Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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JOE PENNER'S JOY— As pretty as her name, Hodges has a striking resemblance to lovely in Crawford in the sophisticated smartness ich is the keynote of her dress. Joy sings on Penner's CBS program Sundays and is the :alist for Jimmy Grier's popular band. She'll >n be seen as well as heard, in the movies. SINGER-COMEDIENNE RAYE— Martha Raye, featured on Al Jolson's Tuesday night program on CBS, is sometimes described as a cross between the late Marie Dressier and Clara Bow. She has more beaux than most Hollywood glamor girls, but puts a career before marriage. She plays golf and tennis when she's not busy singing. NBCS VOU^HJCKO^TWW^g NBC serial about ^TJ Wisconsin, and hes TEA TIME'S HOST DON M^^,^" te radio and '^SeX *' " '"^ * dent at MarqaeHo^ Umvoy rt lo TL Master ^{SX. at U'relVsNBC Friday program, lea RADIO SCRAPBOOK 29