Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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HORACE HEIDT'S HARPIST— From the city of San Francisco comes a girl with a lyric voice and a gift for playing the most romantic of all instruments, the harp. Lysbeth was found by maestro Heidt when he heard her playing chamber music in a small orchestra. Now he features her at New York's Biltmore hotel and on his CBS programs. mm MERRY MERI BELL— Brought up in a convent, Meri Bell was pretty enough to interest movie studios in her, but they always hired her to double in pictures for the singing sequences of stars like Kay Francis, Joan Blondell and Jean Harlow. Guy Lombardo started her in radio. Now she sings on CBS's Five Star Revue with tenor Morton Bowe. I .cicv She recently or making people louot. • ad-o« ■«*•£, "«,d•„ ft. douoMer « ,„„, ft,„ ^^[ however, Sunloy "»«« FOR YOUR 28