Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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From Housewife To Hotel Hostess Helen Armitage, Hotel Hostess, Secures Position, Though She Knew Nothing About Hotel Work d Had No Business Experience. "Imagine my predicament. I had never been in business— I knew nothing about any trade or vocation. Then my situation became such as to make the finding of a position imperative. One day I read an advertisement, 'Be a Hotel Hostess,' and sent in the coupon. The Lewis Schools' book. 'YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY.' convinced me I could make good in this fascinating profession, and so I enrolled. Now I am Hostess of this lovely Nebraska hotel, earn a fine salary and have splendid opfortunities. All entirely due to my Lewis LeisureTime, Home-Study Training." Step Into a Weil-Paid Hotel Position Helen Armitage is but one of the many Lewis-Trained men and women holding well-paid hotel, club, restaurant and institutional positions. Registration FREE of extra cost in Lewis National Placement Service, which covers country thru special arrangement with the more than 23,000 Western Union offices. Write your name and address in margin, and mail this ad TODAY for Free Book, "Your Big Opportunity," which tells how to qualify for a well-paid position at home in leisure time. LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOLS Sta. PB-8953 Washington, D. C. IF I Send YOU THIS FINE SUIT Will You Wear It and Show It to Friends? I need a reliable man inyour town to wear a fine, madeto-measure, all-wool DEMONSTRATING SUIT— advertise my famona clothing— and take orders. Yon can make up to $12.00 in a day. My line contains over 150 quality woolens, all sensational values and guaranteed. Yon don't need experience or money. I supply everything required, FREE of extra cost. Write me today for FREE details. W. Z. GIBSON, Dept. P649, Chicago, Illinois. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x lO inches or smaller if desired. Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Safe return of original photo guaranteed. 47. 3 for $1.00 (any size) and within a week you will receive your beautiful enlargement, guaranteed fadeless. Pay postman 47c plus postage — or send 49c with order and we pay postage. Big 16x20inch enlargement sent C. O. D. 78c plus poetage or send SOc and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. Specify size wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS 104 S. Jefferson St, Dept. 1547-B CHICAGO. ILLINOIS r/^CRAY HAIR Remedy is Made at Home You can now make at home a better gray hair remedy than you can buy, by following this simple recipe: To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and one-fourth ounce of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it yourself at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. Barbo imparts color to streaked, faded or gray hair, makes it soft and glossy and takes years off your looks. It will not color scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. ON APPROVAL! W] TE DEFY you to tell this ring from one Icosting $300.00! To I prove it to you, we'll Isend it on for 25c down. I If you do not think it I the most exquisite piece I of jewelry you ever lowned ; if your friends Ido not marvel at the (glorious brilliance of jthe magnificent facsimile diamond, return 'it and we will refund your money. Wear 10 days at our risk. Compare with $50 rings; if delighted, continue payments of $1.50 monthly till the total balance of $0.00 is paid. Ring shipped postage fully paid to your door by return mail. Rush 25c in stamps or coin to MAID COUPON NOW BRADLEY, DEPT. 382, NEWTON, MASS. Here's 25c. RUSH My Ring Today. Name Address RADIO M I RROR Put Magic in Your Baking (Continued from page 54) Dumplings 2 cups flour 4 tsp. baking powder Vi tsp. salt 2 tsp. butter }i cup milk Sift flour, salt and baking powder. Work in butter and add milk gradually, beating until smooth. Drop by teaspoon into the stew, cover closely and steam for twelve minutes. Be sure the dumplings rest on the meat and cannot sink into the liquid, as this causes them to be heavy. When guests drop in unexpectedly around dinner time does the problem of a last minute dessert trouble you? It needn't, if you will follow Ma Perkins' advice. Her answer to the problem is cherry cobbler, which can be put together as quickly as the traditional cherry pie. Just be sure to keep on the supply shelf a can of cherries, a box of prepared biscuit mixture and a bottle of almond flavoring. Cherry Cobbler I can cherries 1 cup prepared biscuit flour 1 tbl. sugar 1 cup milk Butter Almond flavoring Drain the juice from the cherries and place cherries in a buttered baking dish. Dot with butter, sprinkle lightly with sugar and add a few drops _ of almond flavoring. Set baking dish in oven so cherries will heat through. Mix the biscuit flour and sugar, stir in the milk gradually, pour mixture over cherries and bake in moderate oven until crust is brown and cooked through. While the cobbler is baking, heat the cherry juice in a double boiler, add one tablespoon of butter and thicken with two teaspoons of flour made into a paste with cold water. Cook until the sauce reaches the desired consistency. Just before serving stir in half a teaspoon of almond flavoring. We have saved the best for the last this month — a spice cake as delicious as any that Grandmother used to devote an entire day to preparing, but which is simplicity itself to make. Spice Cake Y cup butter 1 cup sugar I egg 1 cup cooked pumpkin 1 cup milk 2 cups cake flour \l/z tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. cloves Yi tsp. nutmeg Ya tsp. salt Yi cup chopped nut meats. Yz cup raisins. Cream the butter, and add sugar gradually. Beat in egg and pumpkin. Sift dry ingredients together and add alternately with milk. Fold in nuts and raisins. Bake in buttered loaf pan in moderate oven, about fifty minutes. Cool and cover with orange walnut icing. Orange Walnut Icing 3 tbl. butter 2 cups powdered sugar 2 tbl. lemon juice 2 tbl. orange juice 1 tsp. grated orange rind Chopped walnut meats Cream the butter, and add sugar gradually. Add orange and lemon juice and orange rind. As soon as the cake is iced, Blondes? Browns? HAIR TOO DARK? Lighten 2-3-4 Shades With One New Swedish Shampoo and Rinse — No Dye Nor Bleach Blondes! Browns! Chestnuts! Redheads! Here's good news! No longer need you sacrifice the admiration, the alluring appeal and popularity that go with* naturally soft, golden-toned light hair. With New Blondex, the fascinating new Swedish Shampoo-Rinse, a single shampoo, followed with the New Blondex Special Rinse (supplied free), will lighten your hair 2 to 4 shades — at a cost of but a few cents. Safely, too. New Blondex brings out the full lustrous natural color and the shimmering highlights that your hair used to have, without dye or bleach. Gone is the dull, drab, oil and dust-darkened color that makes you look old. Get Blondex today. New combination package, shampoo with free rinse, now also in a 10c size at all stores. T^BLONMX SHFAoMRp^L^SE No. Joke To Be Deaf —Every deaf person knows that— Mr. Way made himself hear his watch tick after being deaf for twenty 6 ve years, with his Artl , tidal Ear Drams. He wore them day and night. jTney stopped his head ~ noises. They are Invisible ' and comfortable, no wires or batteries. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Write for TRUE STORY. Also booklet on Deafness. Artificial Ear Drum 1 THE WAY COMPANY 719 Hofmann Bldg. Detroit, Michigan CLEANS WALLS NEW WAY! Ends Drudgery ... Sells on Sight AMAZING NEW WAIX CLEANER. Revolutionary invention. Banishes old-style housecleaning mess and mass forever. No dirty rags— no sticky "dough" — no red, swollen hands. No more dangerous stepladders. Literally erases dirt like magic from wallpaper and painted walls. Also cleans window shades, upholstered furniture, , without work. SAVES kEDECORATTNG! Ap i E roved by Good Housekeeping Institute! ow priced. Lasts for years. Housewives wild about it-buy on sight. AGENTS WANTED. Hustlers cleaning up big money. CAM PI F firrFR" Samples sent at onr risk OHIIirLC. urrui. to nrst person in each locality who writes. No obligation. Get details. Be first— send in your """« T0DAY KRISTEE MFG. CO.. 432 Bar St, Akron. 0. & MANY FOLKS NOW SAY THE NEW PE-RU-NA The Great New ColdFighter Often Wins Fight With a Cold f By Helping to Build Up ^T^i "^ i Cold-Fighting Resistance druggists ^ £ r —SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE* — . ^ or free sample bottle of The NEW i^N^fc ERUNA, address PERUNA, 544 !■■■ faj Fo ■■■■l PE . S. Wells St., Chicago, III. Dept. 162. I OLD FACES MADE YOUNG! YOU can look lO to 15 Years Younger. S Minutes a day Keeps Wrinkles Away. This new sensational home method of Facial Rejuvenation Sent on Trial— You Risk Nothing. Helps to correct age lines, hollow cheeks, and preserves youthful contour of face and neck. No cosmetics . Women, men, all ages, write for thrilling Book and Facial Analysis Chart.both sent FREE in plain wrapper. PAULINE PALMER. 143SB Armour Blvd.,KansasCity,Mo, 104