Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR .j ••!. p„od'B Cold Cream.' To keep skin young looking — learn how lo invigorate your UNDER SKIN Hard to believe — but those little lines that look as if they'd been creased into your skin from the outside, actually begin underneath! First, hundreds of little cells, fibres and blood vessels underneath begin to function poorly. Then, the under tissues sag. That's what makes your outside skin fall into creases. The same way with dull, dry skin ! It's little oil glands underneath that function faultily — and rob your outside skin of the oil it needs to keep it supple, young looking. But think! — You can invigorate those failing under tissues! You can start those faulty oil glands func daughter of Mrs. Henry Latrobe Roosevelt of Washington, D. C, says: WA treatment with Pond's Cold Cream whisks away tired lines — and tones my skin." tioning busily again. That's why you need not be discouraged when lines and skin dryness begin. Start to rouse your underskin with Pond's "deep-skin" treatments. Soon you'll see lines smoothing out, skin getting supple, young looking again. Every night, pat Pond's Cold Cream into your skin. Its specially processed fine oils go deep, loosen dirt and make-up. Wipe it all off. Now the rousing treatment — more Pond's Cold Cream briskly patted in. Feel the blood tingling! Your skin is glowing . . . softer. Feels toned already! You are waking up that underskin. Every morning, and during the day, repeat. Your skin is smooth for powder. Do this regularly. Soon tissues grow firm again. Lines fade out. Your skin is smooth — supple. It looks years younger! SPECIAL 9-TREATMENT TUBE and 3 other Pond's Beauty Aids POND'S, Dept. 8' RM-CC, Clinton, Conn. Rush special tube ot Pond's Cold Cream, enough for 9 treatments, with generous samples of 2 other Pond'f Creams and 5 different shades of Pond's Face Powder. I enclose 10*! to cover postage and packing. Name. Street_ City_ _State_ Copyright, 1937, Pond's Extract Company 57