES ARE BEAUTIFUL GOD-GIVEN! More often it is the divinely inspired DETERMINATION to develop and perfect the gift that accounts for the rich beauty of a fine voice. One of the men who has done most to help earnest students is a master in this inspiration. His method of developing both speaking and singing voices (without the use of scales or singing lessons) has been so successful that he guarantees improvement — Or there is no coat for his simple instructions. Scores have found his Perfect Voice System the stepping stone to fame and fortune in opera, radio, concert stage and public speaking. His 120-page book, fully illustrated, will be sent free to anyone interested in developing a beautiful and magnetic voice for singing or speaking. Just send a postcard with your name and address to Prof. Eugene Feuchtinger, 64 East Lake Street, Studio 7912, Chicago, Illinois. KEEP YOUR BABY HEALTHY "How to Raise the Baby," By Bernarr Macfadden. Will set you on the right track! How to feed, clothe, bathe, and exercise your little one. Send $2.00 for a copy to MACFADDEN BOOK CO., Inc. RM-2, 205 E. 42nd St., New York City BUNION Storture The amazing action of Pedodyne is troly marvelous, and a boon to those whose bunions canse constant foot trouble and a torturing bulge to the shoes. It stops pain almost instantly and with the inflammation and swelling reduced so quickly you will be able to wear smaller, neater shoes with ease and comfort. Prove it by actual test on your own bunion. Just write and say, "I Want To Try Pedodyne." No obligation. Pedodyne Co., 180 N.Wacker Dr., Dept. B-Z12, Chicago, III STOP Your Rupture Worries! Why worry and suffer any longer? Learn about our perfected invention for all forms of reducible rupture in men, women and children. Support fitted with automatic air cushion assists Nature in a natural strengthening of the weakened | muscles. Thousands made happy. I Weighs but a few ounces, is inconJ spicuous and sanitary. No stiff c E. Brook,, inventor sprigs orhard pads. No salves or plasters. Durable, cheap. Sent on trial to prove it. Beware of imitations. Never sold in stores or by agents. Write today for full information and f ree Book on Rupture. All correspondence confidential. BROOKS COMPANY, 182 -J State St.. Marshall, Mich. fogged by adding too many words after the payoff. If the story you're telling happens to be one of those lengthy ones, with a complicated build-up, Ken points out an excellent way to hold the listener's interest. "I have found it helpful, in getting through a long story, to go through the motions of the story action," he says. "For instance, if you're telling how the fellow picked up a telephone and called his wife, actually go through the motions of picking up the phone and dialing it. This gives a sight picture and puts extra pepper and salt into the story." It's very hard for George Burns and Grade Allen to get very serious on the subject of humor — which is a serious enough topic if you earn your living by it! In fact, when I asked George how to tell a hilarious story, he threw up his hands. "When you try to tell a joke with Gracie mixed up in it, there's no right way or wrong way," he said. "Grade's sense of humor is thrown a little off balance by a dizzy sense of logic, which is also thrown off-balance by her dizzy little brain." Gracie made a slight sputtering noise. George winked at me, then turned to Gracie. "Just mention a word and I'll make a sentence using that word." DENCIL." suggested Gracie without a r moment's hesitation. "I have to wear suspenders," said George, "or my pencil fall down." Gracie gave one of her rippling laughs and said she could do that too. George suggested the word "razor." "Razor," said Gracie. "Oh, that's too easy, George. Just listen to this. A girl fell down. Who'll pick her up?" George made a grimace. "Gracie, 'Who'll razor?'— that's what you should have said." "Oh, but Daddy pawned the razor so he could buy a shaving brush." George winced and looked at me sorrowfully. "You see." he said, "for some people there may be a right way and a wrong way to tell a joke. But just remember this— for anybody, the wrong way is to tell a joke to Gracie." And have you a little Gracie in your home? Eddie Cantor stirs a glass of lemonade before going on his Texaco show. Ask yourself these frank questions — "Am I earning enough money to get married?" "Is there a prospect of my ever earning enough money to marry?" If the answer to both questions is "no," you are in a quandary! MAKE yourself worth more money! Many, many other bewildered men have found the answer in more training. This coupon was their very first step. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 2294-C, Scranton, Penna. Without cost, please send me full particulars about the subject before which I have marked X: TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES D Architect D Architectural Draftsman D Building Estimating □ Contractor and Builder □ Structural Draftsman Q Structural Engineer D Electrical Engineer □ Electric Lighting D Telegraph Engineer D Sanitary Engineer D Steam Engineer □ Marine Engineer D Bridge Engineer □ Bridge Foreman □ Building Foreman D Diesel Engines □ Aviation Engines D Automobile Work D Telephone Work D Radio Q Plumbing Q Steam Fitting D Heating Q Ventilation □ Air Conditioning □ Refrigeration O Pharmacy D R R. Locomotives D R. R. Section Foreman D R. R. Signalmen □ Air Brakes □ Coal Mining □ Chemistry Q Fruit Growing D Navigation □ Agriculture □ Management of Inventions □ Mechanical Engineer □ Mechanical Draftsman □ Patternmaker Q Machinist □ Foundry Practice □ Reading Shop Blueprints □ Heat Treatment of Metals D Sheet Metal Worker □ Welding, Electric and Gas D Civil Engineer □ Toolmaker D Cotton Manufacturing D Highway Engineer D Woolen Manufacturing D Surveying and Mapping □ Poultry Farming BUSINESS TRAINING COURSES D Business Management Q Business Correspondence D Industrial Management □ Lettering Show Cards □ Traffic Management □ Stenography and Typing D Cost Accountant □ Civil Service □ Mail Carrier D C. P. Accountancy D Railway Mail Clerk O Bookkeeping Q Signs D Grade School Subjects □ Secretarial Work D French D High School Subjects □ Salesmanship □ Spanish D College Preparatory □ Service Station Salesmanship □ First Year College Subjects a Advertising □ English □ Illustrating Q Cartooning DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSES D Professional Dressmaking D Millinery and Designing Q Foods and Cookery D Home Dressmaking Q Tea Room and Cafeteria D Advanced Dressmaking Management, Catering Name Age Address City State Present Position // you reside in Canada, send this coupon to the International Correspondence Schools Canadian, Limited, Montreal^ Canada. v£ C6&C& that COUGH before it Sets WORSE Check it before others (maybe the children) catch it! Check it with FOLEY'S HONEY & TAR, the doubleacting compound that gives quick relief and speeds recovery. It soothes raw, irritated tissues; quickly allays tickling, hacking. Spoonful makes for coughfree sleep. No stomach-upsetting drugs. Ideal for children, too. Don'tletthatcoughduetoacold hangon! For speedy relief 'and speeded-up recovery insist upon— imwm HONEYS TAR COMPOUND 103