Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Many Never Suspect Cause Of Backaches This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. Most people pass about 3 pints a day or about 3 pounds of waste. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning shows there may be something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. An excess of acids or poisons in your blood, when due to functional kidney disorders, may be the cause of nagging backache, rheumatic pains, lumbago, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. THE IRRESISTIBLE PERFUME— DESIR D' AMOUR Love's Desire ... an enchanting: exotic perfume of irresistible charm clinging for hours as lovers loath to part. Just a tiny drop is enough. Full size bottle only 98c or $1.32 C.O.D. One bottle FREE if two are ordered. French Roy, Box 131, Varick Sta. New York, N. Y. Dept. 198 LET'S GO PLACES AND DO THINGS MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED Men — Women — Don't act old. Feel Young again — full of pep and youth ful ambition. "Step out and do things." Take ANGELA MATE. Harmless, no injurious drugs or dope. Delicious and stimulating. Praised by thousands and approved by many PhysicianB. Six weeks supply. $1; C. O. D. plus postage. North American Male Co., Dept. 27A, 120 Green wich St., N.Y.C. A ■ %#■—*.! SEND NO SEND NAME AND ADDRESS GIVEN SSliVn ladies gffl„bi?e 34-pc. cherry blossom green or pink colored Glass Dinner Set. Or big cash commission— YOURS for Simply Giving Away FREE big colored pictures with well known WHITE CLOVERINE SALVE used for burns, chaps, sores, etc., easily sold to friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and remitting per catalog. SPECIAL— Choice of many other gifts. Our 42nd year. Be First. Write today for 12 boxes Salve. Wilson Chem. Co., Inc., Dept. 65-W, Tyrone, Pa. LIPSTICKS rami ^itl out coupon and mail TODAY FREE . . . your chance to discover new allure by finding the right shade for your lips! Three full trial sizes of the famous Rejuvia Lipstick . . , each in a new seductive color . . . sent upon receipt of 10^ in stamps to cover mailing cost. For beauty's sake, ACT NOW! REJUVIA LIPSTICK REJUVIA BEAUTY LABS.. DEPT6>3, 395 B'WAY, N.Y.C. Send me 3 trial size Rejuvia lipsticks; enclosed find 10c (Stamps ot Coin) for mailing cost. NAME ADDRESS sprinkle with the chopped walnut meats. / know you -will want the other magic recipes Ma Perkins wrote down and gave me, including those for drop doughnuts and pineapple upside down cake. Also, if you are not already familiar with the prepared flours which need only the addition of milk or water to make delicious pie, cake, muffins, cookies, shortcakes and meat pie I shall be glad to tell you about them. Just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request to Mrs. Margaret Simpson, Radio Mirror, 122 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Don't Act Your Age (Continued from page 37) which have been worked into the Town Hall broadcasts. Allen urged him to write some sketches for himself on the Hour of Smiles. "But if I tried to do that," Walter told me, "I think I'd be overstepping myself." His attitude toward the press raves which Fred Allen is always bringing him for his scrapbook is as typically modest. "They don't mean I'm good," he says, "they just mean my press agent is earning his salary." If he pays any attention to his press notices, it is to the rare ones that don't laud him to the skies. He was perturbed over a rather flippant description of himself recently and said. "I don't like that. It will lead people to believe I think a lot of myself, and that isn't true." He doesn't have to think a lot of Walter Tetley. Others do it for him. Jack Johnstone, author of the Buck Rogers series and of Walter's new CBS program, the Treasure Adventures of Jack Masters, confessed that he hated kids and didn't think there was another youngster in the game besides Walter that he could have worked with for three years and still like. Helen Hayes' father wrote the star of The New Penny last year that the show wasn't worth listening to when Walter wasn't in it. Walter was written back into the script in a hurry. I can't help but think that much of Walter's success is due to his mother's judicious policy of keeping in the background. There are so many meddling mothers in the professional world that the exception is a distinct asset to a child prodigy. Mrs. Tetley has always accompanied Walter to the studio, but there she becomes his business manager and not his mother. She never goes into an audition or rehearsal with him. He had to learn early to stand on his own feet. "They hire Walter, not me," she explains. "In my generation, children were raised to be seen and not heard. But that wouldn't be very good radio training for a child. So I have brought Walter up on the theory that parents should not be seen — or heard. I try never to put myself forward. Some of the stars who are very fond of Walter — Leslie Howard and Helen Hayes for instance — wouldn't even recognize me if they saw me." The supercilious attitude many gifted children acquire in the limelight is strangely lacking in Walter off the air, though he apes it to perfection in comedy broadcasts. I sought an explanation of this, and his mother told me that she has taught him from infancy that he is a servant of the public, and that he must always consider the audience's wishes before his own. Consequently, he looks up to his public, never feels superior to them. When he played at the Palladium in London, the manager told him afterwards, "What I like about you is you play to the gallery. And when you've got the gallery Learn to Make $30.$50,$75aWEEK JMioom t/ou at harm m Apam iiAWb Do you want to make more money? Broadcasting stations employ engineers, operators, station managers and pay up to $5,000 a year. Spare time Radio set servicing pays as much as $200 to $500 a year — full time servicing jobs pay as much as $30, $50, $75 a week. Many Radio Experts own their own full or part time Radio businesses. Radio manufacturers and jobbers employ testers, inspectors, foremen, engineers, servicemen, paying up to $6,000 a year. Radio operators on ships get good pay and see the world. Automobile, police, aviation, commercial Radio, and loud speaker systems offer good opportunities now and for the future. Television promises many good jobs soon. Men I trained have good jobs in these branches of Radio. Many Make $5, $10, $15 a Week Extra in Spare Time While Learning Practically every neighborhood needs a good spare time serviceman. The day you enroll I start sending you Extra Money Job Sheets. They show you how to do Radio repair jobs that you can cash in on quickly. Throughout your training I send plans and ideas that have made good spare time money for hundreds of fellows. I send special equipment which gives you practical experience — shows you how to conduct experiments and build circuits which illustrate important Radio principles. "When I completed 20 lessons, I obtained my Radio Broadcast Operator's license and immediately joined Station WMPC, where I am now Chief Operator."— H O LL I S F. HAYES, 85 Madison St., Lapeer, Mich. Own rmm Business *7" 2 Pays Jr S300 ' a Month i "I now have my own Radio business, which shows three hundred dollars a month profit — thanks again to National Radio." FRANK T. REESE, 39 N. Felton St., Philadelphia, Penna. Earned $50 First Month in Spare Time "I knew nothing: about Radio. After four lessons I began servicing Radios, earning $50 the first month. Last winter I made as high as $100 a month in spare time."— G. F. WALTON, 808 West Olney Road, Norfolk, Va. Find Out What Radio Offers You— Mail Coupon Mail the coupon now for "Rich Rewards in Radio." It's free to any fellow over 16 years old. It describes Radio's spare time and full time opportunities, also those coming in Television; tells about my Training in Radio and Television, shows you actual letters from men I have trained, telling what they are doing and earning; tells about my Money-Back Agreement. MAIL COUPON in an envelope, or paste on a postcard — NOW! J. E. SMITH, President Dept. 7BT National Radio Institute Washington, D. C. J. E. Smith, President, Dept. 7BT, National Radio Institute, Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Smith: Without obligating me, send "Rich Rewards in Radio," which points out the spare time and full time opportunities in Radio and explains your 50-50 method of training men at home in spare time to become Radio experts. (Please Write Plainly.) NAME AGE CITY STATE.. in=i