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For broadcast time of Marion's program, see page 54.
Raphael G. Wolff, Inc.
my determination to drop it all. It was a long time coming. It was the result of an accumulation of mental and physical fatigue. My work had become distasteful. So I chucked it. Why not?
Contrary to newspaper reports I did not retire to rusticate on my Kansas farm. I went abroad with my mother and studied music. I indulged in an orgy of relaxation, a luxury I'd never before enjoyed. I married my singing teacher. I was free. Free to get up when I pleased, work when I pleased, play when I pleased. Free to go where I liked when I liked. Free! You can't know, until you've been denied it, what it means just to be free!
Like everything else you have too much of, though, even freedom palls. After a while, when I had savored the delights of freedom to the full, and was perhaps a trifle surfeited, I began to have vague thoughts of returning to professional work. My family and my friends urged me to do
so. I knew I should. But I hesitated — because I was afraid. Four years is a long time. The public's memory is short. Had I been forgotten? Was there still a place for me?
I imagine a lot of people who retire — retire from anything, business, a career, a profession — would much rather content themselves with just thinking they can step back again any time they choose rather than take a chance of trying it and finding they can't. That's a horrible suspicion.
Perhaps I should have been elated when my agent told me he had signed a picture contract for me. But I wasn't. I was terrified. I was so upset I couldn't sleep. Certainly I couldn't sing. Then I was told I was to take off twenty pounds before I could start work. Joyful news! Joyful because it would delay the dread day when once more I would return to work! But there was another reason — and one I'm a little more proud of — why I welcomed the order.
Here was a tangible problem. (Continued on pagetiA)